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Doa Hari Jumat Pagi dan Sore yang Bisa Datangkan Keberkahan dan Perlindungan Allah SWT, Yuk Diamalkan!

Prayer for Friday Morning and Afternoon that Can Bring Blessings and Protection from Allah SWT, Let's Practice It!

Dream - Friday is a noble and blessed day. Therefore, Muslims do not want to waste it just like that. This moment is also multiplied by doing various good deeds. For example, giving alms, sending blessings upon the Prophet Muhammad, and remembering Allah. In addition, Friday is a very auspicious time for prayer. Whether it is in the morning or afternoon. In fact, in a hadith from Abu Hurairah, it is explained that praying on Friday, then Allah SWT will grant whatever is asked for.

"On Friday, there is a time when not a single Muslim servant stands to perform prayers and supplicates to Allah at that time, except that Allah will grant whatever they ask for."

Prayers for Friday Morning and Afternoon that Can Bring Blessings and Protection from Allah SWT, Let's Practice!
Prayers for Friday Morning and Afternoon that Can Bring Blessings and Protection from Allah SWT, Let's Practice!

The following is a reading on Friday morning and afternoon that you can practice as summarized by Dream through various sources.

Prayer on Friday Morning and Evening

The following is a prayer reading on Friday morning and afternoon that was taught by the Prophet Muhammad saw in order to bring blessings and protection from Allah SWT.

Doa di Jumat Pagi dan Sore

"Prayer on Friday Morning"

I seek forgiveness from Allah, the One who has no deity except Him, the Ever-Living, the Sustainer of existence, and I repent to Him. Meaning: I ask for forgiveness from Allah, the One who has no deity except Him, the Ever-Living, the Sustainer of existence, and I repent to Him.

"Prayer on Friday Evening"

Allahumma Anta Rabbi laa ilaaha illa Anta khalaqtani, wa ana abduka wabnu amatika wafi qabdhotika wa nasiyati bi yadika. Amsaitu ala ahdika wa wa'dika mastatho'tu a'udzu bika min syarri ma shona'tu. Abu'u bi ni'matika wa abu'u bidzanbi faghfirly dzunubi. Innahu la yaghfirudz dzunuba illa Anta. O Allah, You are my Lord, there is no god but You. You created me and I am Your servant, and I am faithful to my covenant and my promise to You as much as I can. I seek refuge in You from the evil of what I have done. I acknowledge Your blessings and I acknowledge my sins, so forgive me my sins. Indeed, no one forgives sins except You.

Translation: "Meaning: 'O Allah, You are my Lord, there is no god that I worship except You who has created me. You have created me as Your servant and the child of Your servant. My life is in Your hands. I live by Your promises and threats. As long as I can, I seek refuge in You from the evil that I have done. I have wasted Your blessings. And I have sinned. So forgive my sins. Truly, no one can forgive sins except You.'"

Waktu Mustajab Berdoa di Hari Jumat

"Effective Time to Pray on Friday"

Although Friday is a good day to pray, there is a better and more effective time.

Whereas when Dream's friends pray at that time, with the permission of Allah SWT, it will surely be granted. That time is after Asr. As explained in the following hadith: "On Friday, there are twelve hours (during the day), among them there is a time where no Muslim servant asks Allah for something except that He will grant his request. Therefore, seek it at the end of the time after Asr." (HR. Abu Dawud) Besides that, Dream's friends should not waste Fridays. Because every moment on that day is very precious. Especially if filled with good deeds or worship.

"Even, besides granting the requests of His servants, Friday becomes an opportunity for Muslims to have their sins forgiven by Allah SWT. As explained in a narration from Anas ra, the Prophet Muhammad said: "Indeed, Allah SWT does not leave any Muslim on Friday without having their sins forgiven." (HR. Ibnu 'Adiy and Ath-Thabrani)"

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Prayer for No Rain during Events According to the Teachings of the Prophet Muhammad, God willing, the Weather will be Clear and the Event will run smoothly

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