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Create a Stir in One Building! This UI Physics Student Achieves a GPA of 3.99, Now Eager to Develop a Nuclear Reactor.

Create a Stir in One Building! This UI Physics Student Achieves a GPA of 3.99, Now Eager to Develop a Nuclear Reactor.

Creating a Stir in a Building! This UI Physics Student Achieves a GPA of 3.99, Now Eager to Develop a Nuclear Reactor

Dream - Muhammad Fauzan Syahbana, a student of the Physics Department, Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences (FMIPA), University of Indonesia (UI), did not expect to graduate with the highest Cumulative Grade Point Average (GPA), which is 3.99.

Not only Fauzan, all graduates of the September 22, 2023 period who filled Balairung UI immediately cheered when the MC read out the GPA of the undergraduate students.

Creating a Stir in a Building! This UI Physics Student Achieves a GPA of 3.99, Now Eager to Develop a Nuclear Reactor

"Almost Perfect GPA"

Fauzan said, although he remains grateful, he himself feels annoyed with the final GPA result. "Can it be a 4?" he said while laughing.

"IPK Sempat Turun" translates to "GPA Decreased" in English.

He told a story, that his achievement index had declined during the Covid-19 pandemic outbreak, when the learning process that was originally face-to-face turned into online. At that time, Fauzan experienced some difficulties in adapting. However, despite facing many obstacles, he did not lose his determination to continue learning.


During his education at UI, Fauzan felt very helped by the presence of professors in the Physics Department who were very supportive. According to him, they were dedicated in teaching knowledge to the students.

Creating a Stir in a Building! This UI Physics Student Achieves a GPA of 3.99, Now Eager to Develop a Nuclear Reactor

"In Physics, there are several specializations, I chose the specialization of Nuclear Physics and Theoretical Particles. Under the guidance of Prof Terry Mart, I am researching meson particles, which are small particles that are very influential for technological development, especially for hundreds to thousands of years in the future."
word Fauzan, quoted from the official UI website.


Creating a Stir in a Building! This UI Physics Student Achieves a GPA of 3.99, Now Eager to Develop a Nuclear Reactor

Research related to meson particles is important in nuclear studies. According to Fauzan, nuclear development is necessary because humans cannot avoid the use of energy.

"Achieving Since Childhood"

"For now, 70-80 percent of the world's energy consumption is still dominated by fossil coal energy. In Indonesia itself, the use of fossil energy reaches 91 percent, consisting of oil, natural gas, and coal. Meanwhile, the remaining 9 percent is dominated by new renewable energy such as hydroelectric power plants, wind energy, and so on. Fauzan's seriousness in the research stems from his love for Physics since junior high school."


"Raih Emas di OSN" translates to "Achieve Gold in OSN" in English.

The biggest motivation at that time was to participate in the National Science Olympiad (OSN). He proved his interest by obtaining a Gold Medal in the 2018 OSN. His achievement in the OSN successfully led him to become a student at UI through the achievement pathway. Even during his studies, he still participated in various competitions and olympiads.


Fauzan even participated in the National Mathematics and Natural Sciences Olympiad (ONMIPA) in 2020 and 2021 and successfully won the Silver and Gold Medals. He hopes that in the future, he can continue his education in the field of plasma physics because this field of study has not been widely explored in Indonesia. However, plasma physics can be used to develop fusion nuclear reactors that combine atoms like in the sun. "Fusion reactors will emerge as one of the cleanest, safest, and cheapest sources of energy because they only require water as the main ingredient. This reactor is expected to provide great benefits while still preserving the environment," he said.

"Therefore, I hope to acquire that knowledge abroad, and then return to Indonesia to develop it so that Indonesia can create its first fusion nuclear reactor.""

Fauzan's Words

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