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Jangan Dianggap Remeh, Inilah 6 Keistimewaan Dzikir Istighfar dengan Istiqomah, Jauh dari Sifat Sombong

"Do Not Underestimate, Here are 6 Specialties of Dzikir Istighfar with Istiqomah, Far from Arrogant Traits"

Do Not Underestimate, Here are 6 Specialties of Istighfar Dhikr with Istiqomah, Far from Arrogance

Dream - Remembering Allah SWT should never be abandoned by Muslims. Whether in times of happiness or difficulty, our entire lives are by His will and power.

Do Not Underestimate, Here are 6 Specialties of Istighfar Dhikr with Istiqomah, Far from Arrogance

Through remembrance, it is also a way to always maintain a good relationship with Allah SWT. As Allah SWT said in Surah Al-Baqarah verse 152: "Therefore, remember Me and I will remember you, and be grateful to Me and do not deny My favors." (QS. Al-Baqarah: 152) Through the above verse, it is explained that Allah SWT commands His people to always remember, obey every command, and stay away from His prohibitions. Now, one of the remembrance readings that should always be practiced by friends of Dream is the phrase of istighfar. This is because there are special privileges that you can get.

The following are some of the benefits of practicing istighfar dhikr as summarized by Dream through various sources.

Do Not Underestimate, Here are 6 Specialties of Istighfar Dhikr with Istiqomah, Far from Arrogance

"The Specialties of the Practice of Istighfar"

Although short, the istighfar sentence cannot be considered simple. Especially if Dream's friend practices it consistently. InshaAllah, you will receive many good things. What are its special qualities?


1. Remembering Allah SWT

Through the practice of istighfar, friends of Dream will always remember Allah SWT. This remembrance can make you understand and internalize the power of Allah SWT, namely as the Most Forgiving who can save us in this world and the hereafter.


2. Fear of Committing Sin

Every human being should always repent to Allah SWT, that is by seeking forgiveness. Not only that, but also strive to become a better person. The practice of seeking forgiveness will make us afraid of committing sins.

Do Not Underestimate, Here are 6 Specialties of Istighfar Dhikr with Istiqomah, Far from Arrogance

3. Forgiven by Allah SWT

The translation of the given text from 'Bahasa' to 'English' while preserving any html tags is as follows: "The phrase istighfar is usually practiced to seek forgiveness from Allah SWT. This forgiveness is granted to obedient Muslims. As for those who commit polytheism and are disobedient, they will not be forgiven by Allah SWT."


4. Easy to forgive

When we always seek forgiveness, then we will find it easier to forgive others. Allah SWT says: "...and if you forgive and overlook and pardon (them), then indeed, Allah is Forgiving and Merciful." (QS. At-Taghabun: 14)

Do Not Underestimate, Here are 6 Specialties of Istighfar Dhikr with Istiqomah, Far from Arrogance

5. Heart is More Peaceful

"When remembering Allah SWT, one will feel close to Allah SWT. Well, that's when the heart becomes more peaceful. Because we surrender ourselves solely to Allah SWT as the Being who owns everything on this earth."


6. Not Arrogant

Steadfast in seeking forgiveness, one will be kept away from arrogance. This is because they are aware that everything they have comes from Allah SWT and is not eternal. So, what is there to be proud of?

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