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Perbedaan Yahudi, Israel, dan Zionis yang Perlu Dipahami

"The Difference Between Jews, Israel, and Zionists that Needs to be Understood"

Perbedaan Yahudi, Israel, dan Zionis, yang Perlu Dipahami

Dream - The Israeli war with the Hamas group in Palestine is getting more brutal. Israel is going crazy by bombarding the Gaza Strip. Nearly 8,000 people were reported dead in the Gaza Strip after Israel bombarded them for three weeks. Many women and children became victims.

The virtual world is also bustling. Many netizens discuss the condition of Palestinian residents in Gaza. They are concerned. Reposted videos and public opinions are widely circulating on social media timelines. Terms that are often written, such as Jews, Zionists, and Israel, emerge. These terms are apparently often considered the same by most people. It turns out that the terms Jews, Israel, and Zionists have different meanings. So what are the differences between the terms Jews, Israel, and Zionists? Without further ado, let's find out more as Dream summarizes from various sources.

1. Understanding the Term "Jewish"

Often mentioned in Islamic literature, it seems that there are still many people who do not fully understand what a Jew is. The term Jew actually comes from the Hebrew word "Yehuda". Jews are often associated with a nationality or religion. In general, Jew is a term used to refer to people who practice the Jewish religion (Judaism).


In a broader sense, the term "Yahudi" means Hebrew descendants often mentioned in the Bible (Gospel). Based on their ethnicity, Yahudi refers to a nation that is the descendants of Prophet Yakub (Jacob) peace be upon him. Yakub (Jacob) peace be upon him is the son of Prophet Ishak (Isaac) and the grandson of Prophet Ibrahim (Abraham). Prophet Yakub had 12 sons, one of whom was named Yehuda (Judah). However, historians doubt the purity of the original Jewish bloodline, as they have gone through a long journey and have been scattered in various countries. The most heinous event occurred when the Jewish people were brutally massacred by Nazi Germany.

The word "Yahudi" has a very general meaning. Yahudi can be used to refer to people who embrace the religion of Judaism and practice its rituals. In this context, Yahudi carries the pure understanding of religion. Meanwhile, it is currently impossible to define the term Yahudi that can satisfy everyone. This is because Yahudi involves complex and controversial issues of ethnicity and religion.

M Quraish Shihab explained that the term "Yahudi" is attributed to a group of people descended from Prophet Isaac, the son of Abraham, also known as the Hebrews. According to him, in the Quran they are not always referred to as Yahudi, but also as Al-Ladzina Hadu, Bani Israil, and Ahlul Kitab.

Perbedaan Yahudi, Israel, dan Zionis, yang Perlu Dipahami

2. Israel

The term Israel refers to a country that was established after World War II, specifically in 1948. It happened after the fall of the Islamic Caliphate and the British leaving the land of Palestine. At that time, the United Nations supported the division of the Palestinian territory into two parts, one for the Jews and one for the Arabs. In fact, the United Nations supported the formation of a new state in Palestine, namely Israel.


The establishment of the state of Israel has led Jews scattered across various countries to decide to move and live in Israel. This is why the majority of Israeli citizens are Jewish, even the largest number in the world. However, not all Israelis embrace the Jewish religion. And not all Jews live in Israel, as many are still scattered across different parts of the world.

Perbedaan Yahudi, Israel, dan Zionis, yang Perlu Dipahami

3. Understanding What is Zionism?

Zionism is a political movement established by a Jewish individual named Theodor Herzl. Its main agenda is to gather Jewish people from various countries to return to the promised land, which is Palestine. According to Britannica, Zionism is a Jewish nationalist movement aimed at establishing a Jewish state in Palestine. This is because Palestine is believed to be the promised land for thousands of years. Palestine is considered the ancestral land of the Jewish people. Through the Zionist movement, they have been making an exodus to Palestine since 1930.

"Differences between Jews, Israel, and Zionists"

Based on the explanation above, it is clear that the terms Jewish, Israel, and Zionist are different. Although these three words are related, as an intelligent Muslim, one must be able to differentiate them. In short, Israel is a country whose majority of the population is Jewish. Meanwhile, Jewish itself is a religious sect that has existed for thousands of years. On the other hand, Zionism is a political organization that seeks to create a Jewish state in the land they believe to be ancient land.

It needs to be understood, not all Jews live in Israel, not all Israeli citizens embrace the Jewish religion, and not all Jewish people in Israel agree and want to conquer more territories in Palestine. This means, not all Israelis support the Zionist movement that launches relentless attacks on Palestine. And one more thing, not all Jews are part of that Zionist movement.

Perbedaan Yahudi, Israel, dan Zionis, yang Perlu Dipahami

"Thus, there are Jewish people who evidently do not support the Zionist movement, including orthodox religious groups, anti-Zionist left-wing groups, and humanist Jewish groups. From the aforementioned explanations, we cannot confuse the meanings of Jewish, Israel, and Zionist."

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