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Clarification of Arya Wedakarna After Viral Racism towards Women in Hijab,

Clarification of Arya Wedakarna After Viral Racism towards Women in Hijab, "The Video is Edited"

"He mentioned that he has never offended any party or religion."

Dream - The figure of Bali Senator Arya Wedakarna is currently being discussed by netizens. He has received a lot of criticism after being called racist towards women who wear hijab. Arya mentioned that he does not particularly like airport officers who are frontliners and wear head coverings or hijab.

"I don't want a frontliner, a frontliner is not what I want. I want a Balinese girl like you, with her hair visibly open. Don't give me something that covers, unclear covers, this is not the Middle East. Bali is nice, wear flowers or anything."

say Arya Wedakarna through his instagram account

Clarification from Arya Wedakarna After Viral Racist Remarks to Women in Hijab, 'The Video is Edited'
Clarification from Arya Wedakarna After Viral Racist Remarks to Women in Hijab, 'The Video is Edited'

After his statement went viral and received public condemnation, Arya provided clarification regarding the video. Arya admitted that the video had been edited by an irresponsible party.

"Regarding the viral video circulating in society, it is stated by Arya that the circulating video has been edited by several media outlets or by irresponsible individuals."

Arya Wedakarna said through an Instagram post.

“Terkait dengan video viral yang beredar di masyarakat, bahwa video yang beredar adalah video yang telah dipotong oleh sejumlah media maupun oleh orang yang tidak bertanggung jawab,” ujar Arya.
Clarification from Arya Wedakarna After Viral Racist Remarks to Women in Hijab, 'The Video is Edited'

Arya added that he only requested for the best sons and daughters of the nation, in this case the people of Bali, to be the frontliners who directly welcome the guests landing at Ngurah Rai Airport, Bali.

Arya mentioned that in the previous meeting there was a Balinese female employee who also attended. He also exemplified so that the frontliners can appear like that female employee.

Clarification from Arya Wedakarna After Viral Racist Remarks to Women in Hijab, 'The Video is Edited'
Clarification from Arya Wedakarna After Viral Racist Remarks to Women in Hijab, 'The Video is Edited'

From his statement, Arya considers that there is no utterance that offends any religious group or any ethnic group.

"Thus, we do not mention any specific religion, any specific ethnicity, and any specific belief, as it is in accordance with the regulation of Bali Regional Regulation No. 2 of 2012 regarding Bali tourism, which is based on culture and influenced by Hindu religion."

add Arya through his upload

“Maka dari itu kami tak ada menyebutkan nama agama apapun, nama suku apapun, dan juga kepercayaan apapun, bahwa hal tersebut sudah selaras dengan peraturan Perda Bali, Nomor 2 Tahun 2012 tentang pariwisata Bali yang berlandaskan kebudayaan dan dijiwai agama hindu,”

"Previously, Arya was known to have a number of controversies. Starting from rejecting the presence of Islamic banks in Bali, rejecting the arrival of ustad Abdul Somad, to being reported for a case of assault against his assistant in 2020."

Clarification from Arya Wedakarna After Viral Racist Remarks to Women in Hijab, 'The Video is Edited'
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