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Ilmuwan Temukan Alat Giling Zaman Neolitikum di Gurun Arab

Scientists Discover Neolithic Grinding Tool in the Arabian Desert

The ancient grinding machine was found in Jebel Oraf, Nefud Desert region, Saudi Arabia.

In recent years, research has revealed that in the past, the dry regions in northern Saudi Arabia had greener and more fertile conditions, providing water resources and an environment that supported wildlife and early communities during the Neolithic period. However, the current drought situation in the area has led to minimal preservation of organic materials, posing a challenge in reconstructing the lifestyle of Neolithic inhabitants.

In the recent study published in the journal PLOS ONE, a team of researchers from the Max Planck Institute for Geoanthropology, the National Research Council of Italy, the Institute for Heritage Science (CNR ISPC), and University College London presented an analysis of the use of grinding tools found in Jebel Oraf, Nefud Desert, Saudi Arabia.

This finding provides a new understanding of a phase in human history that is still relatively unknown.

This tool is used to process bones, pigments, and plants. Often, it is reused for various purposes before it becomes damaged and placed in the fireplace.

This tool is used to process bones, pigments, and plants. Often, it is reused for various purposes before it becomes damaged and placed in the fireplace.

Photo: Ceri Shipton

"In this recent study, researchers used a high-power microscope to compare wear patterns on artifacts with test equipment."

Scientists Discover Neolithic Grinding Tool in the Arabian Desert

Photo: Ceri Shipton

"Grinding experiment"

In the experiment, grinding grains, plants, bones, or pigments produce distinctive macro and micro marks on the surface of equipment, including cracks, rounded edges of seeds, flat areas, lines, and various polishings. Similar traces were also found on Neolithic grinders, facilitating the identification of materials being processed by researchers.

"Although the previous fauna remains reflect the presence of meat dishes in Jebel Oraf, wear analysis indicates that meat and bones were first processed with a stone grinder, suggesting that the bones were broken to access the marrow. Grinding tools were also used to process plants. Although there is no evidence of domesticated seeds in northern Saudi Arabia at this time, researchers state that wild plants were ground and possibly baked into simple bread."

"The fireplace is where we found a very short-aged grinder, and people might be very mobile, bread would be a good and easy food to take away for them,"
Maria Guagnin, researcher at the Max Planck Institute of Geoanthropology.

Source: Scitech Daily

Researchers have also found evidence of pigment processing, which is believed to be related to Neolithic paintings.

Their findings indicate that the pigments were processed and ground in larger quantities than previously estimated, increasing the possibility that there are more Neolithic stone artworks that were painted than can be seen from the few remaining panels.

"It is clear that grinding tools are very important to the Neolithic inhabitants of Jebel Oraf. Many were used intensively, and some even have holes in them indicating that they were moved."

"That means people carry heavy grinding tools with them and their functionality is definitely an essential element in everyday life," said Giulio Lucarini from the National Research Council of Italy.


Although rarely used in the analysis of archaeological materials on the Arabian Peninsula, such methods can provide crucial information about the production, use, and recycling of grinding equipment.
This data can provide a deeper understanding of the daily life, economy, and art of the society that produces it.

Source: Scitech Daily

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