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Alam Ganjar Bicara Politik Dinasti dan Batas Usia Capres-Cawapres:

"Alam Ganjar Talks about Political Dynasty and Age Limit for Presidential and Vice Presidential Candidates: 'I Don't Want to be Ganjar's Child'"

Dream - Muhammad Zinedine Alam Ganjar, the only child of Presidential Candidate (Capres) 2024, Ganjar Pranowo, has recently gained attention when his father ran for the 2024 Presidential Election (Pilpres). Recently, Alam caught the attention of netizens when he appeared alone as a speaker in a video on Grace Tahir's Youtube channel @Gracetahir23. In the video, Alam expressed his opinion on the dynastic politics that is currently being widely discussed. According to him, it is actually not a problem because it also happens in other countries in the world. However, he continued, dynastic politics will become a problem if it produces poor output and puts people in positions that do not match their capacities.

"The problem is when dynastic politics produces poor outcomes, individuals who are not suitable for their positions become something that holds status there, and if there are processes that are betrayed, that is what is wrong with dynastic politics."

The text translates to: "The word 'Alam' is quoted from YouTube @grace tahir, Friday, October 27, 2023."


"Everyone Has the Right to Participate in Politics"

According to nature, everyone has the right to engage in politics, including the child of a politician. Because fundamentally, a person cannot choose or determine who they are born as.

"\u201cEveryone has the right to participate in politics. If, for example, I am labeled or blocked by people, you are Ganjar's child, if you enter politics, you are a political dynasty. Sister, I don't choose to be Ganjar's child like that,\u201d"


Tanggapan Putusan MK soal Batas Usia Capres-Cawapres

The translation of the given 'Bahasa' text to 'English' while preserving any HTML tags is: "Response of the Constitutional Court Decision regarding the Age Limit of Presidential and Vice Presidential Candidates"

Not only that, Alam also expressed his opinion on the Constitutional Court's decision regarding the age limit for Presidential and Vice Presidential candidates. On that occasion, Alam admitted to agreeing with the decision made by the Constitutional Court to lower the age limit for Presidential and Vice Presidential candidates.

"\u201cRegarding the lowering of age, if I agree to lower the age. But don't do it half-heartedly, just lower it to 21, right?\u201d"
The translation of "kata Alam namun dengan ekspresi tertawa." to English while preserving any HTML tags is: "words of nature but with a laughing expression."


"Leaders Understand the Youth"

If we look at the demographic bonus of the population, according to Alam, Indonesia is currently mostly inhabited by the younger generation. From this condition, he believes that stakeholders would be better off coming from individuals who understand the issues of young people or from the youth themselves.


"Kalau kita bicara by data ya, dari DPT sendiri, ataupun bahkan dari bonus demografi sendiri mayoritas kan memang anak muda. Jadi memang dari pemangku kepentingan dan pemangku kebijakan pun juga seyogyanya itu diisi juga oleh orang-orang yang berelevansi yang sama," "If we talk about data, from the voter list itself, or even from the demographic bonus itself, the majority is indeed young people. So, it is appropriate for stakeholders and policy makers to also be filled by people who have the same relevance,"
tutur Alam. Translation: The story of nature.


"\u201cWhether it is someone who understands the problems of young people, or it is the young people themselves. So, when it comes to age, I actually support mbak,\u201d"


“Entah orang yang memahami permasalahan anak muda, atau memang anak muda itu sendiri. Jadi kalau soal usia sebenarnya saya mendukung mbak,”

"Injuring the Process"

Although, according to him there are several things that are considered detrimental to the process of lowering the age limit for Presidential and Vice Presidential candidates by the Constitutional Court. "In my humble opinion, if I have or achieve an absolute pleasure, it is when I truly feel the journey, without taking shortcuts. Not abusing what I have. Therefore, the process will be very important," he said.


It is not impossible to enter politics, if you meet the qualifications.

When asked if he was tempted by the offer when in a similar position, Alam admitted that he was not tempted by the offer. However, if he is considered capable and has reached his capacity, it is not impossible for him to move to that position. "If I am tempted, no. Because there is a moral dilemma that I need to consider. If I have met the qualifications and I indeed have the competence, why not? I never close any possibilities there," said Alam.

"However, at the same time, if there are regulations that hinder or if someone's competence is much better than mine, it means that it is not my place,"

"tuturnya." in English is "he/she said."


"Alam Ganjar Talks about Dynasty Politics and Lowering the Age Limit for Presidential and Vice Presidential Candidates: Agree to Lower the Age"

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