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Row of Cities in Indonesia Inhabited by Many Jewish Followers

Row of Cities in Indonesia Inhabited by Many Jewish Followers

Dream - Judaism is the oldest monotheistic religion in the world. The majority of Jewish followers are descendants of the Jewish people who practice a series of traditions and worship according to their ancestors. Although often associated as a religion, not all Jews practice Judaism. There are those who embrace Islam and even Christianity.

Almost half of the Jewish population is in Israel. The Zionist movement, which aims to return Jews to Israel, is also a major factor. As a result, Jewish followers in Israel rank first in the world. Following that, the United States has the second largest number of Jewish followers.

A Series of Cities in Indonesia Inhabited by Many Jewish Followers

In Indonesia, followers of the Jewish religion have existed since the time of the kingdom. Although they have experienced ups and downs due to war conditions, followers of the Jewish religion began to be more open during the Dutch colonialism era. The Dutch allowed Jewish people to worship openly. It is said that there are around 5 thousand Jewish followers. However, only 10 percent still practice the religion, while the rest convert to Islam or Christianity.

The Government Acknowledges the Existence of Jews

The government acknowledges the existence of the Jewish religion in Indonesia. Jewish community has become more open about their identity since Abdurrahman Wahid or Gus Dur became the President of the Republic of Indonesia. However, the Jewish religion will not receive the same services from the state as officially recognized religions. This is why many Jewish people in Indonesia choose to leave the religion column blank on their ID cards.

Speaking about the Jewish followers in Indonesia, how many cities are inhabited by many followers of Judaism. Among them, some openly conduct worship in the synagogue (a place of worship for Jews), while others choose to worship in their own homes. So, which cities are mostly inhabited by Jewish followers in Indonesia? Without further ado, let's find out more below!

1. Jakarta

Jakarta is not only the center of government and business in Indonesia, but also a place where people from various religions and beliefs gather. Jakarta residents are known to be heterogeneous because followers of any religion can live there. It is not surprising that there are many Jewish followers living in Jakarta. The number of Jewish followers in Jakarta is estimated to be less than 100 people. However, they still do not have a synagogue, so they worship in rotation from one member's house to another. In Jakarta, Jewish followers have been present since the Dutch colonial era. At that time, there were 20 families in Batavia who were of Dutch-German descent.

A Series of Cities in Indonesia Inhabited by Many Jewish Followers

Apart from not having a synagogue, Jewish followers in Jakarta also face administrative difficulties. During the process of creating an Identity Card (KTP), they are required to fill in the column for the government-recognized religion, resulting in the majority of them being forced to write down Christianity as their religion.

2. Minahasa Regency

In North Sulawesi, the Jewish community resides in Minahasa Regency, which directly borders the city of Manado. There stands a synagogue called Sha'ar Hashamayim Tondano. This synagogue is the only remaining place of worship for the Jewish community in Indonesia. The people in North Sulawesi maturely embrace the presence of the Jewish community. Not only the Jewish community, but the people of Minahasa also accept the diversity of customs, culture, and religions that thrive around them.


3. Surabaya

The largest city with Jewish followers after the Minahasa Regency is Surabaya. According to a survey in 2021, there are 20 Jewish followers in Surabaya. The Jewish community there has been gradually declining since the Dutch colonial era, when it reached hundreds of individuals. Researchers estimate that around 500 Jewish descendants once settled in Surabaya. The number continues to decline with the Japanese occupation in Indonesia under the Nazi Party. It is known that Germany under the Nazi regime slaughtered and expelled the Jewish community in Europe.

In 1949, following the proclamation of independence, Jewish followers in Surabaya bought a house to be used as a synagogue. The place of worship was named Beith Shalom Synagogue. After standing for decades, the synagogue became the target of protests by one of the Islamic organizations as a result of Israel's attack on Palestine in 2008-2009. Then in 2013, Beith Shalom Synagogue in Surabaya was sold by a family member and demolished to be replaced with another building.

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