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"The Greatness of Virtue and the Dawn Charity Prayer, Here's How it Can Be a Reference"

Dream - Knowing the virtues and prayers of giving alms in the morning can awaken the spirit of Muslims to always increase their acts of worship that help others. Although it can be done anytime and anywhere, giving alms in the morning provides extraordinary satisfaction and virtues.

Dahsyatnya Keutamaan dan Doa Sedekah Subuh Serta Cara-Cara Menyalurkannya

Some of us may already be familiar with the term "sedekah subuh" (dawn charity) and its various virtues that can be felt when performed regularly. The reward of sedekah subuh is likened to a strong flowing river. The late Syekh Ali Jaber once emphasized that sedekah subuh is one of the most important forms of charity for Muslims. When performing sedekah subuh, there is a prayer that needs to be recited. This prayer is an expression of hope that the charity we give can benefit others and obtain the blessings of Allah SWT.

"Angels Descend to Earth"

From Abu Hurairah RA, the Messenger of Allah SAW said: "Every early morning when the sun rises, Allah sends down two angels to Earth. Then one of them says, 'O Allah, grant blessings to those who spend their wealth in charity. Replace it for those who spend their wealth for the sake of Allah.' The other angel says, 'O Allah, destroy the stingy people.'" (HR. Bukhari and Muslim)

Keutamaan Sedekah Subuh yang Perlu Diketahui

"The Importance of Fajr Charity that Needs to be Known"

"One of the virtues of giving charity in the morning is that it can increase the spirit and awareness of Muslims to give. Here are the virtues of giving charity in the morning that Muslims need to know:"

1. Also Prayed by Angels

The following is the translation of the given 'Bahasa' text to 'English' while preserving any HTML tags: "The dawn prayer is a noble time, that's why worshiping at dawn will receive blessings from Allah SWT. At dawn, angels descend to earth to pray for Muslims who are worshiping. That's why it is advisable to complete this worship with dawn charity. As mentioned in the hadith of the Prophet Muhammad SAW: "O Allah, give recompense to those who give in charity. And for the other, O Allah, give destruction to those who withhold their wealth." (Narrated by Bukhari and Muslim)"

2. Multiplication of Rewards

The virtue of giving charity in the morning prayer is that its reward is multiplied when done sincerely without any expectation except the pleasure of Allah SWT. The more often we give charity, the more Allah SWT will multiply our wealth. As Allah SWT said in Surah Al-Baqarah verse 261: "The example of those who spend their wealth in the way of Allah is like a grain which grows seven ears, each ear having a hundred grains. Allah multiplies the reward for whom He wills, and Allah is all-encompassing and knowing."

3. Hajat dan Doa Segera Dikabulkan 3. Wishes and Prayers are Immediately Granted

Another virtue of the routine of giving alms in the morning prayer is that it becomes a practice so that our wishes and prayers are immediately granted. When we diligently give alms in the morning prayer for 40 consecutive days, then prayers will be easily granted. The alms given in the morning prayer, which is certain to help alleviate the difficulties of others, will be repaid by Allah SWT by alleviating the difficulties of those who give alms.



4. The forgiveness of past sins

4. The Forgiveness of Sins that Have Passed

Apart from easy prayers being answered, the virtue of giving charity for 40 days during dawn is the forgiveness of sins. This is as stated in the hadith narrated by Imam Tirmidhi: "Charity can erase sins just as water extinguishes fire."

5. Door of Fortune Wide Open

The translation of the given 'Bahasa' text to 'English' while preserving any html tags is as follows: "The virtue of regularly giving charity during the early morning prayer for 40 consecutive days is that the door of sustenance will be wide open. Allah SWT promises in the Quran, Surah Saba, verse 39: "And whatever you spend, Allah will replace it, and He is the best of providers of sustenance.""


Read the Intention First When Giving Alms at Dawn

"Nawaitu taqorruba ilallahi ta'ala wattiqo'a ghadlabir rabbi jalla jalaluhu wattiqo'a nari jahannama wattarakhkhuma 'ala ikhwani wa shilatur rahimi wa mu'awanatadh dlu'afai wa mutaba'atan nabiyyi shallallahu 'alaihi wa sallama wa idkholas sururi 'alal ikhwani wa daf'i balai 'anhu wa 'an sairil muslimina wal infaqo mimma razaqohullahu wa qohran nafsi wasy syaithoni." Translation: "I intend to draw closer to Allah the Almighty and seek His pleasure, and to protect myself from the anger of my Lord, the Most Glorious and to protect myself from the fire of Hell, and to have mercy towards my brothers and sisters, and to help the weak and follow the example of the Prophet Muhammad, peace be upon him, and to bring joy to my brothers and remove harm from them and from all Muslims, and to spend from what Allah has provided for me willingly and sincerely, for the sake of my soul and to ward off Satan."

The translation of the given 'Bahasa' text to 'English' while preserving any html tags is: "The meaning of Subuh charity intention: "

"\u201cI intend (to give charity) to draw closer to Allah, to avoid the wrath of the Lord, to avoid the fire of hell, to show compassion to my brothers and sisters and maintain good relations, to assist the weak, to follow the Prophet Muhammad, to bring happiness to my brothers and sisters, to reject any harm from them and all Muslims, to spend the sustenance given by Allah, and to overcome desires and Satan.\u201d"


"Morning Charity Prayer"

The virtues and prayers of giving alms in the morning are very special practices. Various goodness in the morning is best done because angels descend to pray for those who worship and give alms. To be more blessed and beneficial, let us practice the following prayer for giving alms in the morning:


رَبَّنَا تَقَبَّلْ مِنَّا ٦ إِنَّكَ أَنْتَ السَّمِيعُ الْعَلِيمُ "O our Lord, accept from us. Indeed, You are the All-Hearing, the All-Knowing."
Rabbana taqabbal minna innaka antas sami'ul alim. Our Lord, accept from us, indeed You are the Hearing, the Knowing.

The translation of the provided 'Bahasa' text to 'English' while preserving any HTML tags is as follows: Meaning: "It means: 'Our Lord, accept our deeds, indeed You are All-Hearing and All-Knowing.'"

Ini Cara Melakukan Sedekah Subuh

"This is How to Perform Fajr Charity"

After knowing the prayer of morning charity, maybe some of us are wondering how to perform this worship. Here are several ways that Sahabat Dream can do for morning charity:

Filling the mosque's donation box. Transferring money through a bank account to parents, friends in need, social institutions, or anyone who needs and values charity. This transfer is done at dawn. Feeding the neighbors' house, boarding school, orphanage, or giving to the homeless. Delivering assistance to those in need. After doing all of the above, then recite the dawn charity prayer with sincerity. Reflecting on the blessings received.

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