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60 Kata-Kata Sahabat sampai Jannah yang Menyentuh Hati dan Sarat Makna, Insya Allah Silaturahmi Nyambung Terus

"60 Words of Friends until Jannah that Touch the Heart and Full of Meaning, God willing, the Silaturahmi Continues"

Dream - What is the meaning of a friend to a Dream friend? The presence of a friend indeed has its own special place in the heart. Someone who was previously nobody, but now feels like a sibling. A friend becomes a comfortable place to share, joke around, and sometimes that closeness makes us no longer feel awkward or embarrassed. Friendship, of course, must be maintained as best as possible. There are various ways that a Dream friend can do to maintain the bond of friendship with a friend without being severed.

One of them is by presenting words of friends until jannah. You can send them directly through chat, make posts on social media by tagging friends, or give gifts with expressions and words of friends until jannah.

60 Touching Words of Friendship Until Jannah that Touch the Heart and Are Full of Meaning, God Willing, the Brotherhood Continues
60 Touching Words of Friendship Until Jannah that Touch the Heart and Are Full of Meaning, God Willing, the Brotherhood Continues

The following are the words of a friend until Jannah that can inspire you as summarized by Dream through various sources.

Kata-Kata Sahabat sampai Jannah yang Mengharukan

"Words of Touching Friendship until Jannah"

"Believe me, it is not betrayal that will end us, but eternal friendship that will accompany us until the end of life."

"True friends are not those who have many similarities, but those who understand every difference." "Friendship is not made of something big. Instead, it is built from small things that when collected, turn out to be big." - Tere Liye "Friendship is stronger than the heat of enmity." - Pramoedya Ananta Toer "A normal person must have friends, selfless friendship. Without friends, life will be too lonely." - Pramoedya Ananta Toer

"Friendship is not about who you have known for a long time, but about who approaches your life and never leaves you in any situation and condition, no matter how bad it is." "A friend is someone who dances with you under the sun and walks with you in the darkness." "A true friend knows how foolish you are and still chooses to spend time with you." "Do not buy friendship with wealth. Because it will not last, and do not buy love with wealth because someday it will betray you." - Jefry Al Buchori

"Many things can ruin a friendship, falling in love with the same person, for example." - Raditya Dika

60 Touching Words of Friendship Until Jannah that Touch the Heart and Are Full of Meaning, God Willing, the Brotherhood Continues

"Tell your friend, I can't promise to solve your problems but I promise we will always face those problems together." "A friend is a creature who accompanies us in sadness, happiness, and joy, sometimes annoying but greatly missed when they're not around." "Friendship is also love. The difference is, we don't need to spend a long time getting ready, choosing old clothes, looking in the mirror for a long time, every time we want to meet a good friend. And we don't sulk or get upset over small things with a good friend." - Tere Liye

"Friend in difficulty is a friend in everything. Do not underestimate friendship. Its greatness is greater than the heat of enmity." - Pramoedya Ananta Toer"Friendship often ends with love, but love sometimes ends not with friendship." - BJ Habibie"A good friend will lend their shoulder for you to cry on. But a true friend will lend a shovel to hit the person who made you cry.""

"Friendship doesn't need a friend who can accompany from the beginning, but a friend who can accompany us until the end."

60 Touching Words of Friendship Until Jannah that Touch the Heart and Are Full of Meaning, God Willing, the Brotherhood Continues

"Laughing can indeed be the best medicine. But if you laugh without a clear reason, maybe you need medication. But can friendships really weaken because of distance? I believe the essence of friendship is not damaged, but distance and place cannot lie, being physically separated can stretch the intimacy of friendship because it is no longer nourished by meetings, jokes, and discussions." - Ahmad Fuadi

"Isn't an exciting journey seen from the friendships we build with new people? Isn't a great journey measured by how many lessons we take and how much kindness we give?" - Fiersa Besari

"Words of Friends until Jannah that are Full of Meaning"

"Among the signs of true brotherhood are being willing to accept criticism from friends, covering up a friend's flaws, and forgiving their mistakes." - Imam Shafi'i

Kata-Kata Sahabat sampai Jannah yang Sarat Makna

"Above all else, one thing I find most beneficial for someone in this world and the hereafter is a suitable friend." Sufyan Al-Tsauri"Give thousands of chances for your enemies to become your friends, but do not give even one chance for your friends to become your enemies."When you feel low or sad, try to look around you. Who are your friends? Surround yourself with people who constantly remind you of Allah, and you will be happy." Dr. Bilal Philips"

"Being alone means staying away from bad friends. But, having good friends is better than being alone." - Umar bin Khattab "Make the Quran your best friend, then it will also be your best friend in the afterlife." "A friend cannot be called a friend until they are tested in three situations. When you need them, how they behave behind your back, and how they act after your death." - Ali bin Abi Thalib "You are the best friend in the world and I hope we will also meet in paradise."

"You only have two friends in this life. The first is Allah, and the second is the person who always reminds you of Allah."

60 Touching Words of Friendship Until Jannah that Touch the Heart and Are Full of Meaning, God Willing, the Brotherhood Continues

"Do not buy friendship with wealth because it will not last, and do not buy love with wealth because someday it will betray." - Jefry Al Buchori "Blood may be thicker than water. But you will need to drink more than have a transfusion." "Life is partly what we make it, and partly what our chosen friends make it." "One of the most beautiful qualities of true friendship is to understand and be understood." I am proud to have friends like you, and to me, you are the greatest friends. I miss you guys.

"Enjoy your time with friends, before the time comes when you can no longer meet your friends." "A blessing for friendships that can do foolish things together." "Friendship is born when one person says to another, 'What! You too? I thought it was just me.'" "I don't need a friend who changes when I change and nods when I nod; my shadow can do that better." "A true friend is someone who is there for you when they would rather be somewhere else."

"Thank you for being my friend, thank you for being the most important part of my life."

60 Touching Words of Friendship Until Jannah that Touch the Heart and Are Full of Meaning, God Willing, the Brotherhood Continues

"Words of Friends until Jannah from the Figures"

"Do not desire friendship from someone who does not desire it from you." - Ali bin Abi Thalib

"Those who are willing to criticize you, means they care about their friendship with you. While those who hide or cover up your mistakes, actually don't care about you at all." - Ibnu Hazm "If you are looking for a perfect friend, then you will never have a friend." - Rumi "Make friends with those who believe, because they will have intercession on the Day of Judgment." - (Hasan Al-Bashri)

"Every friend from whom you do not benefit goodness, then avoid him." - Malik bin Dinar"The number of friends you have may seem many when you count them, but it will become few when you are in difficult situations." - Ali bin Abi Thalib"Among the signs of true brotherhood is being willing to accept criticism from a friend, covering up a friend's faults, and forgiving them for their mistakes." - Imam Shafi'i"Your true friend is someone who always reminds you to care about your afterlife affairs." - Abdul Qadir Jilani"

"A true friend is someone who gives advice when they see your mistakes and supports you when you are absent." - Ali bin Abi Thalib

60 Touching Words of Friendship Until Jannah that Touch the Heart and Are Full of Meaning, God Willing, the Brotherhood Continues

"Don't be friends with anyone except someone who can help you remember Allah." - Ibn Mas'ud "Be friends with those who constantly repent for their sins. Because they are truly kind-hearted people." - Umar bin Khattab "A true friend is someone who advises you when they see your mistakes and supports you when you are not around." - Ali bin Abi Thalib "Apologizing doesn't always mean we are wrong. It can mean that we value love and friendship over our ego." - Merry Riana

"Don't stand in front of me, I am not a good follower. Don't stand behind me, I am not a good leader. Stand beside me as a friend." - Banda Neira "Being a friend is an easy job, but friendship is a fruit that takes a long time to bear." - Aristotle "A friend cannot be called a friend until they are tested in three situations; 1) When you need them, 2) How they behave behind your back, and 3) How they behave after your death." - Ali bin Abi Thalib

"Your friends will reflect who you are and the level of your faith. Therefore, choose your friends wisely. "Close friends on that day will be enemies to each other, except for those who are righteous." (Q.S Az-Zukhruf: 67)"

60 Touching Words of Friendship Until Jannah that Touch the Heart and Are Full of Meaning, God Willing, the Brotherhood Continues

"A person's religion is in accordance with the religion of their close friend. You should observe who their close friend is." (HR. Abu Daud and Tirmidzi)"Friends seek you out when others criticize you, friends embrace you when others hit you." - Fiersa Besari"Friendship is not an opportunity, but a sweet responsibility." - Khalil Gibran"

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