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Kenapa Allah SWT Memilih Nabi Isa AS untuk Membunuh Dajjal? Inilah Alasannya Berdasar Ayat Al-Quran

Why did Allah SWT choose Prophet Isa AS to kill Dajjal? Here is the reason based on the verses of the Quran.

When Prophet Isa was descended to earth, that was when Dajjal was already on earth and deceiving mankind.

Dream - Muslims must already know that in the end times, Prophet Isa (Jesus) will be sent by Allah SWT to kill the Dajjal. This certainly has its own reasons, where there are several verses in the Quran that explain the sending of Prophet Isa. The Dajjal itself is a disbelieving creature and brings trials to mankind in the world. Its appearance becomes a sign of the coming of the end times. This creature named Dajjal has one blind eye and between its two eyes there is the writing 'ka-fa-ra-' which means 'disbeliever'.

Then, why was Prophet Isa chosen by Allah SWT to kill Dajjal? Meanwhile, the Muslim community knows that there are many other prophets. Well, here is the explanation as summarized by Dream through various sources.

Why did Allah SWT Choose Prophet Isa AS to Kill Dajjal? Here is the Reason Based on the Verses of the Quran
Reasons why Prophet Isa was chosen to kill Dajjal

Reasons why Prophet Isa was chosen to kill Dajjal

Nabi Isa became the chosen prophet of Allah SWT to kill Dajjal. This is because there are specific reasons explained in At-Tadzkirah Volume 2: Preparing for Eternal Life by Imam Syamsuddin Al-Qurthubi.

"Nabi Isa Masih Hidup" translates to "Prophet Jesus Christ is alive" in English.

The first reason is because Prophet Isa is still alive. This is proven through the words of Allah SWT in Surah An-Nisa verse 159: "There is none of the People of the Scripture but will believe in him (Isa) before his death. And on the Day of Resurrection, he (Isa) will be a witness against them." (Quran, An-Nisa: 159) The above verse shows that the news of Prophet Isa being crucified by the Jews is a mistake.

While Allah SWT stated through His word, that Prophet Isa was lifted to the heavens before the Jews killed him. In the end times, the Dajjal will also appear and will be pledged allegiance by the Jews, who will then become his army. Then, Allah SWT will send down Prophet Isa to fight against the Dajjal and his army.

Why did Allah SWT Choose Prophet Isa AS to Kill Dajjal? Here is the Reason Based on the Verses of the Quran

"Returning Prophet Isa to the Land"

The second reason why Prophet Isa was chosen by Allah SWT to kill Dajjal is because perhaps Allah SWT intends to return Prophet Isa to the earth. As it is known, humans are created from the earth, and eventually will also return to the earth when they have died. As Allah SWT says in Surah Taha, verse 55:

"From the earth, We created you, and to it We will return you, and from it We will resurrect you on another occasion," (Quran, Taha: 55) There is a possibility that Prophet Isa will be descended to earth due to his impending death. Therefore, he will be buried in the Holy Land and resurrected together with other humans on the day of resurrection. The descent of Prophet Isa will occur when Dajjal is on earth, and no one will be able to confront Dajjal except for Prophet Isa."

Why did Allah SWT Choose Prophet Isa AS to Kill Dajjal? Here is the Reason Based on the Verses of the Quran

"Duty to Jihad"

The last reason is because of the obligation to engage in jihad. This is because Prophet Isa once prayed to Allah SWT to make his people followers of Prophet Muhammad. When Prophet Isa was descended to earth, that was when Dajjal was already on earth and deceiving mankind. The obligation of Prophet Isa is to engage in jihad against Dajjal and his army.

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