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Explanation of Nasdem's Leaders about the Land Rover Car that Transported Anies - Cak Imin to the KPU Has Not Paid Taxes.

Explanation of Nasdem's Leaders about the Land Rover Car that Transported Anies - Cak Imin to the KPU Has Not Paid Taxes.

Penjelasan Petinggi Nasdem Soal Mobil Land Rover yang Mengantar Anies - Cak Imin ke KPU Belum Bayar Pajak

Dream - The convoy action of the prospective presidential and vice presidential candidates (Presidential Candidate-Vice Presidential Candidate) Anies Baswedan and Muhaimin Iskandar (Cak Imin) when registering with the KPU successfully caught the public's attention. The Coalition for Change Candidates (Paslon) rode in a Land Rover car when registering with the KPU on Thursday, October 19, 2023.

Sempat Belum Bayar Pajak

"Sempat Belum Bayar Pajak" translates to "Have Not Yet Paid Taxes" in English.

The appearance of the old jeep car apparently sparked curiosity among netizens. There are rumors circulating that the car used to transport the AMIN couple has not yet paid the vehicle tax obligation. This was confirmed by the General Treasurer of the NasDem Party, Ahmad Sahroni, who admitted forgetting to pay the tax.

"So that's really forgetting to pay taxes,"
The following 'Bahasa' text translated to 'English' while preserving any HTML tags: "words Sahroni to journalists, Thursday, October 19, 2023 quoted from"


"Pay Taxes Directly"

After knowing the information, Sahroni immediately instructed his staff to pay the white Land Rover vehicle tax on the day the car was used. "But I immediately ordered my staff to pay the tax at that time," he said.

Penjelasan Petinggi Nasdem Soal Mobil Land Rover yang Mengantar Anies - Cak Imin ke KPU Belum Bayar Pajak

Vice Chairman of Commission III of the Indonesian House of Representatives (DPR RI) denied that they only paid because the information had already gone viral on social media. Sahroni affirmed that they had already paid their tax obligations at 10.42 AM. "We paid before it went viral. At 10.42 AM," he said.

Based on the search on the page, the police car with license plate B 8165 HH is a Land Rover brand with a Long 2.5 T type. The complete model is Jeep L.C. HDTP, fueled by gasoline with an engine capacity of 2200cc.

Penjelasan Petinggi Nasdem Soal Mobil Land Rover yang Mengantar Anies - Cak Imin ke KPU Belum Bayar Pajak
Penjelasan Petinggi Nasdem Soal Mobil Land Rover yang Mengantar Anies - Cak Imin ke KPU Belum Bayar Pajak

The following is the translation of the given 'Bahasa' text to 'English' while preserving any html tags: "The car is quite old because it was produced in 1967. The vehicle is still considered as one of the legendary 4x4 cars among automotive enthusiasts until now."

"Besides that, the Land Rover driven by the Treasurer General of the NasDem Party, Ahmad Sahroni, appeared to be white, matching the AMIN couple's attire. However, according to the Samsat page, it is stated that the original color of the car is blue."

Penjelasan Petinggi Nasdem Soal Mobil Land Rover yang Mengantar Anies - Cak Imin ke KPU Belum Bayar Pajak
Penjelasan Petinggi Nasdem Soal Mobil Land Rover yang Mengantar Anies - Cak Imin ke KPU Belum Bayar Pajak

It is suspected that the car has undergone restoration as it appears to be well-maintained. From the data, it is revealed that the vehicle tax for the Land Rover is still valid with an active vehicle registration until 2024.

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