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Ever Questioned the Reason Why Zionist Israel Has Not Been Destroyed by Allah SWT, Ustad Abdul Somad Reveals the Answer of a Scholar.

Ever Questioned the Reason Why Zionist Israel Has Not Been Destroyed by Allah SWT, Ustad Abdul Somad Reveals the Answer of a Scholar.

Ever Questioned the Reason Why Allah SWT Did Not Destroy the Zionist Israel, Ustad Abdul Somad Reveals the Answer of a Scholar

Dream - When hearing the term Zionist Israel, every Muslim's mind will be reminded of the centuries-old conflict that took place in Palestine. Among Muslims, Zionist Israel has colonized the land of Palestine after dominating almost half of the country.

After causing much damage and death, the question arises as to why Allah does not destroy the Zionist Israel? This question often arises in the minds of people around the world, especially Muslims, because Israel's military invasion of Palestinian territory has exceeded limits.

Ever Questioned the Reason Why Allah SWT Did Not Destroy the Zionist Israel, Ustad Abdul Somad Reveals the Answer of a Scholar

"Followers of Judaism"

It is important to know that the history of Israel has roots that began with the existence of the Jewish people since the time of Prophet Abraham and continued with Prophet Moses, peace be upon them. The formation of the state of Israel in 1948 was triggered by the Zionist movement, which declared itself as a Jewish state. Initially, the term Zionism referred to Jewish followers of Judaism who hoped for the arrival of the Messiah or the savior.

"The People who Anger Allah"

From the perspective of the Quran, the Jewish people are considered a group that has incurred the wrath of Allah due to their actions that deviate from His will and often cause destruction on earth. The term "Yahudi" is mentioned in the Quran 22 times, spread across nine Surahs. The term "Yahuud" describes individuals characterized by various negative qualities.


"Attached to Negative Traits"

It cannot be denied that throughout Islamic history, the Jewish people have often been involved in acts of destruction and even killing the Prophets sent by Allah. While in the present time, the Jewish people of Israel have emerged as a powerful nation and often rule over Palestine with their harshness. Many condemn Israel's actions as they are considered to have crossed boundaries and violated the principles of Human Rights.


"Allah Does Not Destroy Zionist Israel"

Why doesn't Allah destroy the Zionist Israel as Allah destroyed previous rebellious and corrupt nations? The answer can at least be obtained from the explanation of Ustad Abdul Somad, who also once asked a similar question to the Professor of Tafsir at Al-Azhar University, Egypt, Sheikh Prof Dr Muhammad.

Ever Questioned the Reason Why Allah SWT Did Not Destroy the Zionist Israel, Ustad Abdul Somad Reveals the Answer of a Scholar

"O Sheikh! The people of 'Ad were destroyed, the people of Thamud were destroyed, the people of Madyan were destroyed, Pharaoh was destroyed, why did Allah not destroy the people of Israel?" UAS asked the lecturer when he was still a student at Al-Azhar University."

"Extraordinary Answer"

The following 'Bahasa' text translated to 'English' while preserving any html tags: "The interpretation lecturer, Sheikh Muhammad Jibril, smiled while answering, "Oh my child! If Allah were to destroy the Israelite people, then what would be left for you? Allah intentionally left them as a field of jihad for us to help the religion of Allah.""

"Modern Jihad"

According to the statement of Ustad Abdul Somad, the jihad referred to is not about going to Palestine and joining the fight against the Jewish Israel. Instead, it is about studying diligently until one becomes knowledgeable and prosperous. Then, with both of these, the Muslim community can help their fellow brothers and sisters in Palestine.

Ever Questioned the Reason Why Allah SWT Did Not Destroy the Zionist Israel, Ustad Abdul Somad Reveals the Answer of a Scholar

"\u201cIt doesn't mean that by attending this event you will buy a ticket to Palestine! Study seriously first until you become a doctor, until you become a professor, and then with your money, your wealth, and your knowledge, you will help your brothers in Palestine,\u201d said UAS."

"Already stipulated in the Al-Quran"

Other answers can also be seen from the Quran, that in the end times, the Muslim community will fight against the Jews who cause such mischief. This situation is explained extensively in the Quran and the hadiths of the Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him). The situation of the Jews in the end times, approaching the Day of Judgment, is very concerning to the point that they will hide behind trees and rocks. However, the Muslim community will still be able to find them and eliminate them.

From Abu Hurairah, may Allah be pleased with him, the Prophet Muhammad peace be upon him said:
"The apocalypse will not occur until the Muslims fight the Jews, and the Muslims kill them until the Jews hide behind rocks and trees. The rocks or trees will say, 'O Muslim, O servant of Allah, there is a Jew behind me, come and kill him,' except for the Gharqad tree, as it is a Jewish tree."

"(HR. Muslim)" translates to "(HR. Muslim)" in English.

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