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Bacaan Doa Ruqyah yang Perlu Diketahui Tiap Muslim, Bisa untuk Meruqyah Diri Sendiri

The following is the translation of the given 'Bahasa' text to 'English' while preserving any html tags: "Reading of Ruqyah Prayer that Every Muslim Needs to Know, Can be Used for Self-Ruqyah".

Dream - Everyone must have felt an unease that is sometimes unknown of its cause. This unclear restlessness can lead to a decrease in quality of life. Emotions also become unstable and easily ignited by trivial things.

The Ruqyah Prayer Reading That Every Muslim Should Know, Can Be Used for Self-Ruqyah

The following text is already in English.

"Sharia Ruqyah is performed by using prayers and remembrance from verses of the Quran as a means of healing. Meanwhile, shirkiyah ruqyah is performed by using mantras or spells. According to Islam, the permissible ruqyah is Sharia Ruqyah. Usually, it is performed by experts known as peruqyah. However, ruqyah can also be done independently by reciting self-ruqyah prayers. Here are the self-ruqyah prayer readings that you can practice."

Ruqyah is a Prayer

Every Muslim should understand that ruqyah is a prayer. It means a prayer that aims to seek protection from unwanted disturbances, both physically and spiritually. Referring to Konsultasi Syariah, Ibnul Atsar in the book An-Nihayah fi Gharib al-Atsar mentioned, "Ruqyah is a prayer seeking protection, which is recited for a person who is sick, such as fever, possession, or other illnesses."

Prayer for ruqyah contains more specific requests. Al-Qarrafi in the Book of Aunul Ma'bud said: "Ruqyah is a special phrase that is spoken with the intention of reciting it for healing from diseases, and all causes that harm." In essence, the principle of ruqyah is to recite verses from the Quran and prayers from hadith with the intention of protecting oneself from physical and non-physical illnesses. So reciting verses from the Quran can become ruqyah if the intention is for ruqyah.

"Ruqyah Prayer for Oneself"

"The Prophet Muhammad (SAW) has taught a prayer for self-ruqyah. Ruqyah can be done when the body, heart, or mind feels sick. Before reciting the prayer for self-ruqyah, place your hand on the affected part of the body. Then say bismillah (in the name of Allah) three times. After that, recite the following prayer for self-ruqyah:"


I seek refuge in the might and power of Allah from the evil that I find and fear.

The Ruqyah Prayer Reading That Every Muslim Should Know, Can Be Used for Self-Ruqyah

The translation of the given 'Bahasa' text to 'English' while preserving any HTML tags is as follows: "Method and prayer of self-ruqyah based on the hadith from Utsman bin Abil Ash RA. He complained of pain in his body to Prophet Muhammad SAW. Then Prophet Muhammad SAW instructed him to place his hand on the affected area of his body. Then Utsman bin Abil Ash was taught the prayer mentioned above. This hadith is narrated by Imam Muslim and Ibn Hibban."

"Ruqyah Prayer for Yourself Before Sleeping"

Friend, Dream can also self-exorcise before going to bed. Before sleeping, join both palms by reciting Surah Al-Ikhlas, Al-Falaq, and An-Naas. Then blow onto both palms and the entire body that can be reached, from head to toe. Repeat this process three times. This method of self-exorcism is based on a hadith narrated by Aisha RA, which describes the habit of Prophet Muhammad SAW before sleeping. This hadith is narrated by Imam Bukhari and Muslim.

"Prayer of Self-Ruqyah when Injured"

"When you are physically or mentally injured, try to heal yourself by reading prayers. Before that, take saliva on the tip of your finger and place it on the ground. Then mix this saliva and soil on the injured part while reciting the following self-ruqyah prayer:"


Bismillah, turbatu ardhinaa bi riiqati ba'dhinaa, yusyfaa saqimuna bi idzni rabbinaa

Translation: "In the name of Allah, our land's dust mixed with our saliva, may the sick among us be healed by the permission of our Lord."

This prayer is based on a hadith narrated by Imam Bukhari and Muslim.

How to Exorcise Yourself with Prayer

"After knowing the prayer of self-ruqyah above, also learn the ways that can be done to perform self-ruqyah. Here are the ways that you can practice:"

How to Exorcise Yourself with Prayer

1. Intention and Steadfastness of Heart

The most important thing before performing self-ruqyah is to have intention and strengthen the heart. Without a firm intention from the heart, self-ruqyah activities will be difficult to succeed. Strengthen the intention within the heart and do not forget to always pray for guidance from Allah SWT.


2. Berwudhu

"If Sahabat Dream has firmly established the intention in the heart, the next step to self-ruqyah is by performing wudhu. Do this ruqyah in a pure and clean state, wear clothes that are far from impurities so that the ruqyah is in accordance with the teachings of the Prophet Muhammad."

3. Repentance Prayer and Prayer of Need

The third way to perform self-exorcism is by performing repentance prayer. This voluntary prayer is done to seek forgiveness from Allah SWT for all the sins that have been committed. Perform repentance prayer and voluntary prayer, each consisting of two units, to seek Allah's approval, so that self-exorcism can be successful.


4. Read Ayat Al-Quran

The following is the translation of the given 'Bahasa' text to 'English' while preserving any HTML tags: "The next way to self-exorcism is by reciting certain verses of the Alquran while wiping both hands over the entire body as protection or for healing of any sick body parts."


The following are specific verses that are recited when you want to perform self-ruqyah: Read the basmalah 'Bismillahirrahmannirrahim' three times. Read Ayat Al-Kursi. Read Surah Al-Fatihah. Read Surah Al-Ikhlas. Read Surah Al-Falaq. Read Surah An-Naas. Read the prayer 'I seek refuge in the might of Allah and His power from the evil that I feel and that I fear.'

5. Reading Specific Ruqyah Prayer

To perform self-ruqyah specifically for healing diseases, add the following prayer: "Remove this illness, O Ruler of mankind. Heal, for You are the Ultimate Healer, there is no healing except through Your healing, a remedy that does not leave any disease." This prayer was recited by the Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) when treating someone who had a boil on their hand.

6. Ruqyah Using Water Media

Ruqyah can be done using other mediums, such as water, olive oil, and neem leaves. Although using other mediums, the recitation of Quranic verses and prayers must still be performed. For example, by using plain water that is first recited with prayers. Water that is recited with prayers is much more beneficial for protecting the body.

7. Ruqyah Using Olive Oil

Olive oil is not only good for health because of its natural content. Olive oil can also be used as a medium for ruqyah, as practiced by the Prophet Muhammad. Don't forget to recite prayers before applying olive oil to the body parts that will be treated with ruqyah.


8. Ruqyah Using Bidara Leaves

How to perform self-exorcism at home using alternative methods, you can utilize the leaves of the bidara tree. As narrated by Muslim 3/47-48, the Prophet Muhammad said, "Bathe her 3, 5, or 7 times, or more than that. If you deem it necessary, then use water from the leaves of the bidara tree," when bathing his daughter.


The translation of the given 'Bahasa' text to 'English' while preserving any html tags is as follows: "Method: Take 7 leaves of the bidara plant or its multiples, crush them finely, mix them with a small bucket of water. Stir with clean hands while reciting the prayer above. Use the water for bathing or spray it on all the walls of the house."

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