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Kisah Ulat Merah yang Selalu Berdzikir kepada Allah, Bikin Nabi Daud Terkesima

"The Story of the Red Caterpillar that Always Remembers Allah, Astonishes Prophet David"

Conversation between Prophet David (AS) and the red worm containing extraordinary wisdom.

"Dream - The story of Prophet David has been widely told in the Holy Quran, especially in nine chapters, namely Surah Shad, Al-Anbiya', An-Naml, Saba', Al-Baqarah, An-Nisa', Al-Maidah, Al-An'am, and Al-Isra. Among the interesting yet rarely known stories is about the worm that always remembers Allah, which intrigued Prophet David (peace be upon him)."

"Disiplin Membagi Waktu" translates to "Discipline in Time Management" in English.

Nabi Daud alaihissalam is known as a disciplined figure. Every day he divided his time into four segments, namely to study knowledge with the people of Bani Israil, worship in the mihrab, manage the court, and gather with his family. The discipline of Prophet David in time segmentation is very important to be emulated by Muslims. By implementing it, our lives become more organized and directed. In fact, this habit will also lead to success in both the world and the hereafter.

Miliki Suara yang Merdu

"Have a Melodious Voice"

"Not only known for his high discipline, Prophet David (AS) is also known for having a very melodious voice when reciting dhikr. Even the birds join him in chanting dhikr, namely by reciting the Book of Psalms."

Encountering a Red Caterpillar

Once upon a time, Prophet David (AS) was sitting in the house of worship when he saw a red worm crawling on the ground. Prophet David wondered what Allah intended with the presence of this worm. "What does Allah intend with this worm?" Prophet David (AS) asked himself.

Bertemu Seekor Ulat Merah

"Caterpillar that Can Speak Human Language"

"Apparently, the red worm that crawls on the ground can speak in the human language. The worm said to Prophet David (AS), explaining itself, "O Prophet of Allah! When the day comes, Allah inspires me to recite subhanallah wal hamdulillah wa laa ilaaha illallah wallahu akbar, one thousand times. And when the night comes, Allah inspires me to recite Allahumma shalli 'ala Muhammad an nabiyyil ummiyii wa 'ala aalihi wa shahbihi wa sallam, one thousand times," said the red worm."


The translation of the text

The translation of the text "Nabi Daud Terkesima" from Bahasa to English while preserving the HTML tags is: "Prophet David Astonished".

Hearing the red caterpillar speaking in human language and explaining about itself, Prophet David (AS) was immediately amazed. He never expected that such a small larva would always engage in remembrance of Allah SWT.

"Crying because of Shame"

Then the caterpillar asked Prophet David AS, "So, O Prophet of Allah, what will you say so that I can benefit from you?" Hearing that question, Prophet David AS immediately cried and prostrated, begging for forgiveness from Allah SWT because he had underestimated the red caterpillar. He felt ashamed for underestimating Allah SWT's creation.


"Do Not Underestimate"

Based on the story of Prophet David speaking with the red worm, we can take an extraordinary lesson. That as humans, we should never underestimate the creation of Allah SWT. Because every creation of His surely brings benefits and has their own tasks that are sometimes unimaginable by humans.

Kisah Ulat Merah yang Selalu Berdzikir kepada Allah, Bikin Nabi Daud Terkesima

Islam teaches its followers not to look down upon other creatures, including small animals around us that are often considered insignificant. Islam teaches us to be tolerant and to show love and compassion towards fellow creatures.

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