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"Fery Farhati Ganis, Figure Behind the Success of Anies Baswedan"

"Stay with Anies until the peak of his political career, this is the figure of Fery Farhati. Let's take a look!"

"Behind a successful man, there is a great woman behind him. That sentence is very suitable for Fery Farhati Ganis. A great woman figure whose name may not be as popular as her husband, Anies Baswedan. Fery was born in Kuningan, West Java on August 6, 1979. Just like Anies, her presence is also inspiring, so it's not surprising if she has her own charm."

Fery Farhati Ganis, The Figure Behind Anies Baswedan's Success

DIlatarbelakangi oleh riwayat pendidikan yang baik menghantarkan Fery Farhati menjadi seorang pengajar. Ia menjabat sebagai Ketua Pemberdayaan Kesejahteraan Keluarga DKI Jakarta (2017-2022). Aktif dalam kegiatan nasional maupun internasional tidak membuat dirinya melupakan fitrahnya sebagai seorang istri. Meskipun sibuk Fery Farhati seringkali turut mendampingi Anies Baswedan dalam menjalankan tugas di berbagai acara resmi. Translated: Backgrounded by a good educational history, Fery Farhati became a teacher. She serves as the Chair of Family Welfare Empowerment of DKI Jakarta (2017-2022). Being active in both national and international activities does not make her forget her role as a wife. Despite being busy, Fery Farhati often accompanies Anies Baswedan in carrying out duties at various official events.

"Having a Radiating Aura"

"Fery Farhati often attracts public attention, it's no wonder that her figure often appears with graceful attire and exudes a motherly aura. The aura emanating from Fery Farhati is reflected in her life story and personal journey that inspires."


"Participating in Advancing Anies Baswedan's Career"

Fery Farhati Ganis, The Figure Behind Anies Baswedan's Success

The skyrocketing political career of Anies Baswedan apparently involves an extraordinary and amazing woman. Fery Farhati has been faithfully accompanying Anies Baswedan since May 11, 1996.

Fery Farhati Ganis, The Figure Behind Anies Baswedan's Success

From the results of their marriage, they were blessed with four children, namely Mutiara Annisa Baswedan, Mikail Azizi Baswedan, Kaisar Hakam Baswedan, and also Hakim Baswedan.

The translation of the text

The translation of the text "Garda Terdepan Mendukung Suami" from Bahasa to English while preserving any HTML tags is: "Frontline Supports Husband".

Often appearing accompanying Anies on several duty trips shows that Fery Farhati is at the forefront in supporting the success of Anies Baswedan. Fery Farhati is a figure who provides support for Anies Baswedan, especially in his political career. Besides receiving support from relatives and family, the role of a wife is not exempt from the success achieved by Anies Baswedan.

"Often appearing alongside her husband, Fery Farhati's fashion style often catches attention. This is because Fery Farhati always presents herself with a combination of beautiful and stylish attire."

Fery Farhati Ganis, The Figure Behind Anies Baswedan's Success

This can be seen when he attended the opening event of MUFEST at Jakarta Convention Center (JCC) last year. With the addition of a batik outerwear and other accessories, he successfully appeared elegant and captivating.

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