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Wisudawati Dapat Kabar Ayah Meninggal 15 Menit Sebelum Terima Ijazah, Panggung Wisuda Berubah jadi Isak Tangis<br>

"Graduate Receives News of Father's Death 15 Minutes Before Receiving Diploma, Graduation Stage Turns into Tears and Sobs"

Graduate Receives News of Father's Death 15 Minutes Before Receiving Diploma, Graduation Stage Turns into Tears

Dream- Graduation is a sign of a student's success in completing their education. Every graduate certainly wants all family members, especially parents, to be present to witness this special moment.

Graduate Receives News of Father's Death 15 Minutes Before Receiving Diploma, Graduation Stage Turns into Tears

However, not all graduates can be accompanied by their parents. In fact, there are many graduates who are left forever by their parents during that important moment.

Graduate Receives News of Father's Death 15 Minutes Before Receiving Diploma, Graduation Stage Turns into Tears

The following is a translation of the given 'Bahasa' text to 'English' while preserving any HTML tags: "The heartbreaking sight was present during the graduation ceremony of Sultan Zainal Abidin University (UniSZA), Terengganu, Malaysia. A student named Haslina Kalang had to experience the sadness of being left by her father 15 minutes before receiving her degree. This unexpected event turned the joyful graduation moment into sadness."

The sad graduation moment was shared through a video by the university's Instagram account @uniszaedumy. In the video, Haslina, accompanied by her sibling, appeared to hold back tears on the graduation stage when receiving her diploma.

Graduate Receives News of Father's Death 15 Minutes Before Receiving Diploma, Graduation Stage Turns into Tears

When her name was called to be graduated, Haslina shook hands and received a diploma from the professor. The professor then spoke to Haslina as if giving condolences. Some lecturers also approached the 23-year-old woman.

Graduate Receives News of Father's Death 15 Minutes Before Receiving Diploma, Graduation Stage Turns into Tears
Graduate Receives News of Father's Death 15 Minutes Before Receiving Diploma, Graduation Stage Turns into Tears

Haslina then couldn't hold back her sadness. She hugged one of the female lecturers while crying uncontrollably. The lecturer patted Haslina's shoulder to calm her down.

"The joy of a graduate to receive her diploma turned into sadness when she received the news of her beloved father's passing 15 minutes before going on stage for graduation."
write account @uniszaedumy.


According to Oh Bulan, Haslina learned the news of her father's death from her neighbor in Sabah, Malaysia. The neighbor said that Haslina's father passed away at 10.30 in the morning.

Graduate Receives News of Father's Death 15 Minutes Before Receiving Diploma, Graduation Stage Turns into Tears

Before coming to the graduation ceremony, Haslina was reluctant to leave her father who was sick. However, her father told her to still come to receive her diploma. "My father told me to come and he wanted me to go on stage to receive my diploma," said Haslina. The International Relations graduate was also willing to not work first after graduation to take care of her sick father. Haslina expressed gratitude that she could take care of her father before he passed away. "Alhamdulillah, I am able to serve my father. I am also sincere in his departure on my graduation day," said Haslina.

Graduate Receives News of Father's Death 15 Minutes Before Receiving Diploma, Graduation Stage Turns into Tears

Haslina was then scheduled to return the day after graduation. She was given a donation by the university amounting to Rp8 million to buy a plane ticket to her home in Sabah, Malaysia.

The video shared by the university on Tiktok @uniszaedumy went viral. Many netizens also expressed their condolences and pride towards Haslina. "She is a bit strong, but tears flowed when hugged. Condolences," wrote the account @girleveryonehate. "May the deceased be placed among the believers. Stay strong, Haslina," wrote the account @sitinurasykinabubakar. "You are amazing, you are your father's pride," wrote the account @user7934514390340. "Haslinah, congratulations, you are an amazing child," wrote the account @merahmelati14.


Khabar duka 15 minit sebelum terima skrol Kuala Nerus: Kegembiraan seorang graduan untuk menerima skrol di majlis konvokesyen menjadi hiba apabila mendapat berita kematian bapa tercinta 15 minit sebelum naik ke pentas. Haslina Kalang, 23, menerima panggilan dari jirannya di Tawau, Sabah memaklumkan bahawa bapanya, Kalang Tona, 56, meninggal dunia pada jam 10.30 pagi ketika sewaktu di dalam Majlis Idul Ilmi Konvokesyen UniSZA ke-15, hari ini. Graduan Ijazah Sarjana Muda Hubungan Antarabangsa (dengan Kepujian), ketika ditemui berkata dia sememangnya berat hati untuk hadir ke konvokesyen hari ini kerana risau dengan bapanya yang mempunyai sakit stroke. “Ayah suruh saya datang jugak konvokesyen dan dia nak saya naik ke pentas menerima ijazah” “Saya tak sangka ayah pergi dulu sebelum saya naik ke pentas. Bagaimanapun saya kuat untuk naik juga sekejap menerima skrol”, katanya yang merupakan anak kedua dari lima beradik. Haslina berkata, selepas tamat belajar di menjaga ayahnya sepenuh masa dan belum bekerja dimana-mana tempat. “Alhamdulillah, saya dapat berbakti kepada ayah dan saya redha dengan pemergian dia di hari konvokesyen saya hari ini” katanya. Haslina tiba di Terengganu dua hari lepas dan ditemani kakak sulungnya yang datang dari Johor untuk hadir ke majlis konvokesyen hari ini. Sementara itu, pihak UniSZA telah menyampaikan sumbangan wang tunai RM 2,500 kepada Haslina untuk membeli tiket penerbangan pulang ke Tawau, Sabah, hari ini. Haslina sepatutnya pulang esok ke kampung halaman sebaik sahaja selesai majlis konvokesyen hari ini. Salam takziah dari seluruh Warga UniSZA.

♬ original sound - UniSZA
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