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"Create a Stir with the Discovery of an 11,000-Year-Old Human Statue, Its Shape is Vulgar"

"A prehistoric human statue, the oldest of its kind, was discovered at the archaeological site of Karahan Tepe, Turkey. The statue stands 7.5 feet tall and is believed to be around 11,000 years old. The statue depicts a man holding his reproductive organ with both hands."
"Source : Ancient Pages"

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Creating a Stir with the Discovery of an 11,000-Year-Old Human Statue, Its Form is Vulgar

The phallic symbol is often connoted with the god of fertility in the context of ancient beliefs. Perhaps this statue was created in accordance with the image of the fertility god worshipped in ancient times.

The Urfa Man statue has long been considered the oldest known human-sized statue. Discovered in Turkey and dating back to around 9,000 BC, this statue was found in 1993 in the Balikligöl region. Interestingly, this statue also depicts a man holding his genitals with both hands.

Creating a Stir with the Discovery of an 11,000-Year-Old Human Statue, Its Form is Vulgar
Karahan Tepe di pegunungan Germuş di tenggara Turki dekat perbatasan dengan Suriah adalah situs arkeologi menarik yang hampir setua Göbekli Tepe, tempat para ilmuwan menemukan megalit tertua di dunia. <br>

"Karahan Tepe in the Germuş mountains in southeastern Turkey near the border with Syria is an interesting archaeological site that is almost as old as Göbekli Tepe, where scientists discovered the oldest megaliths in the world."

The translation of "Ditemukan Patung Hewan Purba." to English is "Ancient Animal Statue Found."

"Two ancient animal statues were discovered during a recent archaeological excavation. One depicts a wild boar, while the other is based on an image of a vulture. In a press release, scientists stated that its surface contains remnants of red, white, and black pigments, making it the first painted statue found from that period to the present day."

The purpose of Karahan Tepe and Göbekli Tepe is still debated. However, the existence of large and complex megaliths, as well as this T-shaped monument, provides evidence that the hunter-gatherer communities in southwest Asia during that period had a higher level of advancement than what archaeologists had estimated.

Creating a Stir with the Discovery of an 11,000-Year-Old Human Statue, Its Form is Vulgar

The translation of "Masih Menjadi Misteri." to English is "Still a Mystery."

The interpretation of the 11,000-year-old bearded human statue and its unique pose remains speculative. The identity of the man is still a mystery and raises many questions. "Who is this man? Is he a leader of the community, a member of one of the families living here, or someone else?" These questions remain unanswered.

"Archaeologist Necmi Karul from Istanbul University, who discovered the statue, stated that no female statues were found at the site, although it is possible that female statues made of wood have been lost over time."

Creating a Stir with the Discovery of an 11,000-Year-Old Human Statue, Its Form is Vulgar
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