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Have Worship Value, Here are 7 Etiquettes Before Sleeping, Don't Miss It, God willing, It will be Blessed.

Have Worship Value, Here are 7 Etiquettes Before Sleeping, Don't Miss It, God willing, It will be Blessed.

Sleep is part of gratitude to Allah SWT.

Punya Nilai Ibadah, Inilah 7 Adab sebelum Tidur, Jangan Sampai Dilewatkan InsyaAllah Berkah

Dream - Islam pays great attention to the importance of adab (manners). In fact, the salaf scholars direct their students to learn adab first before any field of knowledge.

Punya Nilai Ibadah, Inilah 7 Adab sebelum Tidur, Jangan Sampai Dilewatkan InsyaAllah Berkah

That is why every activity carried out by humans, Islam has established its etiquettes to be obeyed. Including even the simple activity of sleeping. Yes, sleep is a rest for everyone. Especially at night, which is usually a long resting time for everyone. In Islam, sleep is not just for resting. But sleep can also be part of worship. Even in the book "Bidayatul Hidayah" by Imam Al-Ghazali, sleep is likened to death and waking up is likened to resurrection. So, before sleeping, it should be prepared well. Especially by practicing the etiquettes that have been taught in Islam.

Well, here are some manners before going to sleep as summarized by Dream through various sources.

Punya Nilai Ibadah, Inilah 7 Adab sebelum Tidur, Jangan Sampai Dilewatkan InsyaAllah Berkah
Tidur Adalah Ibadah

"Sleep is Worship"

In general, sleep is a restful activity that involves lying down and closing the eyes. Through sleep, a person can have a better physical condition when they wake up later.

Did you know, dear Dream friends, that sleep is an act of worship? Yes, sleep is a part of expressing gratitude to Allah SWT. As stated in Surah An-Naba verse 9: "And We made your sleep for rest" (QS. An-Naba: 9). Now, sleep that holds value as an act of worship is sufficient sleep. It is important not to oversleep. At the same time, one should not neglect their sleep. Because in essence, every person needs sleep. This will have an impact on a person's health. Sleep is a part of the signs of Allah SWT's power. It is shown when Allah SWT takes away His servant's life and then resurrects or revives them.

"Adab-Adab sebelum Tidur" translates to "Etiquettes before Sleep" in English.

Realizing that Islam pays great attention to manners, there are etiquettes that Muslims should know before going to sleep. Here are seven etiquettes that should not be overlooked:

Spread the bed facing the qibla. Sleep on the right side like the position of a deceased person in the grave. Perform ablution before sleeping and use a miswak. Intend to wake up at night or wake up before dawn. Try to sleep while remembering Allah SWT. Read Ayat al-Kursi and the last two verses of Surah Al-Baqarah. Read Surah Al-Ikhlas, Al-Falaq, and Al-Mulk.

Doa sebelum Tidur

"Prayer before Sleep"

"Before going to sleep, Muslims are commanded to recite a prayer first. In addition to short prayers, it is also recommended to practice this prayer:"


"Bismika Rabbii wadha'tu janbii wabismika arofa'uhu faghfirlii dzanbii. Allahumma bismika ahya wa amuut wa a'udzubika Allahumma min-syarri kulli dzii syarri. Wa min syarri kullidabbatin anta akhidzdzi binashiyatiha, inni Rabbi 'alaa shirath mustaqiim.Allahumma antal wali falaiisa qablaka syai'in, wa antal akhirufalaisa ba'da katsi'in Wa antazhzhihiru falaisa fauqaka syai'in Wa antal bathinu falaisa duunaka syai'in Iqdhii 'Aniid dunya wa aghninii minal faqri.Allahumma Antal-khalaqta nafsii wa Anta tatawwafaha, laka mamatuha wa mahyaha, in amattaha faghfirlaha wa in ahyaitaha fahfazhha bimatahfazhu bihi 'ibadakash shalihiin. Allahumma inni as 'alukal 'afwa wal aafiyata fiiddiin waddunya wal aakhirati."


"Allahummaa iqithnii fii ahabiissa 'ati ilaika was ta'malnii bi ahabbil 'amal ilaika hatta tuqarribanii ilaika zulfa wa tub 'idanii 'an sakhathika ba'da an as alakafatu 'thiinii wa astaghfiraka fataghfirulii wa ad'uuka fatastajiibulii." "O Allah, awaken me in the company of Your loved ones, lead me to obey You, and enable me to perform the most beloved deeds to You, so that I may draw closer to You in intimacy and seek Your forgiveness after seeking Your protection. Forgive me and respond to my supplications."

Punya Nilai Ibadah, Inilah 7 Adab sebelum Tidur, Jangan Sampai Dilewatkan InsyaAllah Berkah

Translated text: "Meaning: "In Your name, O my Lord, I place my back, and in Your name, I lift it up and forgive my sins. O Allah, protect me from Your punishment on the day Your servants are resurrected. O Allah, with Your name, I live and die. I seek refuge in You from the evil of everything that has evil and from the wickedness of every crawling creature. You are the One who holds its forelock. Indeed, my Lord is on the straight path. O Allah, You are the First, who is not preceded by anything, and You are also the Last, with nothing after You."

Punya Nilai Ibadah, Inilah 7 Adab sebelum Tidur, Jangan Sampai Dilewatkan InsyaAllah Berkah

You are Most Manifest, there is nothing above You. You are Most Hidden, there is nothing below You. Pay off my debts and lift me out of poverty. O Allah, You who created me and You who will cause me to die. Life and death are in Your power. If You cause me to die, then forgive me, and if You cause me to live, then protect me as You protect Your righteous servants. O Allah, I ask You for forgiveness and salvation in this world and the hereafter. O Allah, awaken me at the best time according to You. Make me perform the deeds that You are most pleased with, so that it will bring me closer to You and keep me away from Your anger after I have asked You.

"After I asked from You, then You gave it to me, I asked for forgiveness from You then You accepted, and I prayed to You then You granted it for me."

Punya Nilai Ibadah, Inilah 7 Adab sebelum Tidur, Jangan Sampai Dilewatkan InsyaAllah Berkah
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