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Potret PLTS Terapung Terbesar Se-Asia Tenggara di Cirata yang Diresmikan Jokowi<br>

The translation of the given 'Bahasa' text to 'English' while preserving any HTML tags is as follows: "Portrait of the Largest Floating Solar Power Plant in Southeast Asia at Cirata, Inaugurated by Jokowi"

Potret PLTS Terapung Terbesar Se-Asia Tenggara di Cirata yang Diresmikan Jokowi

"Dream - The Floating Solar PV Cirata Power Plant (PLTS) project was inaugurated by President Joko Widodo (Jokowi) on Thursday, November 9, 2023. The Floating Cirata PLTS project will be the largest floating PLTS in the Southeast Asia region."

"Largest in Southeast Asia"

Berkapasitas 192 megawatt peak (MWp) with an area of 200 hectares, this Cirata Solar Power Plant is built on the Cirata Reservoir located in three districts in West Java, namely Purwakarta, Cianjur, and West Bandung.

The translation of the given 'Bahasa' text to 'English' while preserving any html tags is as follows: "The development of this project is a form of global collaboration between PT PLN (Persero) through its subholding PLN Nusantara Power and a company from the United Arab Emirates (UAE), Masdar. The construction has been ongoing for approximately three years."

Potret PLTS Terapung Terbesar Se-Asia Tenggara di Cirata yang Diresmikan Jokowi

"Electricity Supplier Java Bali"

The President Director of PLN, Darmawan Prasodjo, stated that Floating Solar Power Plant (PLTS) Cirata is a National Strategic Project (PSN) that supplies clean energy to the electricity system in the Java Bali region. According to him, PLN has planned the construction of PLTS since 2021.


"PLTS Terapung Cirata becomes a showcase of global collaboration in achieving emission reduction in accelerating the energy transition towards Net Zero Emissions (NZE) by 2060."
quoted from, Thursday November 9, 2023.


The translation of "Kapasitas Masif" from Bahasa to English while preserving any html tags is: "Massive Capacity"

With massive capacity, the Floating Cirata Solar Power Plant is believed to help society obtain greener electricity supply. In addition, this project will also contribute to the addition of new renewable energy (EBT) as a manifestation of the country's commitment and concern for the environment and sustainability.

Consists of 13 Islands

Consists of 13 Islands

This PLTS consists of 13 islands with more than 340 thousand solar panels that can generate electricity to be distributed to over 50 thousand houses. Thousands of local workers and SMEs also participate in the development of this project.

Potret PLTS Terapung Terbesar Se-Asia Tenggara di Cirata yang Diresmikan Jokowi

Then, the tariff of Floating Solar Power Plant (PLTS) Cirata is very competitive and will increase self-reliance through the utilization of energy from local natural resources.

Not only that, this project will provide opportunities for the community who want to participate in the development of green energy both through Renewable Energy Certificate (REC) PLN and carbon trading.

Potret PLTS Terapung Terbesar Se-Asia Tenggara di Cirata yang Diresmikan Jokowi

"We have a shared mission to save the earth, but on the other hand, we also need to maintain economic growth, create job opportunities, and improve the welfare of society,"
tutur Darmawan.


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