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"Commemorating November 10th, Here are 11 Famous Names of Indonesian National Heroes"

Dream - National Heroes of Indonesia have fought for the independence of Indonesia from colonial powers. The national heroes have sacrificed many things for the sake of independence. As the next generation of the nation, it is only fitting that we know the national heroes who fought for Indonesia's liberation.

Peringati 10 November, Ini 11 Nama Pahlawan Nasional Indonesia yang Terkenal
Peringati 10 November, Ini 11 Nama Pahlawan Nasional Indonesia yang Terkenal

To commemorate the services of national heroes, every 10th of November is designated as Indonesian Heroes' Day. This is done to appreciate the sacrifices of Indonesian heroes who tirelessly fought for independence from the hands of colonizers.

The title of National Hero is the highest honor given in Indonesia. This title is posthumously awarded by the Indonesian Government as recognition of heroic actions that are considered exemplary and inspiring to the entire society, or as a great service to the nation and state. Recognizing the names of national heroes is very important for us so that their contributions are not forgotten. As beneficiaries of independence who did not participate in the struggle to regain independence from colonizers, it is only right that we know the names of the heroes and their history in fighting for Indonesia.

Peringati 10 November, Ini 11 Nama Pahlawan Nasional Indonesia yang Terkenal

Not only their names, but knowing national heroes is also important to emulate the spirit of struggle in defending the homeland as well as their courageous and wise attitudes. To commemorate Heroes' Day on November 10th, let's get to know the list of Indonesian national heroes below!

1. Ir Soekarno

1. Ir Soekarno translates to "1. Mr. Soekarno" in English.

He is the first president of the Republic of Indonesia and the initiator of the Pancasila concept as the foundation of the state. Bung Karno also formulated the 1945 Constitution and the fundamentals of Indonesian governance, including the formulation of the proclamation of independence.

2. Mohammad Hatta As the first vice president of the Republic of Indonesia, Bung Hatta accompanied Soekarno in running the government. He is known as a quiet but knowledgeable figure. 3. Raden Ajeng Kartini RA Kartini is a woman of noble descent (the daughter of the Regent of Jepara) who fought for the rights of education and knowledge for native women. Because at that time, women were only allowed to go to school until the age of 12. Every girl had to be secluded and did not have the freedom to learn and seek knowledge. This is what RA Kartini fought for, and we still feel the effects of her contributions until now.

4. Raden Dewi Sartika

National hero from Bandung fought for gender equality for Indonesian women who were still looked down upon at that time. Dewi Sartika established a special school for girls to enhance their skills and broaden their horizons.


5. Prince Diponegoro

Prince Diponegoro is a national hero who tenaciously fought to expel Dutch colonization. He is one of the heroes who firmly opposed Dutch domination in Indonesia.


6. Cut Nyak Dien

Women from West Aceh are known as Indonesia's Srikandi. Cut Nyak Dien also fought against the Dutch colonizers with her husband. Cut Nyak Dien led guerrilla warfare in Aceh from 1873 to 1904. However, in the end, Cut Nyak Dien was captured by the Dutch due to betrayal from one of her troops. Her extraordinary struggle should serve as an example for women to continue being vocal in filling the independence.


7. Doctor Cipto Mangunkusumo

Doctor Cipto Mangunkusumo was a low-ranking nobleman in the Javanese society structure at that time. He was strongly against feudalism and openly criticized the Dutch government. He was frequently transferred and disliked by the Dutch people. He actively wrote articles in the de Locomotief newspaper, a liberal and ethical-themed newspaper published in Semarang.


8. General Sudirman

Born on January 24, 1916, General Sudirman is known as a national hero who was part of the Homeland Defense Forces (PETA). His most famous story is his participation in the guerrilla war that took place from December 1948 to July 1949. He played a crucial role during the revolution with his successful guerrilla warfare tactics, which drove out the Dutch forces during the Dutch Military Aggression II.

9. Kapitan Pattimura

National hero of Indonesia from Maluku, fought fiercely against the VOC. He led the Maluku community to resist Dutch domination in the eastern land.

9. Kapitan Pattimura

10. Tuanku Imam Bonjol

Tak hanya sebagai pahlawan nasional Indonesia, Tuanku Imam Bonjol juga dikenal sebagai seorang ulama, pemimpin dan pejuang yang berasal dari Sumatera Barat. Ia menjadi pemimpin dalam peperangan melawan Belanda yang dikenal dengan Perang Padri. Perang ini terjadi sangat lama yaitu selama 35 tahun mulai 1803 sampai 1838. Namun akhirnya perang ini menuai kekalahan dan Tuanku Imam Bonjol menyerah pada Belanda.

11. Bung Tomo

The following is the translation of the provided 'Bahasa' text to 'English' while preserving any html tags: "Warning November 10 is designated to commemorate the struggle of Surabaya's youth against the British and Dutch forces who wanted to recapture Indonesia after its declaration of independence. The figure of Bung Tomo appeared in this resistance by igniting the spirit of the youth in Surabaya."

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