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"The Special Virtues of Surah Yasin that Can Grant Your Wishes, Especially by Practicing this Verse"

"Allah SWT is the one who will repay every deed of a servant."

Keistimewaan Surat Yasin yang Bisa Mengabulkan Hajat Kamu, Terutama Amalkan Ayat Ini

Dream - Surah Yasin is the 36th surah in the Quran and consists of 83 verses. Yasin is one of the surahs that is often recited by Muslims, whether it is on Friday nights, during tahlilan, and so on.

Keistimewaan Surat Yasin yang Bisa Mengabulkan Hajat Kamu, Terutama Amalkan Ayat Ini

"Behind the frequent practice of Muslims reading Yasin, of course, this letter has its own special significance. Quoted from, according to scholars, the phrase 'Ya Sin' is the oath of Allah SWT, the name of the Quran, the name of the Prophet Muhammad, and a confirmation to people who have not been warned in the past that the Prophet Muhammad is His messenger. It is important for Dream friends to know that Muslims who read Yasin on a certain night will be forgiven that night. As the saying of the Prophet Muhammad: 'Whoever reads Yasin on a certain night, hoping for the face of Allah, will be forgiven on that night.' (HR. Ad-Darimi)"

"But, there is one verse in the letter of Yasin that can make your wishes come true. What verse is it? Here is as summarized by Dream through various sources."

Keistimewaan Surat Yasin yang Bisa Mengabulkan Hajat Kamu, Terutama Amalkan Ayat Ini
Keistimewaan Surat Yasin

"The Speciality of Surah Yasin"

"The scholars recommend Muslims to read Surah Yasin. Especially on Friday night. This is because there are several special benefits that can be obtained as quoted from below:"

Whoever reads the Al-Quran, then the reward of the reader is equivalent to reading the Al-Quran 10 times. Reading Yasin on Friday night can bring strong faith from Allah SWT. Reading Yasin on a night while hoping for Allah SWT's pleasure, then past sins and sins of the next day will be forgiven. Reading Yasin in front of someone in their death throes will be eased and facilitated by Allah SWT. Reading Yasin while visiting graves will alleviate the punishment of all the inhabitants of the graves. The person who reads it will also receive the same reward as the number of rewards of the inhabitants of the graves.

Verse 83 Can Grant Wishes

The last verse in the Surah Yasin, which is verse 83, has a special privilege if practiced. Where the wishes of Dream's friends will be granted by Allah SWT.

Ayat 83 Bisa Kabulkan Hajat

In this verse 83 contains the principles of faith, signs of the power of Allah SWT, reminders of death, the Day of Judgment, the story of the Prophet, and the struggle of the martyrs. Here is the recitation: فَسُبْحَانَ الَّذِي بِيَدِهِ مَلَكُوتُ كُلِّ شَيْءٍ وَإِلَيْهِ تُرْجَعُونَ Translation: "So exalted is He in whose hand is the realm of all things, and to Him you will be returned." (QS. Yasin: 83) Based on the interpretation of Ibn Kathir, the above verse has the same meaning as Surah Al-Mulk verse 1. "Exalted is He in whose hand is the realm of all things."

The verse contains about glorifying Allah as the God who always governs His creatures from all evil. All power is in the hands of Allah SWT. Allah SWT is also the one who rewards every deed of a servant.

Keistimewaan Surat Yasin yang Bisa Mengabulkan Hajat Kamu, Terutama Amalkan Ayat Ini

"Procedures for Practicing"

For friends of Dream who have wishes, then do not miss reading Yasin verse 83. Here is the correct way to practice it:

Performing the sunnah hajat prayer of 2 rak'ahs in the third of the night. Followed by reciting istighfar 100 times. Reciting salawat 100 times. Reciting the prayer of the sunnah hajat prayer. Reciting Surah Al-Fatihah once to the Prophet Muhammad and Surah Al-Fatihah once to Sheikh Abdul Qadir Al Jailani. Then Surah Al-Fatihah once to Sheikh Imam Abu Hasan Asy-Syadzili, Surah Al-Fatihah once to Sheikh Muhammad Adil Azizah Alkayali, Surah Al-Fatihah to both parents and to all Muslims. Reciting Surah Yasin 4 times while sitting without stopping. Repeating Surah Yasin 4 times in one sitting.

7. Reading the following prayer: Subhanal munaffisi an kulli madyun, subhanal mufarriji an kulli mahzun, subhana man ja'ala khazaainahu bainal kaafi wan nun, subhana man idza araada syai an an yaquulalahu kun fayakun, ya mufarriju farrij ya mufarriju farrij ya mufarriju farrij, Farrij Anni hammiwa ghammi farjann 'aajilan ghairaa Aajilinn birahmatika Ya Arhamar Rahimin. 8. Practicing it for 7-21 consecutive nights.

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