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Can Reading the Prayer of Intention for Fasting Ramadan for a Whole Month? Here's the Explanation that Muslims Should Pay Attention to.

Can Reading the Prayer of Intention for Fasting Ramadan for a Whole Month? Here's the Explanation that Muslims Should Pay Attention to.

Dream - The intention prayer for fasting Ramadan for a month is important to be known by every Muslim. Considering that the holy and blessed month will soon arrive, Muslims need to remember the recitation of the intention prayer for fasting Ramadan for the validity of the worship that will be carried out. Realizing that fasting Ramadan is obligatory, it must be prepared and carried out as best as possible. Including something that must not be missed is reciting the intention prayer for fasting Ramadan for a month.

The following is the reading of the prayer for the intention of fasting Ramadan for a month, which later can be practiced by Dream's friends as summarized from various sources.

Can Reading the Intention Prayer for Fasting Ramadan for a Whole Month? Here's the Important Explanation for Muslims to Pay Attention to
Pentingnya Niat Puasa Ramadan

The importance of the intention to fast during Ramadan

"Fasting in Ramadan is one of the important rituals for Muslims. The intention (niat) for fasting in Ramadan is clearly one of the requirements that must be fulfilled before starting to observe the fasting ritual."

Without sincere intention, fasting will not be valid and will not bring the expected rewards. The intention to fast during Ramadan should essentially be stated in the heart before dawn breaks as a sign of the beginning of the time of imsak. The purpose of that time is that the intention must be stated before entering the time of dawn, which indicates the start of the fasting period.

If someone is unsure about the time of dawn or has doubts about the timing of the pre-dawn meal (imsak) not being in line with the time of dawn, they can declare their intention to fast before the break of dawn. The declaration of intention to fast can be done silently in one's heart or verbally. If stating the intention to fast verbally, it is recommended not to recite it loudly to avoid drawing attention from others. The supplication for the intention to fast on the first night of Ramadan also holds its own significance.

In the first night prayer intention, it is recommended that we pray to Allah to be granted ease and strength in performing the fasting throughout the month of Ramadan. In addition, it is also advised to pray that all of our acts of worship are accepted by Allah and that we can achieve the true purpose of fasting. By understanding the importance of the intention of fasting in Ramadan, we can perform the fasting sincerely and obtain blessings from Allah SWT.

The Best Time to Read Ramadan Fasting Intention

In Islam, fasting during Ramadan is one of the obligations for Muslims. To begin fasting, Muslims need to recite the intention during pre-dawn meal (sahur) before the time of imsak and Subuh (dawn) starts.

Waktu yang Terbaik untuk Membaca Niat Puasa Ramadan

The best time to read the intention for Ramadan fasting is during sahur, before the time of imsak and Subuh begins. Sahur is the time to eat sahur before dawn breaks. At that time, Muslims must prepare themselves physically and mentally to observe fasting throughout the day. Reading the intention at this time is an important initial step to obtain blessings and the validity of fasting. The existence of imsak and Subuh time as a reference to determine the time of intention implies that the intention should be read before that time arrives.

If the intention is read after the time of imsak or Subuh begins, then the fasting may not be valid. Therefore, it is very important for Muslims to read the intention of fasting Ramadan during sahur and before the time of imsak and Subuh begins. In carrying out the fasting of Ramadan with sincerity, Muslims should follow the advice to read the intention of fasting at the best time, namely during sahur, before the time of imsak and Subuh begins. By doing this, Muslims can ensure the validity and blessings of their fasting.

"Intention of Fasting in Ramadan and its Virtues"

Reading the intention of fasting in Ramadan has a great virtue. By reading the intention, a Muslim strengthens their intention to fast throughout the month of Ramadan.

The virtue of reading this fasting intention lies in the sincerity of the heart in performing the obligatory fasting in Islam. The importance of strengthening the fasting intention is to maintain the sincerity of worship. In Islam, sincerity is the key to carrying out worship that is accepted by Allah. By reading the fasting intention with full awareness and conviction, a Muslim emphasizes their intention to worship only to seek His pleasure.

Reading the intention of fasting Ramadan has extraordinary virtues. Through this intention, a Muslim strengthens their determination to perform fasting with full sincerity. Therefore, it is very important to read the intention of fasting Ramadan correctly and at the right time, so that our fasting worship is accepted by Allah.

"Prayer for the Intention of Fasting Ramadan for a Month"

Quoted from, according to Imam Qulyubi, the intention prayer for fasting in Ramadan is only limited to anticipate if one forgets to recite the intention.

Doa Niat Puasa Ramadan Sebulan

With that, every night it is necessary to continue reading the intention of fasting in Ramadan. The prayer of the intention of fasting in Ramadan for a month is to show the seriousness of performing the fasting worship. Here is the prayer of the intention of fasting in Ramadan for a month that can be practiced: نَوَيْتُ صَوْمَ جَمِيعِ شَهْرِ رَمَضَانَ هَذِهِ السَّنَةِ تَقَلَّيْدًا لِلْإِمَامِ مَالِكٍ فَرْضًا لِلَّهِ تَعَالَى

Nawaitu shauma jami'i syahri ramadhani hadzihis sanati taqlidan lil imami Malik fardhan lillahi ta'ala. Artinya: "I intend to fast throughout the month of Ramadan this year, following Imam Malik, as an obligatory act for the sake of Allah."

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