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Hati-Hati dengan Bahaya Sihir! Amalkan Doa yang Diajarkan Rasulullah Ini, InsyaAllah Langsung Bebas

"Be careful with the danger of magic! Practice the prayers taught by the Prophet, InshaAllah you will be immediately free."

Dream - Magic is not a new thing around us. Even in the time of Prophet Muhammad, the practice of magic was already used. The Islamic law regarding the use of magic is clearly forbidden. However, the practice of magic still exists and is used in modern times. The purpose of magic is generally negative, which is to harm others. For example, by using hair, clothes, or photos. The Prophet Muhammad himself was once affected by magic. In a narration by Bukhari and Muslim, it is explained that the Prophet Muhammad was bewitched by Labid Al-Asham.

The following is the translation of the 'Bahasa' text to 'English' while preserving any HTML tags: "The magic was placed under a stone in the Dzarwan well. Well, in that bewitched condition, there is a prayer to destroy magic that was practiced by him. Here is the recitation of the prayer to destroy magic taught by the Prophet Muhammad as summarized by Dream through various sources."

Be careful with the dangers of magic! Practice the prayers taught by the Prophet, InshaAllah you will be immediately free
Hukum Sihir dan Tukang Sihir dalam Islam

Law of Magic and Sorcerer in Islam

The law of magic in Islam is forbidden (haram) and is considered one of the major sins that should be avoided by Muslims.

Magic is defined as a magical practice aimed at controlling or influencing others using supernatural powers or jinn. Sorcerers, as practitioners of magic, are considered sinful and also forbidden in Islam. They use black magic to achieve their goals, such as causing harm to others or gaining personal benefits. Islam prohibits the practice of magic because it is considered to disrupt the order that Allah has established.

The danger of magic lies in the negative influence it generates in affecting one's mind, behavior, and safety. Magic can damage the relationship between humans and their creator. We must also be aware that magic is a clear form of polytheism, and as Muslims, we are prohibited from engaging in such practices.

"Punishment for Sorcerers According to the Quran"

In Islam, the practice of black magic or sorcery is considered a highly reprehensible act. The Quran explicitly states that sorcery is one of the major sins that should be avoided by Muslims.

Allah SWT said in Surah An-Nisa verse 48: "Indeed, Allah does not forgive associating others with Him in worship, but He forgives what is less than that for whom He wills. And whoever associates others with Allah has certainly gone far astray." This verse affirms that those who practice magic and witchcraft do not have strong evidence as established by the Islamic religion.

In addition, in Surah Al-Maidah verse 72, Allah SWT says: "Indeed, those who say, 'Allah is the Messiah, the son of Mary' have certainly disbelieved. The Messiah said, 'O Children of Israel, worship Allah, my Lord and your Lord.' Indeed, whoever associates others with Allah - Allah has forbidden him Paradise, and his refuge is the Fire. And there are not for the wrongdoers any helpers." This verse confirms that those who practice magic and deviate from the teachings of Islam will receive punishment from Allah SWT.

In Islam, magic and witchcraft are prohibited and forbidden. Muslims are commanded to stay away from such practices. Practitioners of magic will receive severe punishment from Allah SWT, both in this world and in the hereafter. Therefore, Muslims are expected to always avoid magic and adhere to the teachings of Islam as stipulated in the Quran.

"Danger of Magic, Prevention Methods, and Overcoming It"

Magic is a phenomenon that is harmful and can endanger someone's health and life.

Magic is a practice of black magic carried out by a sorcerer with the aim of manipulating someone's life through supernatural powers. In Islam, magic is considered a prohibited and forbidden act. The importance of dealing with the dangers of magic is related to the negative effects it can cause. Magic can affect someone's physical and mental health, create division in relationships, and disrupt everyday life. Therefore, preventive measures are necessary to prevent and overcome magic.

The following is the translation of the given 'Bahasa' text to 'English' while preserving any html tags: "The way to prevent magic is by strengthening faith and maintaining the quality of worship. In addition, avoiding bad company and avoiding practices related to magic can be effective preventive measures. Overcoming magic is done through religious guidance and prayer. Consult the problem with religious experts who can provide guidance and protection to overcome the effects of magic. Additionally, performing recommended prayers and relying on Allah is also crucial in facing magic."

Reading Surah Al-Mu'awwidzatain

The magic aimed at the Prophet Muhammad was found in a well and lifted, then later burned. Then, those knots showed a rope with 11 knots that were difficult to untie.

Membaca Surat Al Mu'awwidzatain

At that time, the revelation from Allah SWT came down in the form of the Al Mu'awwidzatain, which are the surahs Al-Falaq and An-Nas. When he recited those surahs, a knot opened up and unraveled eleven times. Then, he also recited that prayer before going to sleep. The purpose of this is to protect oneself from unwanted things, one of which is magic.

"Prayer to be Protected from Other Sorcery"

In addition to reading the letters Al Mu'awwidzatain, Dream's friends can also read the following prayer to be protected from magic:

There is no god but Allah alone, without partner. His is the sovereignty and His is the praise, and He is Able to do all things. This prayer is recited 100 times every day, anytime, especially after waking up, before sleeping, and after performing obligatory or voluntary prayers.

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