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Viral Kantor Camat di Lampung Kosong Saat Jam Kerja, Warganet: Namanya Juga Pegawai Negeri Santai<br>

Viral District Office in Lampung Empty During Working Hours, Netizens: It's called a Relaxed Civil Servant

Dream - A video showing the empty Pubian Subdistrict Office, Central Lampung Regency, without a single Civil Servant (ASN) during working hours went viral on social media. In the video uploaded by the TikTok account @barakcodam, Deputy Regent of Central Lampung, Ardito Wijaya, is seen conducting a surprise inspection (sidak) at the office. Upon entering the office, Ardito did not find any ASN on duty there. To make sure, Ardito went around entering each room in the subdistrict office.

Viral District Office in Lampung Empty During Working Hours, Netizens: It's Called a Relaxed Civil Servant

"Open Door"

"Still, there is not a single civil servant (ASN) inside. Even one computer in one of the rooms is still on. The door of the sub-district office is left open. 'Terrible... Not a single employee during working hours at the Pubian sub-district office, Central Lampung Regency,' wrote the video description."

Viral District Office in Lampung Empty During Working Hours, Netizens: It's Called a Relaxed Civil Servant

"Not a Public Holiday"

Initially, many netizens doubted the video because in the recording, the wall clock showed 07.15 and assumed it was a holiday. In another video, it was only discovered that the wall clock attached to the Pubian District office wall was already dead. Ardito showed his watch indicating 11.00 when he conducted an impromptu inspection at the office.

Viral District Office in Lampung Empty During Working Hours, Netizens: It's Called a Relaxed Civil Servant

That day was not a holiday because Ardito conducted an unannounced inspection at the Pubian Subdistrict Office on a working day, which was Wednesday, November 8, 2023. He also didn't know where the employees were going. "Viral, there is not a single employee at the Pubian Subdistrict Office, Central Lampung during working hours. There are also assets in the office, so how is it possible that there is no one at all? Incident on November 8, 2023, from 11:00-11:29 AM," the video caption reads. "The wall clock is already dead, my watch shows 11:00, and it's not a holiday. I will now call someone in authority," Ardito said in the video.

Viral District Office in Lampung Empty During Working Hours, Netizens: It's Called a Relaxed Civil Servant

"Netizen Comments"

The following 'Bahasa' text translated to 'English' while preserving any html tags: "The empty video of the Pubian District Office, Central Lampung Regency during working hours went viral on social media and received various comments from netizens. "'s called civil servant..Relaxed Civil Servant..well it's up to them..whether they want to come in or not, as long as they are paid by the country for free 😂😂😂," wrote @Marsanto "It seems like in all districts and villages in Indonesia, the performance of civil servants is like that, my own experience is that by half past 9 there is not a single person," wrote @Arist.

@barakcodam Parah... Ga ada Satupun Pegawai saat jam kerja, di kantor kecamatan Pubian, Kab. Lampung tengah.. #lampung #lampungviral #arditowijaya #barakcodam ♬ Dramatic Military - Faid rafanda
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