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The translation of the given 'Bahasa' text to 'English' while preserving the HTML tags is as follows:

The translation of the given 'Bahasa' text to 'English' while preserving the HTML tags is as follows: "Story of a Woman Losing a Prospective Husband Forever Replaced by the Late Brother"

Dream - Losing a future husband a month before the wedding truly tests the emotions and mental state of this Malaysian woman. In the blink of an eye, her fiancé, Shahrizuan Shukri, is gone forever after being found dead in a river in Pasir Pekan, Kelantan on the incident of May 25th.

Story of a Woman Losing her Prospective Husband Replaced by her Sister-in-Law, Surprised to Find Their Faces Resemble: Hard to Describe the Feeling

Married to the Late Brother of the Future Sumi

Worried about the condition of Nur Malina Mohd Rozani, the late's family made an unexpected decision. Her mother-in-law proposed that she be married to her late brother-in-law, Shahron Shukri, who is 32 years old. "After my fiancé passed away, I experienced deep sadness. How could I not, my fiancé suddenly left when our wedding was getting closer," expressed Malina.

Story of a Woman Losing her Prospective Husband Replaced by her Sister-in-Law, Surprised to Find Their Faces Resemble: Hard to Describe the Feeling

The following 'Bahasa' text translated to 'English' while preserving any html tags: "The 24-year-old woman from Kelantan is very grateful because her mother-in-law turned out to be very kind. Despite losing a child, they still think about her well-being."

"When I first met his sister, it was indeed difficult for me to accept her in my life. But I don't want to lose this good late family, so I try to seek guidance from Allah," said Malina."

Story of a Woman Losing her Prospective Husband Replaced by her Sister-in-Law, Surprised to Find Their Faces Resemble: Hard to Describe the Feeling

"Signs of Going Forever"

Malina then told how Shahrizuan seemed to give a sign that he would go forever. "Before he passed away, the deceased left many messages. It's like he knew his time to 'go', only we didn't see those clues." Previously, the deceased always told me that his sister had not yet married. He really wanted to find a match for his sister who is similar to me," said Malina.

Apparently, the late message became a sign for Malina to accept her brother as herself. Even though the woman from Pasir Mas, Kelantan, had never previously known Shahron closely.

Story of a Woman Losing her Prospective Husband Replaced by her Sister-in-Law, Surprised to Find Their Faces Resemble: Hard to Describe the Feeling

"Turns out, His Face Resembles the Late Prospective Husband"

However, Malina is convinced that what happens in her life is destiny, and her marriage to Shahron is Allah's decree for her. "When I first saw my husband, I was really shocked because his face was very similar to the deceased. At that time, I didn't know how to describe my feelings." "I was indeed very surprised when I first saw him. Previously, I had only heard that their names and faces were very similar," she said.

However, Malina believes that what happens in her life is fate, and her marriage to Shahron is Allah's decree for her. "When I first saw my husband, I was truly shocked because his face resembled the deceased. It's difficult to describe my feelings at that time."

Story of a Woman Losing her Prospective Husband Replaced by her Sister-in-Law, Surprised to Find Their Faces Resemble: Hard to Describe the Feeling
Kisah Cinta Berakhir Bahagia

"Kisah Cinta Berakhir Bahagia" translates to "A Love Story with a Happy Ending" in English.

"I was indeed very surprised when I first saw it. Previously, I had only heard that their names and faces were very similar," he said.

Introduction for three weeks ended with a wedding on September 8th when Nina and Shahron officially became husband and wife at Ismail Petra Mosque, Tanah Merah, Kelantan.

Story of a Woman Losing her Prospective Husband Replaced by her Sister-in-Law, Surprised to Find Their Faces Resemble: Hard to Describe the Feeling

"Dating After Marriage"

"For me, there is nothing wrong with dating after marriage. Alhamdulillah, it turns out that when we submit to Allah's rules, the feeling of accepting a husband in life becomes easier. Our life now is very happy. I never imagined that my love journey could be so difficult, but it ended beautifully. I sincerely accept my husband," she concluded."

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