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Kode Cawapres Prabowo dari Gerindra: Anak Muda, Stasiun Balapan dan Pengalaman di Pemerintah<br>

Vice Presidential Code of Prabowo from Gerindra: Youth, Railway Station, and Experience in Government

Kode Cawapres Prabowo dari Gerindra: Anak Muda, Stasiun Balapan dan Pengalaman di Pemerintah

Dream - Secretary General of the Gerindra Party, Ahmad Muzani, revealed the characteristics of Prabowo Subianto's vice presidential candidate in the 2024 Presidential Election through two verses of a pantun.


"Anak Muda" translates to "Young Generation" in English.

Through the first poem, Muzani suggests that Prabowo will collaborate with young people. He mentioned that Indonesia is a country rich in population with a very large number.

"Indonesia, a rich country with millions of people. We want Indonesia to be glorious, Prabowo and the young generation are the answer."
"ujar Muzani di Sriwijaya I, dilansir dari, Jumat 20 Oktober 2023." translates to: "Muzani said at Sriwijaya I, as reported by, Friday October 20, 2023."


Kode Cawapres Prabowo dari Gerindra: Anak Muda, Stasiun Balapan dan Pengalaman di Pemerintah

Then, in the second poem, Muzani hinted that Prabowo's running mate is an experienced figure in the government. Through that second poem, Muzani mentioned Stasiun Balapan, which is located in the heart of Solo, Central Java.

"Immediately Announced"

"In addition, he mentioned that Prabowo's vice presidential candidate will also be announced soon. 'Buy bananas while cycling, on the way back stop by Balapan Station. Vice Presidential candidate Prabowo will be announced soon, he is an experienced figure in the government,' he said. The narrative was immediately responded to by Golkar politician Nusron Wahid. 'Look, there is Balapan Solo Station as a clue,' said Nusron."

Kode Cawapres Prabowo dari Gerindra: Anak Muda, Stasiun Balapan dan Pengalaman di Pemerintah

Regarding the codes, Political Observer from Padjadjaran University, Kunto Adi Wibowo, assessed that Muzani's statement implies that Gibran will be Prabowo's running mate in the upcoming 2024 Presidential Election. "Because there is a Balapan Station, I estimate it to be Gibran," he said.

The translation of the text "Ketokohan Jokowi" from Bahasa to English while preserving any HTML tags is: "The leadership of Jokowi".

Kunto conveys that the Mayor of Solo has strength in Jokowi's leadership. In addition, according to him, Gibran can also bring in a voter base from Central Java (Jateng), especially Solo. However, he added that choosing the wrong vice president could potentially decrease Prabowo's electability in the future.


"If the vice presidential candidate gains a few votes, it is not decisive. However, choosing the wrong vice presidential candidate can decrease electability, not increase it.""
The translation of the word "tuturnya" from Bahasa to English is "he/she speaks".


Deny Vice Presidential Candidate

Deny Vice Presidential Candidate

"Previously, Gibran denied that he would run as Prabowo's vice presidential candidate. He claimed to be passive in politics. 'It has been since this afternoon. The nomination matter is the authority of the party leaders,' he said at the Solo City DPRD Office."

SKCK Erick Thohir

"Previously, the public was briefly misled by the circulation of Erick Thohir's SKCK (Certificate of Good Conduct) which was mentioned as a prerequisite for registering as vice presidential candidate. The news of Erick's SKCK circulation was briefly uploaded by Gibran on his social media account. However, the latest news mentioned that Gibran himself is the main candidate for Prabowo's vice presidential."


"MK Decision"

Gibran is said to be taking advantage of the Constitutional Court's decision regarding the requirements for presidential and vice presidential candidates, which allows him to run as Prabowo's running mate.

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