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Sudah Siap Mudik? Amalkan 7 Doa Safar Ini agar Selamat Sampai Tujuan

"Ready for Mudik? Practice these 7 Safar Prayers to Arrive Safely at Your Destination"

"Through this safar prayer, your journey will always be under the protection of Allah SWT and arrive safely."

Dream - Has Dream's friend planned when they will go back to their hometown for Eid al-Fitr? Yes, going back to the hometown has become one of the traditions of Indonesian people before Eid al-Fitr. They will return to their hometown to celebrate Eid with family and relatives. Some will have a short journey, while others will have a long journey. It can be between provinces, between islands, or even between countries. Dream's friend certainly hopes for a smooth and safe journey to their destination. Therefore, don't forget to recite a prayer for travel when going back later.

Even the Prophet Muhammad once said: "Three prayers that are definitely answered (mustajab) and there is no doubt about them, the prayer of someone who is oppressed, the prayer of a traveler, and the bad prayer of a parent against their child." (HR. Ahmad, Abu Dawud, and At-Tirmidhi)

Are You Ready for Mudik? Practice These 7 Doa Safar to Arrive Safely at Your Destination
Are You Ready for Mudik? Practice These 7 Doa Safar to Arrive Safely at Your Destination

Well, here is the reading of the prayer for travel that you can recite when going back home later as summarized by Dream through various sources.

Reading Prayer for Traveling or Journey

There are several prayers for traveling or safar that are found in the book of hadith by Sheikh Al-Bani, which friends of Dream can practice when going home later, as follows:

Reading Prayer for Traveling or Journey

First Prayer

When Dream's friend has finished preparing to travel and is about to leave, before leaving the house, read the following prayer: Meaning: "In the name of Allah, I entrust myself to Allah and there is no power or strength except with Allah alone."

"Second Prayer"

When Dream's friends are ready to go and are already inside the vehicle, then recite the following travel prayer: أَسْتَوْدِعُ اللَّهَ دِينَكَ وَأَمَانَتَكَ وَخَوَاتِيمَ عَمَلِكَ This means: "I entrust your religion, trustworthiness, and final deeds to Allah."

"Prayer Third"

During the journey, pray to ask for always being in a state and atmosphere of piety towards Allah SWT. Here is a travel prayer that you can practice:

Are You Ready for Mudik? Practice These 7 Doa Safar to Arrive Safely at Your Destination

"Fourth Prayer"

Meanwhile, the prayer of a traveler for the person left behind is as follows: أَسْتَوْدِعُكَ اللَّهَ الَّذِى لاَ تَضِيعُ وَدَائِعُهُ Astawdi'ukallohalladzii laa tadhii'u wa daa-i'uhu. Meaning: "I entrust you to Allah who will never waste the trust placed in Him."

"Prayer Five"

When Dream friends start leaving home, here is a travel prayer that you can practice: (3x)

  • Bismillah (3X), AlhamdulillahSubhaanalladzii sakh-khoro lanaa haadzaa wa maa kunnaa lahuu muqriniin. Wa innaa ilaa robbinaa lamun-qolibuun.Alhamdulillah, alhamdulillah, alhamdulillah.Allohu akbar, allohu akbar, allohu akbar.Subhaanaka innii qod zholamtu nafsii, faghfirlii fa-innahuu laa yaghfirudz dzunuuba illaa anta.Artinya: "In the name of Allah (3x). All praise is due to Allah. Glorified is Allah who has subjected all of this for us when we were not able to control it, and indeed, we will return to our Lord."

    "Holy are You, indeed I have wronged myself, so forgive me, for there is none who forgives sins except for You."

    Are You Ready for Mudik? Practice These 7 Doa Safar to Arrive Safely at Your Destination
    Are You Ready for Mudik? Practice These 7 Doa Safar to Arrive Safely at Your Destination

    "Prayer Six"

    The following is the prayer reading for safar when Dream's friend is already on the journey: الله أَكْبَرُ (3x) سُبْحَانَ الَّذِي سَخَّرَ لَنَا هَذَا وَمَا كُنَّا لَهُ مُقْرِنِينَ وَإِنَّا إِلَى رَبِّنَا لَمُنْقَلِبُونَ اللَّهُمَّ إِنَّا نَسْأَلُكَ فِي سَفَرِنَا هَذَا الْبَرَّ وَالتَّقْوَى وَمِنَ الْعَمَلِ مَا تَرْضَى اللَّهُمَّ هَوِّنْ عَلَيْنَا سَفَرَنَا هَذَا وَاطْوَ عَنَّا بِعَدَهُ اللَّهُمَّ أَنْتَ الصَّاحِبُ فِي السَّفَرِ وَالْخَلِيفَةُ فِي الْأَهْلِ اللَّهُمَّ إِنِّي أَعُوذُ بِكَ مِنْ وَعَثَاءِ السَّفَرِ وَكَآبَةِ الْمَنْظَرِ وَسُوءِ الْمَنْقَلِبِ فِي الْمَالِ وَالْأَهْلِ

    Allohu akbar, allohu akbar, allohu akbar. Allah is the greatest, Allah is the greatest, Allah is the greatest. Subhaanalladzii sakh-khoro lanaa haadzaa wa maa kunnaa lahuu muqriniin. Wa innaa ilaa robbinaa lamun-qolibuun. Glory be to the One who has made this [journey] possible for us, for we would not have been able to do it ourselves. And indeed, to our Lord we are returning. Allohumma innaa nas-aluka fii safarinaa haadzaa al-birro wat taqwaa wa minal 'amali maa tardho. O Allah, we ask You for righteousness and piety in this journey, and for acceptance of our deeds. Allohumma hawwin 'alaina safaronaa haadza, wathwi 'annaa bu'dahuu. O Allah, make this journey easy for us, and remove from us its difficulty. Allohumma antash shoohibu fis safar, wal kholiifatu fil ahli. O Allah, You are the Companion on the journey and the Successor over the family. Allohumma inni a'uudzubika min wa'tsaa-is safari wa ka-aabatil manzhori wa suu-il munqolabi fil maali wal ahli. O Allah, I seek refuge in You from the hardships of travel, from having a miserable sight upon returning, and from an evil change in wealth and family.

    Meaning: "Allah is the Greatest, Allah is the Greatest, Allah is the Greatest. Glorified be Allah who has subjugated this vehicle for us, even though we previously did not have the ability to do so, and indeed only to our Lord we shall return. O Allah, we truly beseech You for goodness, piety, and deeds that You are pleased with in our journey. O Allah, make our journey easy, shorten the long distances for us. O Allah, You are our companion on the journey and our substitute in the midst of our family."

    "O Allah, I seek refuge in You from the hardships of the journey, the sad place of return, and the sight of misfortune upon wealth and family."

    Are You Ready for Mudik? Practice These 7 Doa Safar to Arrive Safely at Your Destination
    Are You Ready for Mudik? Practice These 7 Doa Safar to Arrive Safely at Your Destination

    "Seventh Prayer"

    As a form of gratitude for safety upon reaching the destination, recite the following prayer: "Allaahumma inni as aluka lhairahha wakhaira ahlihaa wakhairo maa fiiha wa a'uudzubika min syarrihaa wa syaarri ahlihaa wa syarri maa fiiha." Meaning: "O Allah, I ask You for the goodness of this land and the goodness of its people, and the goodness that is within it. I seek refuge in You from the evil of this land and the evil of its people, and the evil that is within it."

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