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Apart from the Prayer being answered, the Oppressor and the Oppressed will be brought together by Allah SWT, This is what Happens.

Apart from the Prayer being answered, the Oppressor and the Oppressed will be brought together by Allah SWT, This is what Happens.

Selain Doanya Mustajab, Orang yang Zalim dan Terzalimi akan Dipertemukan Allah SWT, Inilah yang Terjadi

Dream - Zalim (cruel) actions are something that Allah SWT greatly detests. Where there is a painful retribution that will be received later if one does it.

Selain Doanya Mustajab, Orang yang Zalim dan Terzalimi akan Dipertemukan Allah SWT, Inilah yang Terjadi

Quoted from, zalim is a person who commits acts of oppression and harms themselves and others. Now, oppression is divided into two, namely oppression that is dangerous and impacts others and oppression that is dangerous and impacts oneself. Therefore, everyone must be careful in their lives so as not to commit such reprehensible acts. Because the prayer of the oppressed person is easily answered by Allah SWT. As the Prophet Muhammad said: "Beware and be cautious of the prayer of the oppressed person because there is no barrier between them and Allah (mustajabah)." (HR. Bukhari)

The following is the virtue of the prayer of the oppressed, as explained in the Quran, as summarized by Dream through various sources.

Selain Doanya Mustajab, Orang yang Zalim dan Terzalimi akan Dipertemukan Allah SWT, Inilah yang Terjadi

"Prohibition Against Doing Wrong"

"Islam is a noble religion that highly prioritizes justice. Therefore, oppressive actions are strictly prohibited by Allah SWT. This prohibition has been explained in several verses of the Al-Quran."

The prohibition against committing injustice is mentioned in Surah Hud verse 18: "Remember, the curse of Allah is upon the wrongdoers" (QS. Hud: 18). Then, in Surah Saba verse 42: "And We said to the wrongdoers: 'Taste the punishment of the fire which you used to deny'" (QS. Saba: 42). And in Surah Al-Mu'min verse 52: "(That is) the Day when their excuse will not benefit the wrongdoers, and they will have the curse and they will have the worst home" (QS. Al-Mu'min: 52).

In addition, it is also explained in the letter Al-An'am verse 21: "Indeed, those who commit injustice will not be fortunate." (QS. Al-An'am: 21)

Selain Doanya Mustajab, Orang yang Zalim dan Terzalimi akan Dipertemukan Allah SWT, Inilah yang Terjadi

"The Efficacy of Prayers for the Oppressed"

The prohibition to stay away from oppressive acts has been emphasized by Allah SWT in several verses in the Al-Quran. In fact, the punishment that will be received is very severe.

It is necessary for Dream's friend to know that prayers from those who are oppressed are very effective. Allah SWT says in Surah An-Naml verse 62: "Or who is it that responds to the distressed one when he calls upon Him and removes evil and makes you inheritors of the earth? Is there a deity with Allah? Little do you remember." (Quran, An-Naml: 62) This verse shows that Allah SWT dislikes those who commit injustice. In fact, it is permissible for the oppressed to pray for retribution.

Although so, we must also remember that Islam always teaches goodness to every community. Likewise, when being oppressed, then fight back with kindness. That can actually erase our sins. Especially if we are able to forgive the act of oppression.

The translation of the given text from Bahasa to English while preserving any HTML tags is: "The Encounter of the Oppressor and the Oppressed".

According to Imam Abu Abdillah Syamsuddin al-Qurthubi, as quoted from, in the future, those who oppress others and those who are oppressed will be brought together by Allah SWT.

Dipertemukannya Orang yang Zalim dan Terzalimi

"Where the oppressed person will receive the rewards of worship and good deeds performed by the oppressor, in proportion to the oppression inflicted upon them. Then, if the rewards of worship are not sufficient to repay the oppression committed, the oppressed person will transfer the sins they have committed in this world to the person who has treated them unjustly. How terrifying is such an act of injustice. Therefore, everyone must be cautious not to commit injustice. Additionally, strive to forgive those who have previously acted unjustly towards you."

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