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"Fallen Flower Song: Lyrics, Guitar Chords, Meaning, and Composer Figure"

Dream - In the moment of Heroes' Day on November 10th, "Gugur Bunga" is one of the national songs that portrays the sacrifice of the heroes. The lyrics of this song were written by Ismail Marzuki. The song Gugur Bunga was created to honor the heroes who have fallen during the revolution and the war to defend Indonesia's independence. In addition to Heroes' Day, this song is also often played during Pancasila's Day of Power to commemorate the Revolutionary Heroes. For those who want to sing the song "Gugur Bunga", below are the lyrics, as well as information about the meaning and profile of the creator.

Lyrics and Guitar Chords "Gugur Bunga"

Am F AmHow my heart will not be sadE Dm F EAfter my hero has fallenDm G CHow my heart will not be sadG F#m G EAs I am left aloneAm F AmWho is now the comforterE Dm F EWho is loyal and braveDm G CWho is now the hero of the heartG CDefender of the true nation


"G My hero has fallen G E AmI have fulfilled my promise G COne falls, a thousand grow G C EOur glorious homeland.. Am F AmMy flowers have fallen in the garden of devotion E Dm F Eon this beautiful day, Mother Earth Dm G CWafts the fragrant longing for essence G C EOur glorious homeland"

[Interlude]Am G C A Dm A DmDm Em F Em Am[Chorus]G CTelah gugur pahlawankuG E AmTunai sudah janji baktiG CGugur satu tumbuh seribuG CTanah air jaya sakti [Interlude]Am G C A Dm A DmDm Em F Em Am[Chorus]G CMy heroes have fallenG E AmTheir promise of loyalty has been fulfilledG COne falls, a thousand riseG COur homeland is victorious and mighty

The Meaning of the Song "Gugur Bunga"

The song "Gugur Bunga" holds a deep meaning about the services of the heroes. The term "gugur" in the song lyrics reflects the sacrifices of the fighters who lost their lives on the battlefield. The beginning of this song expresses sadness through the words, "How my heart will not be sad, my hero has fallen," which characterizes the grief of someone who has lost their beloved hero.

Not only for partners and families left behind by the fighters, this song also pays tribute. This message is reflected in the lyrics, "How my heart will not be sad, servant left alone." The meaning of the song "Gugur Bunga" has expanded over time. The respected heroes in this song not only refer to those involved in the struggle for independence, but also to those who fight for the progress and glory of the nation.

The text "Sosok Pencipta Lagu Gugur Bunga" translates to "The Figure of the Composer of the Song Gugur Bunga" in English.

The following is the translation of the 'Bahasa' text to 'English' while preserving any html tags: "The song Gugur Bunga is a song full of deep meaning. Listening to this song feels like we are invited to revisit the struggles of the fighters. There are many people who shed tears when listening to this song. As reported on the official website of the Ministry of Education and Culture, Ismail Marzuki, the composer of the song "Gugur Bunga", is a legendary composer in Indonesia. Ismail Marzuki was born on May 11, 1914, in Kampung Kwitang, Jakarta."

The musical talent of Ismail Marzuki was inherited from his father, Marzuki, who was a traditional Arab music artist. Several songs created between 1944 and 1948 depicted love for the homeland, the spirit of struggle, unity, nationalism, patriotism, and similar themes.

"Songs Composed by Ismail Marzuki"

Ismail Marzuki has created many songs that evoke nationalism and patriotism. Here are some compositions by Ismail Marzuki:Gugur Bunga (Fallen Flower)Indonesia Tanah Pusaka (Indonesia, Homeland of Ancestors)Gugur Bunga di Taman Bakti (Fallen Flower in the Garden of Devotion)Rayuan Pulau Kelapa (Enticement of Coconut Island)Karangan Bunga dari Selatan (Flower Arrangement from the South)Sunting Melati (Adorning the Jasmine)O SarinahSampai Jumpa Pula (Until We Meet Again)Halo-Halo Bandung (Hello, Hello Bandung)Gerbang Nirwana (Gateway to Nirvana)Saputangan dari Bandung Selatan (Handkerchief from South Bandung)Sepasang Mata Bola (A Pair of Soccer Eyes)Bandung Selatan di waktu Malam (South Bandung at Night)Selendang Sutera (Silk Shawl)

Lagu Gugur Bunga: Lirik, Chord Gitar, Makna dan Sosok Pencipta

That is the figure of the creator of the song "Gugur Bunga" complete with lyrics and its meaning. The song "Gugur Bunga" is suitable to be sung on Heroes' Day, November 10th. is available on WhatsApp Channel, follow to get the latest information at the link https:\/\/\/DreamcoidWAChannel.

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