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Prayer for Baby's Haircut to Prayer for Akikah Walimah as a Form of Gratitude for the Birth of a Child.

Prayer for Baby's Haircut to Prayer for Akikah Walimah as a Form of Gratitude for the Birth of a Child.

Dream - The prayer for shaving a baby's hair is usually performed when performing akikah for the birth of a child. At the same time, a goat or sheep is also slaughtered. If the child being akikah is female, then one goat is slaughtered. Meanwhile, if the child being akikah is male, then two goats are slaughtered. The implementation of this akikah is very important for the child. As explained in a hadith:

"Every child that is born depends on their akikah, which is slaughtered for them on their seventh day, while they are shaved and given a name." (HR. Abu Dawud)

Prayer for Shaving Baby's Hair to Walimah Akikah Prayer as a Form of Gratitude for the Birth of a Child

In the akikah procession, the prayer for shaving the baby's hair, the prayer for slaughtering the akikah animal, and even the prayer for the akikah feast are very important. Through these prayers, God willing, blessings and goodness will come from Him. Here are the readings for the prayer for shaving the baby's hair and other prayers in the akikah as summarized by Dream through various sources.

"Prayer Reading in Akikah Event"

The following are some readings of prayers in the akikah event. Starting from the prayer for shaving the baby's hair to the prayer for the akikah feast.

1. Baby's Haircut Prayer

Bismillahirrahmanirrahim. Alhamdulillahirabbil 'alam\u00een. Allahumma nurus samawati wa nurusy syamsyi wal qamari, Allahumma sirrullahi nurun nubuwwati Rasulullahhi Shallallahu 'alaihi wasallam walhamdulillahi Rabbil 'alamin. Translation: In the name of Allah, the Most Gracious, the Most Merciful. Praise be to Allah, the Lord of all the worlds. O Allah, the light of the heavens, the sun, and the moon. O Allah, the secret of Allah, the light of prophethood, the Messenger of Allah, peace and blessings be upon him, and all praise be to Allah, the Lord of all the worlds.

2. Prayer for Slaughtering Akikah Animal

"بِسْمِ اللهِ وَاللهُ أَكْبَرُ [ اللَّهُمَّ مِنْكَ وَلَكَ ] اللَّهُمَّ تَقَبَّلْ مِنِّي هَذِهِ عَقِيقَةُBismillahi wallahu akbar. Allahumma minka wa laka. Allahumma taqabbal minni. Hadzihi 'aqiqatu... (diteruskan dengan nama bayi).
Artinya: Dengan menyebut asma Allah. Allah Maha Besar. Ya Allah, dari dan untuk-Mu. Ya Allah, terimalah dari kami. Inilah aqiqahnya... (diteruskan dengan nama bayi)."

Prayer for Shaving Baby's Hair to Walimah Akikah Prayer as a Form of Gratitude for the Birth of a Child

3. Doa Meniup Ubun-Ubun Bayi translates to "3. Prayer for Blowing on the Baby's Crown"

Allahumma inni u'idzuha bika wa dzurriyyataha minasy syaithanir rajim. Translation: "O Allah, I seek your protection for her and her family from the accursed Satan."

Prayer for Shaving Baby's Hair to Walimah Akikah Prayer as a Form of Gratitude for the Birth of a Child

4. Akikah Walimah Prayer

Allahummahfadzhu min syarril jinni wal insi wa ummish shibyani wa min jami'is sayyiati wal 'ishyani wahrishu bihadlanatika wa kafalatika al-mahmudati wa bidawami 'inayatika wa ri'ayatika an-nafidzati nuqaddimu biha 'alal qiyami bima kalaftana min huquqi rububiyyatika al-karimati nadabtana ilaihi fima bainana O Allah, protect us from the evil of the jinn, humans, and the devil, and from all the bad things and sins. Guard us with Your care and sufficiency, and with Your continuous attention and protection. We present ourselves to You, relying on Your rights as our Lord and Your generous kindness. O Allah, make us and our families among the people of knowledge, goodness, and the Quran, and do not make us and our families among the people of evil, small-mindedness, darkness, and ignorance.

wa baina khalqika min makarimil akhlaqi wa athyabu ma fadldlaltana minal arzaqi. Allahummaj'alna wa iyyahum min ahlil 'ilmi wa ahlil khairi wa ahlil qur'ani wa la taj'alna wa iyyahum min ahlisy syarri wadl dloiri wadz dzolami wath thughyani. Translation: "And among Your creation are those with noble character and the purest of provisions. O Allah, make us and them among the people of knowledge, goodness, the Quran, and do not make us and them among the people of evil, harm, darkness, and oppression. With this, I am able to..."

With that, I am able to fulfill what You have entrusted to me, from the noble rights of divinity. Adorn him with what is between us and Your creatures, namely noble character and the most beautiful grace. O Allah, make us and them knowledgeable, virtuous, and experts in the Quran. Do not make us and them experts in evil, wrongdoing, oppression, and disgraceful acts.

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