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"Dream - Indonesia's Independence Day is a sacred moment that we celebrate every year with full spirit and pride. On August 17th, all Indonesian people unite in one feeling, remembering the struggles of the heroes who sacrificed for the independence we enjoy today. As a nation rich in culture and tradition, welcoming this historic day in a unique and distinctive way is one form of our respect. One of them is by giving independence greetings in regional languages, such as Javanese in the form of the words 17 August in Javanese."

Expressions like \

40 Words of August 17 in Javanese that Have Deep Meaning, Unique Expressions Suitable for Sharing on Social Media

"Additionally, Dream friends can also share words of August 17 in Javanese on social media that are guaranteed to capture the hearts of your followers. Now, here are the words of August 17 in Javanese that can inspire you as summarized by Dream from various sources."

Words of August 17 in Javanese that Have Deep Meaning

Words of August 17 in Javanese that Have Deep Meaning

"Don't let it be an excuse for war and to sever our love. Build strength. Happy 79th anniversary of the Republic of Indonesia."

"Dadia bedane dadi kaunikan ing bangsa lan negara supaya katon endah mawarna-warni, lan aja ndadak bedane minangka kebanggaan ing sejatine pikir lan tumindak amarga beda-beda kang njalari perpecahan kang ngrusak bangsa lan negara. Mandiri!"If we feel free, then the feelings of lack and powerlessness are no longer present. Happy 79th Anniversary of the Republic of Indonesia!"Long live the Republic of Indonesia. A great nation is a nation that provides space for expression, that grants freedom to work, and that respects each individual. Happy 79th Anniversary of the Republic of Indonesia!""

"The sophistication of weaponry is not a measure, as strong determination is the main capital to achieve noble goals. Happy 79th Independence Day of the Republic of Indonesia. Until now, our struggle must continue despite various obstacles. Let’s work together to build cultural awareness so that Indonesia can develop sustainably. Happy Independence Day of the Republic of Indonesia. Ignite the spirit, overcome fear, and start moving towards the goal of achieving freedom. Once free, always free!"

Here is the translated text while preserving the HTML tags: "What are our shortcomings: our shortcomings are that we lack self-confidence as a nation, thus we become a nation that imitates foreign countries, do not trust each other, even though originally we are all cooperative. The spirit of independence day!"Our country is rich, rich, siblings. Big-hearted, imaginative. Money! Work! High! Work! We are one of the most beautiful homelands in the world. Long live Indonesia!"The red and white flag flies, beautifully waving, our fighting spirit continues to blaze, to achieve a prosperous and peaceful Indonesia. Long live my Indonesia!""

"Brother White flies high, our nationalism spirit remains eternal. Happy Independence Day to my beloved country, Indonesia.""

40 Words of August 17 in Javanese that Have Deep Meaning, Unique Expressions Suitable for Sharing on Social Media

Sure! Here’s the translation of the provided 'Bahasa' text into 'English', while preserving the HTML tags: "Under the shade of the Red and White Flag, we unite and work for Indonesia. Long live Indonesia!"Happy 79th Independence Day of the Republic of Indonesia! With the spirit of independence, let us face the challenges ahead."Happy Independence Day Indonesia. Let us take a moment to reflect on the struggles of the heroes who have fallen for the nation."Let us celebrate the 79th Independence Day of Indonesia with the spirit of struggle and nationalism!"Indonesia needs a young generation that does not just say 'Happy Indonesia', let us prove our spirit of nationalism through real actions to safeguard our independence!""

"Ayo kita ngrayakake momen kamardikan Indonesia iki kanthi mikirake kabeh masalah bangsa. Apa bangsa kita wis bener-bener wis "merdeka"? Yen ora, tugas sabanjure yaiku berjuang kanggo kamardikan kasebut!"Indonesia mardika amarga persatuan. Kanthi njaga persatuan lan kesatuan bangsa, kita uga bakal njaga kamardikan Indonesia. Jayalah Indonesia!"Minangka bangsa Indonesia, kita kabeh nduweni tanggung jawab kanggo nerusake perjuangan heroik kamardikan. Muga-muga momen HUT Kemerdekaan Indonesia sing kaping 79 iki bisa dadi pangeling-eling kanggo kita kabeh kanggo njaga negara iki."

"Sugeng Republik Indonesia ingkang kaping 79, Jayalah Negeriku, Bangkitlah Bangsaku." "Happy Independence Day of the Republic of Indonesia, 79th anniversary in 2024." "Aside from being free from colonialism, the independence of the Indonesian nation embodies a celebration of unity." "Now we can laugh freely, fighting for dreams as high as freedom. But we must diligently study to continue the struggle for Indonesia's independence." "Like the red and white flag, I pray that Indonesia can soar higher in all aspects." "There is nothing more precious than freedom and independence, Happy Independence Day RI 79th anniversary in 2024."

"Mardika is our right forever. Let's fight, work, and unite for the Indonesian Nation. Happy Indonesian Independence Day."

40 Words of August 17 in Javanese that Have Deep Meaning, Unique Expressions Suitable for Sharing on Social Media

Sure! Here is the translated text with the HTML tags preserved: ```html "Ayo kita ngrayakake HUT Kemerdekaan Indonesia kaping 79 kanthi semangat perjuangan sing kobong lan terus nuwuhake semangat nasionalisme kanggo bangsa sing tentrem saklawase." "Kamardikan ora akhir saka perjuangan, tapi titik gawe mulai perjuangan sing luweh atos. Sugeng Dinten Kamardikan RI ingkang kaping 79 taun 2024." "Muga-muga semangat gotong royong lan kebersamaan terus thukul ing uripe Bangsa Indonesia. Sugeng Dinten Kamardikan RI ingkang kaping 79 taun 2024." "Siji bangsa, siji mimpi, siji awak. Ora ana bangsa sing sempurna, kabeh kudu di jajal. Sugeng Dinten Kamardikan RI ingkang kaping 79 taun 2024." ``` Translation: "Let's celebrate the 79th anniversary of Indonesia's Independence with the spirit of struggle that burns and continues to foster the spirit of nationalism for a peaceful nation forever." "Freedom is not the end of the struggle, but the starting point for a more difficult struggle. Happy 79th Independence Day of the Republic of Indonesia in 2024." "May the spirit of mutual cooperation and togetherness continue to grow in the life of the Indonesian nation. Happy 79th Independence Day of the Republic of Indonesia in 2024." "One nation, one dream, one body. There is no perfect nation; everything must be tested. Happy 79th Independence Day of the Republic of Indonesia in 2024."

```html "

The 17th of August is not just about sack races or eating contests. It is more than that. The 17th of August is to commemorate the services of the heroes and to foster national unity. Long live the Republic of Indonesia.

Stay united. Do not be divided. Achieve your dreams for a bright future. Reach the best achievements and make this nation proud. Happy Independence Day!

Indonesia is strong, Indonesia is developing. Happy 79th Independence Day of the Republic of Indonesia in 2024.

We must maintain the spirit of patriotism, shining from our dignity. Proud to be an Indonesian nation. Free!

" ```

"Pisan mardika tetep mardika! 79 taun mardika wajib dadi waktu gawe muhasabah gawe kita dadi bangsa sing luwih becik! Sugeng Dinten Kamardikan RI ingkang kaping 79 taun 2024." "Perjuwangane bangsa Indonesia ora mung saka jaman biyen. Dina iki, sesuk, lan ing salawas-lawase. perjuangan kita durung rampung. Ayo bebarengan berjuang kanggo Indonesia sing adil lan makmur. Sugeng Indonesia!" "Isih ana setitik pangarep-arep, impen sing kita jaga. Isih ana cita-cita sing bisa kita barengi. Kamardikan ora mung ritual, nanging acara kanggo mbangun bangsa. Sugeng dinten kamardikan Indonesia ingkang kaping 79!"

"Tansah kangen lan tresna marang Negara Republik Indonesia. Urip Republik Indonesia, biyen merdeka, isih merdeka!" translates to: "Always miss and love the Republic of Indonesia. Long live the Republic of Indonesia, once free, still free!"

40 Words of August 17 in Javanese that Have Deep Meaning, Unique Expressions Suitable for Sharing on Social Media

"Sugeng dinten kamardikan Indonesia ingkang kaping 79! Momen bersejarah menika dados motivasi putra-putri Indonesia supados terus maju, berkarya, berprestasi, lan berinovasi kangge Indonesia ingkang langkung sae." "Lara saka perjuangan iku cuma sedelok, tapi nek awakmu kepingin menyerah, rasa lara iku tetep kerasa saklawase. Mardika!" Translation: "Happy 79th Independence Day of Indonesia! This historic moment serves as motivation for the sons and daughters of Indonesia to continue advancing, creating, achieving, and innovating for a better Indonesia." "The pain from the struggle is just a glimpse, but if you want to give up, that pain will always be felt. Independence!"

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