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60 Quotes Kenangan Sekolah yang Bikin Nostalgia, Auto Pingin Balik Lagi ke Masa-Masa Itu

"60 School Memories Quotes that Bring Nostalgia, Automatically Make You Want to Go Back to Those Times"

The following is the translation of the provided 'Bahasa' text to 'English' while preserving any HTML tags: "In school days, there are many unique, funny, and precious experiences that are difficult to forget until now."

Dream - School days are often missed by those who are no longer sitting in school. Whether it's at the elementary, junior high, or high school level, each has its own memories. There are good, bad, and funny memories. Whether it's with friends, teachers, or school staff. What do Dream's friends usually do to alleviate their longing for school days? Maybe you can visit your school and meet with the teachers. Or you can also share school memory quotes through social media as captions.

You can post photos of school memories and provide quotes about those school memories. This can make your friends from school automatically join in nostalgia.

60 School Memory Quotes That Make You Nostalgic, Instantly Want to Go Back to Those Times
60 School Memory Quotes That Make You Nostalgic, Instantly Want to Go Back to Those Times

Well, here are some school memories quotes that can inspire you as summarized by Dream through

Quotes Kenangan Sekolah yang Bikin Nostalgia

"Quotes Kenangan Sekolah yang Bikin Nostalgia" translates to "School Memories Quotes that Bring Nostalgia."

"Missing school! Missing being given math homework, missing being given physics formula homework, and even missing meeting that someone."

"When a new teacher comes, the first thing to do is to ask various unimportant questions so that time can be passed without discussing lessons." "I miss the school days, when the biggest problem was just the piling up of homework, not the burden of life that made me depressed." "Now I miss school, later I will miss the school holidays." "I miss the elementary school days where one of the most headache-inducing problems in life was memorizing the chapters of BPUPKI and PPKI that often got mixed up."

"The most enjoyable thing about teaching is the arrival of internship students. Because it makes the lessons feel fresher and more refreshing." "Missing the old school days. Where the biggest problem was only math homework and report cards taken by friends just to check the names of parents." "Feeling nostalgic about gathering and having fun with friends full of memories." "I don't know why every rain makes me miss the school days. How troublesome it was to go to school wearing a raincoat, not to mention wet uniforms and feeling cold in the classroom."

"Missing the school days, where asking for permission to go to the toilet ended up praying the morning prayer. " "Do you still remember? When we spent time together without knowing the time. Even though I don't know where, hopefully you have now achieved the dreams we often talked about."

60 School Memory Quotes That Make You Nostalgic, Instantly Want to Go Back to Those Times

"At school, we learn basic subjects, learn to socialize, and learn to understand other people's feelings. But out of everyone, he is one of those whose feelings I understand the least." "This longing feels so heavy. Even though it has only been a few days, it feels like the school holiday has been going on for months. I miss school, friends, and him." "Missing the school days, feels like playing hide and seek with the teacher." "Missing childhood, missing school days, missing you too.""

"Is that place still there? The place where he sat to simply unwind and I watched him from afar." "At the school gate, I remember the first time I saw you, full of vibrant and beautiful light on your face. What I felt at that moment might be called love at first sight." "Missing the school days, Indonesian language lessons: One plus one equals two. You and I, there should be no one else."

"During class, instead of listening to the teacher, I wrote my crush's name on my hand with a pen. Oh, I miss school days." "Sometimes I miss school days, waking up only thinking about what subject we have today."

60 School Memory Quotes That Make You Nostalgic, Instantly Want to Go Back to Those Times

"School not only teaches me lessons and history. But also a different calling for my name." "Boring uniforms, untidy ties, mismatched socks, many empty class hours, killer teachers, favorite teachers, many classes, one school, millions of memories." "I think that holding back laughter when with friends is the most challenging thing." "When scolded by the most calm famous teacher at school, makes me feel the most guilty."

"Until now, when I recall my school days, I still smile because I miss it." "Romantic relationships in school are short-lived. However, it is in school where the true meaning of love is taught, without considering background, wealth, or position." "New uniform. New bag. New books. But old silly friends. School is the most beautiful part of my life." "On the day before a long holiday, even though I only carry a bag without any books or stationery, I feel that day is so heavy."

"Singing silly songs with friends in the school hallway is one of the fondest memories in school." "I still think I have a life in school, even though I am already 25 years old."

60 School Memory Quotes That Make You Nostalgic, Instantly Want to Go Back to Those Times

"Happiness is when you have a test, but the teacher doesn't show up." "When you get a good grade on a test and show it to your parents, and they just say, 'It's unusual for you to get a good grade.' The pain is here." "Actually, sometimes we are confused by the teacher's thinking. When we are late, they usually get angry, but we are actually happy when they come late to teach." "One of the joys of being a student is going home early." "Missing friends, missing the teacher, but not missing the lessons." "

"When a pen falls in the classroom, in an instant it will move to another dimension." "A student asked his teacher why there is only one sun. Then one of his friends answered, one is enough to burn my skin, what more if there are two." "Honestly, until now I have never used a rubber eraser from new to finish because it disappears after just one use, and I often see it mutilated into several pieces and then one by one they disappear." "I miss the time when I used to go home from school and watch Si Unyil." "

"The thing I wanted when I was in school was to quickly become an adult and have my own life. But now I actually miss the time when I was in school."

60 School Memory Quotes That Make You Nostalgic, Instantly Want to Go Back to Those Times

"Missing the classroom atmosphere that's like a market every day, there's always someone causing a ruckus." "High school days bring many stories, wounds, and precious memories." "Life is about learning. If you stop, then you die." "There is a dangerous disease, but it doesn't involve blood in psychology, which is when we see our partner cheating right in front of our eyes." "After getting to know you, I have difficulty studying math, because I'm added with you, so it becomes us. A popular pick-up line when we were still in school."

"Missing UKS (Health Unit) and having a killer teacher who teaches." "What we experience for friends can sometimes be tiring and annoying, but that's what makes friendship have beautiful value." "National exams are the smallest part of the test of life." "I wrote a love letter to you in the essay section of the exam. That's why I didn't pass the general retake." "There is no more beautiful time than school days, there is no more beautiful story than the story of love in school."

"The greatest gift in going to school is friendship, and I have found it. A close friendship that can keep us together for a very long time."

60 School Memory Quotes That Make You Nostalgic, Instantly Want to Go Back to Those Times

"From all the teachers, the teacher with the position of student affairs head is the one I respect the most. I consider them as a commander. Aligning all the student rule-breakers under the scorching sun that is starting to rise." "Missing wearing the gray and white uniform to school, while waiting for the school bus." "In the working world, bringing each other down has become common, I miss the gray and white, the blue and white times when all friends were sincere." "Missing the school days, missing being scolded by teachers, missing leaving early in the morning and doing homework in class, missing all my friends."

"Compared to love stories, friendship and a sense of family that are so close are more valuable to be missed. Longing for laughter and jokes with friends in class has now turned into memories. Memories that will never come back and will never return forever. I miss the adventures with classmates. All the boys in my class are very united, planning various unimportant activities. Longing for the gray and white times, where the classroom atmosphere is always lively."

"I miss the gray-white era, when everything was still shy like a kitten."

60 School Memory Quotes That Make You Nostalgic, Instantly Want to Go Back to Those Times
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