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Prayer for No Rain during the Celebration According to the Teachings of the Prophet Muhammad, God willing, the Weather will be Sunny and the Event will run smoothly.

Prayer for No Rain during the Celebration According to the Teachings of the Prophet Muhammad, God willing, the Weather will be Sunny and the Event will run smoothly.

Dream - Hajatan is an event held to celebrate something. Whether it's a wedding, aqiqah (Islamic tradition of sacrificing an animal after the birth of a child), or the birth of a child, and so on. It is understandable that the event organizers want the event to run smoothly and guests can attend comfortably. One of the hopes that the event host desires during the event is for it not to rain. Therefore, many people, especially in Indonesia, bring rain shamans. As Muslims, it is important to rely on Islamic teachings, which include reciting prayers to prevent rain during hajatan, as taught by the Prophet Muhammad.

Well, for Dream friends who are about to hold an event, here is a prayer to prevent rain during the event that you can practice as summarized by Dream from various sources.

Prayer for No Rain during Events According to the Teachings of the Prophet Muhammad, God willing, the Weather will be Clear and the Event will run smoothly
Prayer to Prevent Rain during Festivities

Prayer to Prevent Rain during Festivities

Prayer so that it does not rain during this event can be practiced by Dream friends before the event or when it is raining heavily before the event is held.

The following is the reading of the prayer taught by the Prophet Muhammad peace be upon him: اللَّهُمّ حَوَالَيْنَا وَلَا عَلَيْنَا,اللَّهُمَّ عَلَى الْآكَامِ وَالْجِبَالِ وَالظِّرَابِ وَبُطُونِ الْأَوْدِيَةِ وَمَنَابِتِ الشَّجَرِAllahumma haawalaina wa laa ’alaina. Allahumma ’alal aakami wal jibaali, wazh zhiroobi, wa buthunil awdiyati, wa manaabitisy syajari.Artinya, "O Allah, send rain around us, not upon us. O Allah, send rain to the highlands, mountains, hills, valleys, and places where trees grow." (HR. Bukhari no. 1014 and Muslim no. 897)

Climbing up prayers so that it doesn't rain during the event doesn't mean that we hate the arrival of rain. Considering that rain itself is sent down by Allah SWT and brings many blessings. However, at that time, the event is being held. Where when it rains, there are several things that can hinder activities. Therefore, the rain is moved to another place. With that, the event can be carried out smoothly.

The meaning of rain in Islam

Rain has a deep meaning in Islam. Here are some meanings of rain in the context of Islam:

Makna Hujan dalam Islam

1. Rain is a Blessing

In Islam, the descent of rain is a blessing from Allah SWT. This is also explained in the Quran through Surah Qaf verse 9: "And We have sent down from the sky blessed water, then We have caused to grow thereby gardens and grain from the harvest."

2. The Greatness of Allah SWT Rain demonstrates how Great Allah SWT is over this universe. As explained in Surah An Nur verse 43: "Do you not see that Allah drives clouds, then joins them together, then makes them overlap? Then you see rain emerge from within them, and Allah also sends down hail from the sky, (from the clouds that resemble mountains). Thus, He strikes with hail whoever He wills and turns it away from whoever He wills. The flash of lightning almost takes away the sight."

Prayer for No Rain during Events According to the Teachings of the Prophet Muhammad, God willing, the Weather will be Clear and the Event will run smoothly

3. Giving Good News

The descent of rain is a blessing from Allah SWT. It is also a glad tidings for humanity in the world. In the words of Allah SWT in Surah Asy-Syuura verse 28, it means: 'And it is He who sends down rain after they had lost hope and spreads His mercy. And He is the Protector, the Praiseworthy.'

4. Giving Human the Opportunity to Pray

One of the most effective times to pray is when it is raining. Therefore, when the rain comes, it becomes an opportunity for the people in the world to pray to Allah SWT. As the saying of the Prophet Muhammad said: "Seek the most effective prayer in three situations: when two armies meet, before the prayer is performed, and when it is raining."

Prayer for No Rain during Events According to the Teachings of the Prophet Muhammad, God willing, the Weather will be Clear and the Event will run smoothly

5. Allah SWT Fulfills the Needs of Every Creature

The following is the translation of the given 'Bahasa' text to 'English' while preserving any html tags: "Rain brings water to the surface of this earth. Where water itself is highly needed by every living creature. Whether it is humans, animals, or plants. With that, everyone can survive. Allah SWT says in Surah Az-Zukhruf verse 11: "And He who sends down from the sky, rain in measured amounts, and We revive thereby a dead land - thus will you be brought forth [from the graves]."

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