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Contains Worship Values, Here are 7 Rights of the Wife that the Husband Must Fulfill to Ensure a Sense of Security

Contains Worship Values, Here are 7 Rights of the Wife that the Husband Must Fulfill to Ensure a Sense of Security

Mengandung Nilai-Nilai Ibadah, Inilah 7 Hak Istri yang Wajib Dipenuhi Suami agar Terjamin Rasa Aman

Dream - Starting a married life, it is important for both the wife and husband to know what rights and responsibilities they have in carrying out their roles. For the wife herself, she has rights that must be fulfilled and become the husband's obligation.

Mengandung Nilai-Nilai Ibadah, Inilah 7 Hak Istri yang Wajib Dipenuhi Suami agar Terjamin Rasa Aman

This has been explained in the word of Allah SWT through Surah Al-Baqarah verse 228: "...And women have rights similar to their responsibilities, according to what is reasonable..." (Quran, Al-Baqarah: 228) Realizing that marriage is part of worship, it should be initiated with good intentions. A husband should fulfill his responsibilities to fulfill his wife's rights. So, what are the rights of a wife that must be fulfilled by her husband? Here are some as summarized by Dream from various sources.

"Rights of the Wife that the Husband Must Fulfill"

Quoted from the book titled 'Nizamul usru fil Islam' by Dr. Ali Yusuf As-Subki, there are 7 rights of a wife that must be fulfilled by the husband. The following are her rights:


1. Mahar Sadaq

"Mahar is something that a husband gives to his wife during the marriage contract. If it is in the form of an object, it can be used immediately during the contract. But if it is in the form of money, it can be mentioned or not."

Need to know, Dream friends, that dowry itself is not the price for the woman. Because in this matter it is not a buying and selling transaction. But it is a husband's appreciation and honor to his wife. The husband has an obligation to give something to his wife according to his ability. As explained in the word of Allah SWT through the letter An-Nisa verse 4: "Give a dowry to the woman (whom you marry) as a gift with full willingness." (QS. An-Nisa: 4) If the prospective husband does not have anything to give as a dowry, then it can be done by reading the Quran. Such a thing is also allowed.


2. Receiving Allowance

A husband has an obligation to provide for his wife. Regardless of whether he is rich or poor, employed or not. And this is the right of the wife.

Regarding the wife's maintenance from her husband, Allah SWT has explained in Surah An-Nisa verse 24: "Then, as for those wives from whom you fear disobedience, admonish them and send them to separate beds and beat them. But if they obey you [once more], seek no means against them. Indeed, Allah is ever Exalted and Grand." (Quran, An-Nisa: 24). The maintenance provided by the husband to his wife includes both physical and emotional needs, such as food, drink, clothing, shelter, and biological needs.

3. Education and Teaching

Learning is an obligation for every Muslim, both male and female. The same goes for within a family. If the wife does not know or has limited knowledge about religion, then the husband is obliged to teach and guide her.

3. Pendidikan dan Pengajaran

Religion education that can be taught, for example, is about prayer, fasting, and so on. And if both partners have good knowledge, it will be even better. They can understand each other. In fact, they can also exchange thoughts about certain knowledge or science. It is also explained in Surah At-Tahrim verse 6: "O you who have believed, protect yourselves and your families from a Fire whose fuel is people and stones, over which are [appointed] angels, harsh and severe; they do not disobey Allah in what He commands them but do what they are commanded." (QS. At-Tahrim: 6)


4. Obtaining a Sense of Fairness

A wife is entitled to justice. Especially if her husband has more than one wife. Therefore, the husband must act fairly, for example, in providing services and sustenance.

That is also what the Prophet Muhammad saw did to his wives. As stated by Aisha ra, the Prophet Muhammad saw divided his time among us fairly and said, "O my Lord, this is the portion that I have, do not regret what I do not have." In addition, the Prophet Muhammad saw also said, "Whoever has two wives and leans towards only one of them, then on the Day of Judgment, he will come in a crooked state."

5. Recreation

Islam itself teaches that when a wife wants to leave the house, it is mandatory to ask for permission from her husband. However, a husband also has an obligation to invite his wife on vacation.

5. Recreation

Vacation will make the wife feel happy. Especially if in everyday life, the wife spends more time at home and takes care of household affairs. Therefore, going on vacation can increase both happiness and harmony in the household. However, with the condition that the vacation is not contrary to religion.


6. Excessive Jealousy

During this time, jealousy may be considered a negative thing. However, jealousy within reasonable limits is not a problem. In fact, it becomes a wife's prerogative to have a sense of jealousy without going overboard.

Excessive jealousy is not good. It can even ruin a marriage. Jealousy that is not excessive is able to protect the family from damage. Islam recommends that wives have this non-excessive jealousy. By doing so, the integrity of a household can be well-maintained. In addition, as a husband, one must also continue to take care of oneself and one's heart. Especially in protecting the feelings of one's wife.

7. Berbaik Sangka

The next right of a wife is to have good thoughts towards her husband. This is also what a husband should do to not have bad thoughts towards his wife. Because mutual trust in a household is very important.

7. Berbaik Sangka

As done by the Prophet Muhammad (pbuh) who never had bad suspicions towards any of his wives. He avoided anything that would cause suspicion in his wives. Additionally, the Prophet Muhammad (pbuh) also advised his companions not to have bad suspicions towards their wives. This includes when he approached them after being away from his wife for several days.

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