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Are you aware that time feels faster is a sign of the apocalypse? This is the cause

Dream - Sometimes worldly life makes humans unaware that various signs of the end times have occurred on this earth. This should make Muslims able to prepare themselves in terms of as many acts of worship and devotion as possible.

Are you aware that time feels faster is a sign of the apocalypse? This is the cause

Signs of the apocalypse that exist around us, for example, the construction of tall and magnificent buildings and buildings, until time feels shorter day by day. Regarding time, perhaps some of Dream's friends feel that the days passed are moving faster. Even the change of year that used to feel long, suddenly approaching the end of the year. So, what makes this happen? The Prophet Muhammad also once said: "The Day of Judgment will not come until the time is near, a year will be like a month, a month will be like a week, a week will be like a day, a day will be like an hour, and an hour will be like the burning of a date palm leaf." (HR. Ahmad and At-Tirmidzi)

Zaman yang Semakin Singkat

"Time is Running Short"

The signs of the apocalypse have been explained in the Al-Quran as well as the hadiths of the Prophet. Although the exact timing is not specified, through these signs, it should be able to awaken the Muslim community.

One of the signs of the end of time is that time feels increasingly short. Prophet Muhammad (pbuh) said: "Time feels brief, good deeds decrease, stinginess spreads, mischief (sins) is openly declared, and there is much Al-haraj." The companions asked, "O Messenger of Allah, what does Al-haraj mean?" The Prophet replied: "Killings." (HR. Al-Bukhari) The shortening of time is explained by several scholars. There is a lack of blessings in time. Then, Ibn Hajar in Fathul Baari said: "This has been found in our time now. Because we have found the rapid passing of time that we have never experienced before."

"Why Does Time Move Fast?"

The following is the translation of the given 'Bahasa' text to 'English' while preserving any HTML tags: "The time that feels like it moves quickly is not just a mere feeling. It has a close relationship with how our relationship or communication is with Allah SWT."

As explained by Sheikh Imran N Hosein, a Muslim scholar, the assumption that time moves faster is caused by days that do not remember Allah SWT. Where people are too busy with worldly matters. This causes them to experience spiritual emptiness. As a result, people will make business agreements with each other and almost no one fulfills their promises. People who talk about their intelligence, wisdom, and firm convictions, but in reality, they do not have faith in their hearts, even as small as a mustard seed.

Tidak Cinta Allah, maka Waktu Bergerak Cepat

"Not Loving Allah, then Time Moves Fast"

"In this increasingly modern and advanced era, every human being is occupied with the desire to improve themselves and achieve success. However, they tend to neglect their relationship with Allah SWT."

Well, remembering Allah SWT is not just about remembering His name. But there must also be a feeling of love in the heart. With that, in remembering Allah SWT, it can truly penetrate the heart and mind. When love for Allah SWT is not in the heart, then this is related to time that feels moving so fast. Meanwhile, sincere love for Allah SWT, then time will move slowly. Where eventually the truth will lead us to a timeless realm. So, in this life, we should not be busy with worldly affairs alone, but we must also continue to remember Allah SWT. One of them is by not forgetting to always remember Him.

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