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"Collection of Prayers to Request a Good and Righteous Partner, Can Include Mentioning Their Name"

"Prayer for a good soulmate reflects our belief that everything, including soulmates, is under the power of Allah SWT."

"Dream - In life, one of the moments that is highly anticipated by many people is meeting a good soulmate. A good soulmate is not just about physical or emotional compatibility, but also about the blessings and pleasure of Allah SWT. Asking for a good soulmate from Allah SWT through prayer is an important step that should not be overlooked. In Islam, prayer is one of the most essential forms of worship. Prayer is not just a request, but also a manifestation of our submission and dependence on the Creator."

"Prayer for a good soulmate reflects our belief that everything, including soulmates, is under the power of Allah SWT. By praying, we show that we trust in His wisdom and are confident that He will provide the best for us."

Collection of Prayers for a Good and Righteous Partner, Can Include Mentioning Their Name

"Besides that, prayer also reminds us to always improve ourselves so that we are worthy of finding a good partner, in accordance with religious teachings. In prayer, Dream friends can also mention the name of someone who you think is suitable to be a life partner. Here is the prayer for asking for a partner while mentioning their name as summarized by Dream through various sources."

Prayer for Asking for a Good and Righteous Partner

Prayer for Asking for a Good and Righteous Partner

"1. Prayer Request for a Partner by Mentioning a Name"

Here is the translated text with the HTML tags preserved: "Allahumma yaa robbi anta hasbii ‘alaa (sebut nama calon pasangan) ‘aththif qolbahaa ‘alayya wa sakhkhir li qolbahaa wa dzallihaa lii wa habbibnii ilaihaa hattaa ta’tiya ilayya khoodhi’atan dzaliilatan min ghoiri mahlatin wa asygholhaa bi mahabbatii innaka’ala kulli sya’iin qodirr. Artinya: “O Allah, O my Lord, You are sufficient for me regarding (mention the name of the prospective partner), incline her heart towards me,"

"and force his heart for me and have compassion for him for me and make him love me until he comes to me politely and shows kindness without delay. And keep him busy loving me. Indeed, You are All-Powerful over everything."

Collection of Prayers for a Good and Righteous Partner, Can Include Mentioning Their Name

"2. Prayer for a Good Partner"

"Rabbi hablii hukman wa alhiqnii bishshaalihiin. Artinya: “Ya Tuhanku, berikanlah kepadaku hikmah, agar aku menjadi orang yang bijaksana dan pertemukanlah aku dengan orang-orang sholeh.”" In English: "My Lord, grant me wisdom and join me with the righteous. Meaning: “O my Lord, grant me wisdom so that I may be wise and unite me with the righteous.”"

"3. Prayer for Finding a Partner from Surah Al-Furqan Verse 74"

Here is the translated text with the HTML tags preserved: "وَالَّذِينَ يَقُولُونَ رَبَّنَا هَبْ لَنَا مِنْ أَزْوَاجِنَا وَذُرِّيَّاتِنَا قُرَّةَ أَعْيُنٍ وَاجْعَلْنَا لِلْمُتَّقِينَ إِمَامًا Artinya: "Dan orang-orang yang berkata: “Ya Tuhan kami, anugrahkanlah kepada kami istri-istri kami dan keturunan kami sebagai penyenang hati (kami), dan jadikanlah kami imam bagi orang-orang yang bertakwa." (QS. Al-Furqan: 74)"

Collection of Prayers for a Good and Righteous Partner, Can Include Mentioning Their Name

"4. Prayer Request for a Partner from Surah Al-Qasas Verse 24"

Here is the translated text with HTML tags preserved: "Then Musa gave drink to their flock (to help) both of them, then he returned to the shaded place and prayed: 'O my Lord, indeed I am in great need of any good that You would send down to me.' (QS. Al-Qasas: 24)"

"5. Prayer for Seeking a Partner from Surah Ash-Shu'ara Verse 83"

"رَبِّ هَبْ لِي حُكْمًا وَأَلْحِقْنِي بِالصَّالِحِينَ Artinya: “Ya Tuhanku, berikanlah kepadaku hikmah dan masukkanlah aku ke dalam golongan orang-orang yang sholeh.” (QS.Asy-Syu’ara: 83)" Translation: "My Lord, grant me wisdom and join me with the righteous. (QS.Asy-Syu’ara: 83)"

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