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Israel Pamerkan Heli Tempur  yang Dilengkapi Rudal Api Neraka Hellfire Misterius

Israel Showcases Fighter Helicopters Equipped with Mysterious Hellfire Fireball Missiles

Atasi Terowongan Hamas yang Rumit, Israel Diduga Gunakan Rudal Api Neraka Hellfire yang Misterius

Dream - The conflict between Israel and Hamas continues to escalate in the Gaza Strip, Palestine. Various combat equipment is deployed by the Zionist army to attack Hamas fighters. Recently, the Israel Defense Force (IDF) deployed advanced Apache AH-64D attack helicopters.

Rudal Hellfire Misterius

"Rudal Hellfire Misterius" translates to "Mysterious Hellfire Missile" in English.

The following is the translation of the given 'Bahasa' text to 'English' while preserving any html tags: "The American-made combat helicopter is equipped with the mysterious Hellfire fire missiles. The appearance of the combat helicopter carrying the mysterious Hellfire missiles was uploaded by IDF on X before being deleted."

Atasi Terowongan Hamas yang Rumit, Israel Diduga Gunakan Rudal Api Neraka Hellfire yang Misterius

In the photo, the Apache AH-64D attack helicopter can be seen taking off in a hurry. Four Hellfire missiles can be seen in the missile launcher on the right side of the advanced combat helicopter.

However, there is something strange about the two Hellfire missiles at the bottom, which are marked with a red-colored line. This contrasts with the usual three yellow lines seen on the missiles above them. In addition, the red-lined Hellfire missiles also tend to be more gray in color.

Atasi Terowongan Hamas yang Rumit, Israel Diduga Gunakan Rudal Api Neraka Hellfire yang Misterius

"In essence, line colors are used to mark the active warhead capability in Hellfire missiles. The yellow line seen on the Hellfire missile in the photo indicates that the missile contains high explosive material. However, the red line on the missile is rarely - if ever - seen on the Hellfire fire and forget missile. Therefore, the use of red lines on the Hellfire missile installed on the Zionist fighter helicopter remains a mystery."

Create Curiosity because Suddenly Deleted Photo

What makes it even more intriguing, account X IDF suddenly deleted the photo of the Apache AH-64D appearance. IDF then replaced it with a similar photo, but the combat helicopter is equipped with standard Hellfire missiles. It appears that all Hellfire missiles have a yellow color line, although there are only two instead of the usual three.

Atasi Terowongan Hamas yang Rumit, Israel Diduga Gunakan Rudal Api Neraka Hellfire yang Misterius

"Missiles with Explosive Warheads"

Based on the standard US ammunition markings, the red line attached to the missile indicates the explosive warhead. Meanwhile, the dark red color indicates that the ammunition contains an irritant substance (riot control agent). Since Hellfire missiles have very little capability to control riots, it is suspected that Israel will use incendiary missiles.

Dua Jenis Rudal Api Neraka

Two Types of Hellfire Missiles

AS produces two types of hellfire missiles, AGM-114 and AGM-114N. The difference lies in the letter 'N' at the end. AGM-114N carries a thermobaric warhead. This N version is also known as Metal Augmented Charge (MAC) Hellfire.

Specifically, this version of Hellfire is intended to destroy enclosed targets, as often done by the IDF in the Gaza Strip. Compared to other warheads, thermobaric warheads are capable of destroying the entire first floor of a building while leaving the floors above it (relatively) undamaged. Therefore, thermobaric missiles are more suitable for attacking enemy forces hiding in caves, bunkers, or tunnel networks.

"Kemungkinan Rudal Modifikasi" translates to "Possibility of Modified Missiles" in English.

Regarding the red line marking on Hellfire, there is a possibility that it is entirely specific to the IDF. It may indicate a newer version of Hellfire that has been modified by the Zionists.

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