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"First Echelon Official of Bappenas Receives Social Assistance, Despite Earning IDR 39 Million Salary"

Dream - Minister of National Development Planning/Head of the National Development Planning Agency (Bappenas), Suharso Monoarfa, admitted to being surprised because there are officials at the I level in his ministry who received social assistance (bansos) from the government. Although the assistance was not taken by his subordinates, Suharso felt something was amiss.

"In various occasions, I often convey that the first echelon in Bappenas can receive social assistance. Strange, right? Even the Secretary General laughed," said Suharso, as quoted from, Friday, June 21, 2024. "Until now, I still receive it, I think. I asked yesterday, still receiving, and he gave it to those who are more deserving," he added.

Bappenas Grade I Officials Receive Social Assistance, Even Though They Earn Rp39 Million Salary

According to Suharso, the government continues to make efforts to ensure that the distribution of social assistance is more targeted. One of them is through the Socio-Economic Registration Data that can be utilized in evidence-based planning and budgeting.

"We do need a proper strategy to plan the distribution of government programs funded by our social subsidy expenditures, so that it reaches the right people," he said. The news about the Bappenas I Eselon, which also received social assistance, has actually been voiced by Suharso since 2020."

At that time, he continued to push for the update of the Integrated Social Welfare Data (DTKS) in the near future. Because, the current available DTKS is considered irrelevant to the problems in the field. He exemplified the problems that arise due to the use of DTKS, namely the beneficiaries who are targeted wrongly and deviate far from the intended purpose.

"Even in my office, some level I officials receive it, imagine that! Maybe they are using the old data (DTKS)," said Suharso. According to him, the polemic over the chaotic determination of social assistance beneficiaries is not the fault of the Ministry of Social Affairs or the beneficiaries themselves. However, the lack of DTKS updates is the issue.

Gaji Pejabat Eselon I Kementerian PPN

"Salary of Officials in the First Echelon of the Ministry of National Development Planning"

Based on Government Regulation (PP) Number 5 of 2024, the lowest rank civil servant is rank I, with a salary ranging from Rp1,685,700 - 2,901,400.

While for civil servants with the highest grade, which is grade IV, the salary received is Rp3,287,800 - 6,373,200. For the rank level of Eselon I, it usually falls within the lowest grade IV/c and the highest grade IV/e, depending on the level of education. Therefore, the received salary ranges from Rp3,880,400 - 6,373,200. In addition to salary, civil servants are also entitled to various forms of allowances, including performance allowances (tukin) from the ministry. Specifically for employees in the Ministry of National Development Planning, the amount of tukin that can be received has been regulated by Presidential Regulation (Perpres) Number 33 of 2023.

In the Perpres, the amount of performance allowance for civil servants in the Ministry is determined based on the job class. For eselon I positions, they usually belong to the highest job class (17), which amounts to Rp33,240,000 per month. Therefore, when combined with salary, the income received by eselon I employees reaches Rp37,120,400 - 39,613,200 per month.

Bappenas Grade I Officials Receive Social Assistance, Even Though They Earn Rp39 Million Salary

However, the figure does not include other attached allowances. Because civil servants also receive facilities in the form of meal allowances, allowances for wives or children, and other attached allowances.

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