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6 Doa Agar Diteguhkan Iman dari Berbagai Godaan Buruk, Kemaksiatan dan Kesesatan

"6 Prayers to Strengthen Faith from Various Temptations, Evils, and Misguidance"

Dream - Prayer has an extraordinary role in strengthening someone's faith. Allah SWT mentions in various verses of the Quran that He commands His servants to pray to Him, including to strengthen their faith against various temptations. Allah says, "Seek help through patience and prayer. Indeed, it is difficult except for the humbly submissive [to Allah]" (Surah Al-Baqarah: 45).

In the following verse, Allah explains that through prayer, a person will be able to face all trials and challenges in their life. This includes when faced with various misleading temptations. Considering that humans are easily tempted creatures, this is why we need to seek His protection in order to strengthen our faith.

The role of prayer in keeping Muslims away from various temptations and sins is something that needs to be understood. Allah SWT says, "Be patient. Surely, the promise of Allah is true. Do not let the humiliation of those who do not believe in His promise turn you away from Allah." (QS. Al-Mu'minun verse 118) Allah SWT reminds the Muslim community to maintain their faith and always remember His promise so as not to fall into temptations and deviations around them. Therefore, it is important to pray for the strengthening of faith against various bad temptations. Here is the prayer that needs to be practiced:

1. Prayer to Strengthen Faith against Various Evil Temptations

As a Muslim, there are many temptations to fall into bad temptations. In order to avoid bad temptations, Sahabat Dream can recite the following prayer quoted from Al-Quran Surah Al-Imran verse 8: رَبَّنَا لَا تُزِغْ قُلُوبَنَا بَعْدَ إِذْ هَدَيْتَنَا وَهَبْ لَنَا مِن لَّدُنكَ رَحْمَةً إِنَّكَ أَنتَ الْوَهَّابُ Rabbana laa tuzigh quluubanaa ba'da idh hadaitanaa wahablanaa min ladunka rahmatan innaka antal wahhaab.

Translation: "Meaning: 'Our Lord, do not let us deviate after You have guided us and grant us mercy from Your presence. Indeed, You are the Bestower.'"

6 Prayers to Strengthen Faith from Various Temptations, Misdeeds, and Misguidance

2. Prayer to Strengthen Faith from Sin

Allahumma innā nas'aluka at-taubata wa ad-dawāmahā, wa na'udhu bika min al-ma'ṣiyati wa asbābihā, wa dhakkirnā bi-l-khaufi mina qabla hujūmi khaṭarātihā, wa ḥmilhu 'alān najāti minhā wa minat-tafakkuri fī ṭarā'iqihā, wa amḥil min qulūbinā ḥalāwata majtabaināhā, wa stabdilhā bil-karāhati lahā, wa aṭ-ṭam'i limā huwa bi dhiddihā. The translation is as follows: "O Allah, we ask You for repentance and its continuity, and we seek refuge in You from sinful acts and their consequences. Remind us of the fear of You before we are overwhelmed by the dangers of these acts. Help us to attain salvation from them and from the thoughts that lead to them. Remove from our hearts the sweetness of what we have indulged in and replace it with dislike for it and aversion to what is contrary to it."


3. Prayer to Strengthen Faith against Various Temptations

The establishment of a person's attitude towards religion can change over time. The temptation of Satan will envelop every child of Adam. This is why it is important for us to always pray to Him to strengthen our faith. This prayer is quoted from Surah Al Imran verse 147. "Our Lord, forgive us our sins and our excesses in our affairs and plant firmly our feet and give us victory over the disbelieving people."

6 Prayers to Strengthen Faith from Various Temptations, Misdeeds, and Misguidance

Translation: "Meaning: 'Our Lord, forgive our sins and our actions, and establish our position, and help us against the disbelievers.'"

4. Prayer to Strengthen Faith against Various Evil Temptations

The following is a translation of the given 'Bahasa' text to 'English' while preserving any html tags: "The following is a prayer to strengthen faith against various bad temptations from a hadith narrated by Imam Muslim no. 2654: Allahumma yaa musarafal quluubi sarafna quluubana 'alaa tha'atika. It means: 'O Allah, the One who inclines hearts, incline our hearts to be obedient to You.'"


5. Prayer to Strengthen Faith from Various Temptations

In order for us to be more steadfast in embracing Islam, Sahabat Dream can read the prayer of firmness in faith based on the hadith narrated by Imam Ahmad as follows: Translation: "O Allah, the One who turns the hearts, strengthen my heart in Your religion."

6. Prayer to Strengthen Faith against Various Temptations

The following text is a quote from Surah Al Kahf, verse 10 of the Quran. "رَبَّنَا آتِنَا مِن لَّدُنكَ رَحْمَةً وَهَيِّئْ لَنَا مِنْ أَمْرِنَا رَشَدًا" translates to: "Our Lord, grant us mercy from Yourself and prepare for us from our affair right guidance."

6 Prayers to Strengthen Faith from Various Temptations, Misdeeds, and Misguidance

That is a collection of prayers to strengthen faith from various bad temptations that Sahabat Dream can offer. Hopefully, by praying the above prayers, we can all be protected from various bad temptations around us.

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