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Bolehkah Menggabungkan Puasa Qadha Ramadan dan Puasa Rajab? Begini Penjelasannya, Lengkap dengan Bacaan Niat yang Wajib Diketahui

Can Combining Qadha Ramadan Fasting and Rajab Fasting Be Allowed? Here's the Explanation, Complete with the Obligatory Intention Recitation that Must be Known.

Dream - Does Dream's friend still have unpaid fasting debts from last year's Ramadan? Well, you can pay off those fasting debts in this month of Rajab while also observing the voluntary fast of Rajab. In Islam, it is permissible to do so. Moreover, the month of Rajab is highly honored by Allah SWT. So, make sure you do not miss out on the great rewards of this worship. However, Dream's friend should not forget to recite the intention before fasting.

The intention to combine the qadha fasting of Ramadan and the fasting of Rajab is important to know in order to ensure that the fasting you are doing is truly valid.

Can You Combine Qadha Ramadan Fasting and Rajab Fasting? Here's the Explanation, Complete with the Obligatory Intention Reading
Can You Combine Qadha Ramadan Fasting and Rajab Fasting? Here's the Explanation, Complete with the Obligatory Intention Reading

The following is the intention to combine the qadha fasting of Ramadan and the fasting of Rajab as summarized by Dream through various sources.

Law Combining Rajab Fasting with Qadha Fasting in Ramadan

Law Combining Rajab Fasting with Qadha Fasting in Ramadan

According to Islamic law, it is permissible to combine the intention of fasting Rajab with making up missed fasts from Ramadan.

Fasting in Rajab is a recommended voluntary fast, while making up missed fasts from Ramadan is an obligatory fast that must be replaced due to postponement. When someone intends to fast in Rajab, they can also intend to make up the missed fasts from Ramadan that have not been fulfilled. In this case, the intention to fast in Rajab can include the intention to make up the missed fasts from Ramadan, so that all of these fasts can be combined in one intention.

However, it is important to note that the intention must be clear and not mixed up. One needs to ensure that the intention for fasting in Rajab and making up for missed fasts in Ramadan are stated separately, but can be done simultaneously. Thus, combining the intention for fasting in Rajab with making up for missed fasts in Ramadan is in accordance with the teachings of Islam and does not violate Sharia law.

In this case, it is highly recommended to deeply understand the laws of Islam regarding fasting in order to perform it correctly and in accordance with religious teachings.

Can You Combine Qadha Ramadan Fasting and Rajab Fasting? Here's the Explanation, Complete with the Obligatory Intention Reading
Intention to Combine Qadha Ramadan Fasting and Rajab Fasting

Intention to Combine Qadha Ramadan Fasting and Rajab Fasting

The following is the intention reading to combine qadha Ramadan fasting and Rajab fasting for Dream friends who intend to do it:

I intend to fast in the month of Rajab, one year before Ramadan, which has not been made up yet, for the sake of Allah Ta'ala. The ruling for fasting in Rajab is recommended, while making up missed fasts in Ramadan is obligatory.

The translation of the given 'Bahasa' text to 'English' while preserving any HTML tags is as follows: "Syaratnya, seseorang harus sudah baligh, berakal sehat, dan mampu untuk berpuasa. Waktu yang tepat untuk menentukan niat puasa adalah sebelum terbit fajar pada hari puasa dimulai. Jika seseorang memiliki puasa qadha Ramadhan yang belum diganti, mereka dapat berniat puasa Rajab sekaligus qadha Ramadhan seperti bacaan di atas. Selain itu, mereka juga harus berniat untuk mengganti puasa qadha yang belum dilaksanakan." The conditions are that a person must have reached puberty, be of sound mind, and capable of fasting. The appropriate time to determine the intention to fast is before dawn on the day the fast begins. If a person has qadha Ramadhan fasts that have not been made up, they can intend to fast Rajab along with qadha Ramadhan as mentioned above. In addition, they must also intend to make up the missed qadha fasts.

"How to Make Up for Missed Ramadan Fasts in the Month of Rajab"

"To make up for missed fasting in Ramadan during the month of Rajab, one needs to specifically intend to combine the fasting of Rajab with the fasting of qadha Ramadan."

Cara Mengqadha Puasa Ramadan di Bulan Rajab

Make sure to pronounce the intention correctly to combine the fast. In terms of rewards, combining the intention of fasting Rajab with qadha Ramadan can give double rewards as an effort to fulfill the delayed obligation. By combining the fasting of Rajab with the fasting of qadha Ramadan, a person can also feel closer to Allah by performing worship with sincere intention.

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