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"80 Unappreciated Quotes in English, Expressions of Disappointment Full of Life Meaning"

"Dream - There are still many people who may underestimate the quotes often encountered in daily life. Few realize that these collections of words can actually provide inspiration and motivation in facing various situations. In fact, some quotes about feeling unappreciated in English can offer deep insights into life and wisdom."

"Quotes that we often encounter on social media or in books are often regarded with disdain. In fact, they are full of meaning and motivation. Therefore, appreciating and reflecting on quotes that are not valued in English is very important to glean wisdom from the experiences of those who came before us."

80 Unappreciated Quotes in English, Expressions of Disappointment Filled with Life Meaning

The translation of "Quotes Tidak Dihargai Bahasa Inggris" to English is "Quotes Not Appreciated in English."

Here is the translation of the provided text while preserving the HTML tags: "1. "Sometimes, the hardest part isn't letting go, but learning to start over." (Translation: "Sometimes, the hardest part isn't letting go, but learning to start over.") 2. "In a world full of temporary things, I crave a love that's everlasting." (Translation: "In a world full of temporary things, I crave a love that's everlasting.")"


3. "When your best isn't good enough, it's time to find what is." (Translation: "When your best isn't enough, it's time to find what truly is.") 4. "Don't let someone dim your light just because it's shining in their eyes." (Translation: "Don't let someone extinguish your light just because it's shining in their eyes.") 5. "You were my lesson, and I had to learn." (Translation: "You were my lesson, and I had to learn.") 6. "I don't need your approval to be me." (Translation: "I don't need your approval to be myself.")

7. "

When you're nothing, people will ignore you. When you're something, they'll hate you.
When you mean nothing, people will ignore you. When you mean something, they will hate you.
) 8.
I'm not heartless; I've just learned how to use my heart less.
I'm not heartless; I've just learned to use my heart less.
) 9.
Expectation is the root of disappointment.
Hope is the root of disappointment.

10. "Not everyone will understand your journey, and that's okay." (Translation: "Tidak semua orang akan memahami perjalananmu, dan itu baik-baik saja.") 11. "The less you respond to negativity, the more peaceful your life becomes." (Translation: "Semakin sedikit tanggapanmu terhadap hal-hal negatif, semakin damai hidupmu.") 12. "Stop waiting for approval; do what you love, and you'll attract people who respect you." (Translation: "Berhenti menunggu persetujuan; lakukan apa yang kamu cintai, dan kamu akan menarik orang yang menghormatimu.")

Here is the translated text with HTML tags preserved: "13. "Sometimes, silence is the best response." (Translation: "Sometimes, silence is the best response.") 14. "Be so good they can't ignore you." (Translation: "Be so good they can't ignore you.") 15. "The only validation you need is from yourself." (Translation: "The only validation you need is from yourself.") 16. "Your value doesn't decrease based on someone's inability to see your worth." (Translation: "Your value doesn't decrease based on someone's inability to see your worth.")"

17. "Never explain yourself to those who are committed to misunderstanding you." (Translation: "Jangan pernah menjelaskan dirimu kepada mereka yang bertekad untuk salah mengerti.") 18. "You don't have to be perfect; you just have to be worth it." (Translation: "Kamu tidak perlu sempurna; kamu hanya perlu berharga.") 19. "Stop trying to fit into places you've outgrown." (Translation: "Berhenti mencoba masuk ke tempat yang sudah tidak sesuai untukmu.")

80 Unappreciated Quotes in English, Expressions of Disappointment Filled with Life Meaning

20. "Your time is too valuable to waste on people who don't appreciate you." (Translation: "Your time is too valuable to spend on people who don't appreciate you.")

The translation of "Quotes Tidak Dihargai Bahasa Inggris" to English is "Quotes Not Appreciated English."

1. "

Quite often people are not aware that not valuing something can hurt other people's feelings.
" (Seringkali orang tidak sadar bahwa tidak menghargai sesuatu dapat menyakiti perasaan orang lain.) 2. "
Not being valued makes someone feel insignificant.
" (Tidak dihargai membuat seseorang merasa seperti tidak berarti.)


3. "Giving your best but not being valued is one of the most painful things." (Memberi yang terbaik namun tidak dihargai adalah salah satu hal yang paling menyakitkan.) 4. "When efforts and contributions are not valued, motivation fades away." (Ketika usaha dan kontribusi tidak dihargai, motivasi pun memudar) 5. "Sometimes, the biggest destruction doesn't come from enemies, but from those closest to us who do not value us." (Kadang-kadang, kehancuran terbesar tidak datang dari musuh, tetapi dari orang-orang terdekat yang tidak menghargai kita)

6. "There is nothing more painful than being looked down upon and not valued by the people we love." (Tidak ada yang lebih menyakitkan daripada dipandang rendah dan tidak dihargai oleh orang-orang yang kita sayang) 7. "If you are not valued, it's better to leave and find a place where you are valued." (Jika kamu tidak dihargai, lebih baik pergi dan mencari tempat di mana kamu dihargai) 8. "Feeling not valued is a warning that we might be in the wrong place." (Merasa tidak dihargai adalah peringatan bahwa kita mungkin berada di tempat yang salah)

9. "When you are constantly not valued, it's time to make a change." (When you are constantly not appreciated, it's time to make a change.) 10. "People who always demand appreciation are often not valued." (People who always demand appreciation are often not valued.) 11. "When you feel not valued, remember that your worth is not determined by others." (When you feel not appreciated, remember that your worth is not determined by others.)

12. "

Valuing others is a sign of greatness, but not everyone can do it.
" (Menghargai orang lain adalah tanda kebesaran hati, tapi tidak semua orang dapat melakukannya) 13. "
When someone does not value what you give, don't stay there for too long.
" (Ketika seseorang tidak menghargai apa yang kamu berikan, jangan terlalu lama berada di sana.) 14. "
There is nothing more suffocating than giving everything but not being valued.
" (Tidak ada yang lebih menyesakkan daripada memberi segalanya tapi tidak dihargai)

80 Unappreciated Quotes in English, Expressions of Disappointment Filled with Life Meaning

15. "Accepting injustice and lack of appreciation is a sign of weakness, not strength." (Accepting injustice and not being appreciated is a sign of weakness, not strength)

to English while preserving the HTML tags is:

1. "A real friend is one who walks in when the rest of the world walks out." (A true friend is one who comes when others leave.) 2. "Fake friends believe in rumors. Real friends believe in you." (Fake friends believe in gossip. True friends believe in you.)


3. "Sometimes the person you'd take a bullet for ends up being behind the gun." (Sometimes the person you would protect turns out to be the one who hurts you.) 4. "The only way to discover the limits of the possible is to go beyond them into the impossible." (The only way to find the limits of what is possible is to step into the impossible.) 5. "A friend is someone who knows all about you and still loves you." (A true friend is someone who knows everything about you yet still loves you.)

6. "Friendship is born at that moment when one person says to another, 'What! You too? I thought I was the only one.'" (Persahabatan lahir saat seseorang berkata pada orang lain, 'Apa! Kamu juga? Aku pikir aku satu-satunya.') 7. "The most I can do for my friend is simply be his friend." (Yang terbaik yang bisa aku lakukan untuk sahabatku adalah menjadi temannya.) 8. "Friendship... is born at the moment when one man says to another 'What! You too? I thought that no one but myself...'" (Persahabatan... lahir saat seseorang berkata pada orang lain, "Apa! Kamu juga? Aku pikir tidak ada orang selain aku...")

9. "Sitting silently beside a friend who is hurting may be the best gift we can give." (Duduk diam di samping sahabat yang sedang terluka mungkin merupakan hadiah terbaik yang bisa kita berikan.) 10. "True friendship comes when the silence between two people is comfortable." (Persahabatan sejati terjadi saat keheningan di antara dua orang menjadi nyaman.) 11. "There's nothing like a really loyal, dependable, good friend. Nothing." (Tidak ada yang seperti sahabat yang benar-benar setia, dapat diandalkan, baik. Tidak ada.)

12. "A friend is one that knows you as you are, understands where you have been, accepts what you have become, and still, gently allows you to grow." (A friend is someone who knows who you really are, understands where you come from, accepts what you have become, and still, gently lets you grow.) 13. "Friendship marks a life even more deeply than love. Love risks degenerating into obsession, friendship is never anything but sharing." (Friendship leaves a mark in life even deeper than love. Love can risk becoming an obsession, friendship is never anything but sharing.)

14. "Each friend represents a world in us, a world possibly not born until they arrive, and it is only by this meeting that a new world is born." (Each friend represents a world in us, a world possibly not born until they arrive, and it is only by this meeting that a new world is born.) 15. "Friendship is the only cement that will ever hold the world together." (Friendship is the only cement that will ever hold the world together.)

to English while preserving any HTML tags is:

1. "

"Do not expect to be appreciated, but do expect to be respected."
(Jangan berharap dihargai, tapi berharaplah untuk dihormati.) 2.
"Being taken for granted is a sign of no respect. Silence is a sign of no care."
(Dianggap enteng adalah tanda tidak dihargai. Diam adalah tanda tidak peduli.)"


3. "Sometimes it's not the people who change, it's the mask that falls off." (Terkadang bukan orangnya yang berubah, tapi topengnya yang terbuka.) 4. "The saddest aspect of life right now is that science gathers knowledge faster than society gathers wisdom." (Aspek paling menyedihkan dari kehidupan saat ini adalah bahwa ilmu pengetahuan mengumpulkan pengetahuan lebih cepat daripada masyarakat mengumpulkan kebijaksanaan.) 5. "It is during our darkest moments that we must focus to see the light." (Saat di momen paling gelap, kita harus fokus untuk melihat cahaya.)

Here is the translated text with the HTML tags preserved: "6. "Feeling invisible is the worst kind of loneliness." (Feeling invisible is the worst kind of loneliness.) 7. "You cannot always make the right decision, but you can always learn from the wrong ones." (You cannot always make the right decision, but you can always learn from the wrong ones.) 8. "The only person who never makes mistakes is the person who never does anything." (The only person who never makes mistakes is the person who never does anything.)"

Here is the translated text with the HTML tags preserved: "9. "Sometimes you have to accept the fact that certain things will never go back to how they used to be." (Sometimes you have to accept the reality that some things will never go back to how they used to be.)10. "Life is too short to waste time with someone who doesn't appreciate you." (Life is too short to waste time with someone who doesn't appreciate you.)11. "Not everyone you lose is a loss." (Not everyone you lose is a loss.)"

12. "The only way to get the best of an argument is to avoid it." (The only way to get the best of an argument is to avoid it.) 13. "Time is too slow for those who wait, too swift for those who fear, too long for those who grieve, too short for those who rejoice." (Time is too slow for those who wait, too swift for those who fear, too long for those who grieve, too short for those who rejoice.)

14. "When God gives you a 'no', give him a 'thank you'. He was protecting you from less than his best." (Saat Tuhan memberikanmu 'tidak', berikan Dia 'terima kasih'. Dia sedang melindungimu dari yang kurang dari yang terbaik-Nya.) 15. "People who repeatedly attack your confidence and self-esteem are quite aware of your potential, even if you are not." (Orang-orang yang terus-menerus menyerang kepercayaan diri dan harga dirimu sangat sadar akan potensimu, meskipun kamu tidak.)

The translation of "Quotes Tidak Dihargai Bahasa Inggris untuk Pacar" to English while preserving the HTML tags is: "Unappreciated English Quotes for Boyfriend".

1. "

"I deserve someone who appreciates me, not someone who takes me for granted."
(Aku pantas mendapatkan seseorang yang menghargai aku, bukan seseorang yang meremehkan aku.)
"I won't wait around for someone who doesn't see my worth."
(Aku tidak akan menunggu seseorang yang tidak melihat nilai diriku.)"


3. "You may not realize my value now, but you'll regret it when someone else does." (Maybe you don't realize my value now, but you'll regret it when someone else does.) 4. "I won't be second best to anyone, especially someone who doesn't appreciate me." (I will not be second best to anyone, especially someone who does not appreciate me.) 5. "If you can't see how amazing I am, then it's your loss, not mine." (If you can't see how amazing I am, then it's your loss, not mine.)

Here is the translated text with the HTML tags preserved: "6. "I deserve to be someone's priority, not just an option." (I deserve to be someone's priority, not just an option.) 7. "I refuse to be with someone who doesn't see my worth." (I refuse to be with someone who doesn't see my worth.) 8. "I won't settle for being taken for granted. I deserve better." (I won't settle for being taken for granted. I deserve better.)"

9. "I won't be your backup plan when all else fails. I deserve to be someone's first choice." (Aku tidak akan menjadi rencana cadanganmu ketika yang lain gagal. Aku pantas menjadi pilihan pertama seseorang.) 10. "I'm not going to waste my time on someone who doesn't appreciate me." (Aku tidak akan menyia-nyiakan waktuku untuk seseorang yang tidak menghargai aku.) 11. "I deserve more than just being an afterthought in your life." (Aku pantas mendapatkan lebih dari sekedar menjadi pemikiran belakangan dalam hidupmu.)

12. "I'm not going to stick around for someone who doesn't see my value." (Aku tidak akan bertahan untuk seseorang yang tidak melihat nilai diriku.) 13. "I won't be with someone who only remembers me when they need something." (Aku tidak akan bersama seseorang yang hanya mengingatku ketika mereka membutuhkan sesuatu.)

14. "I deserve someone who sees me as a priority, not just an option." (Aku pantas mendapatkan seseorang yang melihatku sebagai prioritas, bukan hanya pilihan.) 15. "I won't tolerate being with someone who doesn't appreciate my love and effort." (Aku tidak akan mentolerir untuk bersama seseorang yang tidak menghargai cintaku dan usahaku.)

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