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Ada 2 Piramida yang Terlupakan di Mesir, Bentuknya Bengkok dan Punya Lapisan Emas

There are 2 Forgotten Pyramids in Egypt, They are Curved in Shape and Have a Layer of Gold.

Nekropolis Dahshur, located about 40 kilometers south of Cairo, Egypt, is often forgotten but holds a very valuable and significant history. As an ancient burial ground, this necropolis plays a central role in the ancient Egyptian culture of death, filled with strong beliefs in the afterlife.

Source: Ancient Origins

There are 2 Forgotten Pyramids in Egypt, They are Curved and Have a Layer of Gold

The following is the translation of the given 'Bahasa' text to 'English' while preserving any html tags: "The ancient Egyptian elites and rulers built luxurious pyramids, magnificent tombs, and spectacular temples to ensure the comfort of their spirits in the afterlife."

In 2613 BC, Sneferu, a pharaoh, chose Dahshur as his burial place, approximately 9.6 kilometers south of the city center of Memphis. This decision was made after he ascended the throne, and shortly thereafter, he ordered the construction of the first pyramid with smooth sides.

Source: Ancient Origins

"Bent Pyramid"

The translation of the given 'Bahasa' text to 'English' while preserving any html tags is: "Development started with an inclination angle of about 60 degrees, but cracks began to appear. In response, the architect modified the angle to 43.9 degrees, creating a unique shape known as the Bent Pyramid."


Although the Bent Pyramid has a highly unconventional shape compared to other pyramids, some Egyptian experts argue that this form may have deep symbolic meanings.
Source: Ancient Origins

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They argue that its shape reflects the mound of creation or even the division of Egypt into Upper Egypt and Lower Egypt.

There are 2 Forgotten Pyramids in Egypt, They are Curved and Have a Layer of Gold

"Project stopped?"

However, serious obstacles in the construction of the Bent Pyramid caused the project to be halted, and Sneferu ordered the construction of a second pyramid, now known as the Red Pyramid or the Northern Pyramid.


"Layered golden pyramid"

In this opportunity, the designers decided to use a 43-degree slope, and the result is an astonishing 104-meter tall pyramid. This pyramid contains a profound religious meaning, with its peak covered in gold stones designed to capture the first rays of sunlight, believed to have the power to restore the soul of the pharaoh in the afterlife.

Sneferu ordered the burial grounds of the royal family to be located around the pyramid, so that they can share a afterlife full of sunlight.

There are 2 Forgotten Pyramids in Egypt, They are Curved and Have a Layer of Gold

"Forgotten place"

However, Khufu, the son of Sneferu, decided to be buried in Giza, one of the famous burial sites in the world. Around 700 years later, Dahshur was forgotten, and only Sneferu's pyramid stood out in the landscape.


Nekropolis Dahshur is concrete evidence of the ancient Egyptian nation's remarkable ambition and extraordinary skills in constructing grand tombs for their leaders. Despite some structural issues and tomb robberies experienced by several pyramids, this site remains a silent witness to the rich history and culture of ancient Egypt.

Source: Ancient Origins

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