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Is Palestine Really Going to be a Gathering Place for Humanity on Judgement Day? Here's the Explanation.

Is Palestine Really Going to be a Gathering Place for Humanity on Judgement Day? Here's the Explanation.

Benarkah Palestina akan Menjadi Tempat Berkumpul Manusia saat Hari Kiamat Kelak? Begini Penjelasannya

Dream - Negeri Syam will eventually become a gathering place for humans on the Day of Judgment. More precisely, it will be located in Baitul Maqdis, which is located in Palestine and the surrounding area.

Benarkah Palestina akan Menjadi Tempat Berkumpul Manusia saat Hari Kiamat Kelak? Begini Penjelasannya

As explained in a hadith from Abu Dzar, the Prophet Muhammad (saw) said: "Syam is the place of gathering and dispersal (on the Day of Judgment)." However, the people who will be gathered first in the land of Syam are the Jews. This is based on the saying of Allah in Surah Al-Hashr, verse 2: "It is He who expelled the disbelievers among the People of the Scripture from their homes at the first gathering." (Quran, Al-Hashr: 2) Now, some scholars say that through the above verse, it is understood that Syam is the land where people will be gathered.

And the Jews who were the first to be gathered in that place. Only then did the second come, which is all mankind. Here is a more complete explanation as summarized by Dream through various sources.

Benarkah Palestina akan Menjadi Tempat Berkumpul Manusia saat Hari Kiamat Kelak? Begini Penjelasannya

"Syam, The Return of Islam in the End Times"

Makkah, which is the qibla for Muslims all over the world, is also known as the center of creation. In addition, Allah SWT has designated Makkah as the bearer of benefits for religion, the world, and humanity.

However, it is important for Dream friends to know that the emergence of Islam for the first time in broad outline was in the Hijaz region. Based on evidence, the center of prophethood is in the land of Sham. That is where people are gathered, namely in Baitul Maqdis and its surrounding areas. Not only is it a gathering place for people, but it is also the return of the Islamic religion in the end times, which is clearly visible. Ibn Hajar said: "It is revealed in the interpretation of Ibn Uyainah from Ibn 'Abbas, 'Whoever doubts that the Mahshar is here, namely Sham, then read the beginning of Surah Al-Hashr. The Prophet Muhammad at that time said to them, 'Get out!', 'Where to?' He answered, 'To the land where people gather'."

"Specialty of the Land of Syria"

As explained by Ustadz Ahmad Syahrin Thoriq, a graduate of Al-Azhar University in Egypt, here are some of the special features of the land of Sham that friends of Dream need to know:


1. The Blessed Land by Allah SWT

Syam is a blessed land by Allah SWT. It was even prayed for by the Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him) as mentioned in Surah Al-Anbiya verse 7: "And We saved Ibrahim and Luth to a land which We have blessed for all mankind." (QS. Al-Anbiya: 7)


2. Sheltered Under the Wings of Angel of Mercy

The translation of the text while preserving the HTML tags is as follows: "The uniqueness of Syam is a land that is sheltered by the wings of the angels of mercy. As explained in the following hadith: 'Goodness is in the land of Syam. We asked, 'Why, O Messenger of Allah?' He replied, 'Because the angels of mercy spread their wings over it.' (HR. Tirmidzi)"

Benarkah Palestina akan Menjadi Tempat Berkumpul Manusia saat Hari Kiamat Kelak? Begini Penjelasannya

3. Meeting Point and Starting Point

Syam will later become the place where they gather. This is explained in the following hadith: "You will be gathered there -his hand pointing to Syam- whether by walking, riding a vehicle, or even walking upside down (to below)..." (HR. Ahmad)


4. Islamic Fortress during the End Times

"In the end of time, the land of Syam will become a fortress during the war. 'In each banner, there are 12,000 warriors. The fortress of the Islamic community at that time is in the region called Ghouthah, around the city of Damascus (Syria).' (HR. Ahmad)"

Benarkah Palestina akan Menjadi Tempat Berkumpul Manusia saat Hari Kiamat Kelak? Begini Penjelasannya

5. Place of Dajjal's Death

The translation of the given 'Bahasa' text to 'English' while preserving any html tags is as follows: "Negeri Syam becomes the place where the death of Dajjal occurs. This has been explained in the hadith: "Al-Masih Dajjal will come from the east, he will head towards Madinah until he reaches behind Uhud, he will be greeted by angels, then the angels will divert his direction towards Syam, where he will be destroyed." (HR. Ahmad)"

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