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"Facts of Plane Crash in BSD, Suspected Attempted Emergency Landing"

Facts of the Plane Crash in BSD, Allegedly Attempting an Emergency Landing

Dream - A Tecnam P2006T Type aircraft with registration number PK-IFP, owned by Indonesia Flying Club, crashed near Sunburst BSD field in South Tangerang (Tangsel). The incident occurred on Sunday, May 19, 2024, in the afternoon.

Kabid Humas Polda Metro Jaya Kombes Ade Ary stated that the aircraft took off from Pondok Cabe Airport at around 11:36 WIB. "Landing at Tanjung Lesung Salakan Negara Airport, the ground time for notification before take off from Tanjung Lesung is around 13:10 WIB," said Ade, as quoted from

"Three People Dead"

Three victims died in the incident of the plane crash at Sunburst BSD Field, Tangsel. After being evacuated, the three victims who passed away were immediately taken by ambulance to RS Kramat Jati. "All three victims who passed away were taken to RS Kramat Jati, Jakarta," said the Chief of Tangsel Police, AKBP Ibnu, at the scene of the incident.

Facts of the Plane Crash in BSD, Allegedly Attempting an Emergency Landing

"The three victims were aircraft crew members. They are Pulung Darmawan (39), Major (Ret) Suwanda, and Farid, an aircraft technician."

"Victim's condition"

Head of the Polri Kramat Jati Hospital (Karumkit) RS Polri Kramat Jati, Brigadier General Pol Hariyanto revealed that the condition of the three victims' bodies of the plane crash did not show any burns. "There are no burn injuries, only severe impact injuries. It can be imagined that they fell and collided," said Hariyanto at RS Polri Kramat Jati, East Jakarta, on Sunday evening.


Although there are no burn wounds, Hariyanto revealed that the impact injuries suffered by the victims are quite serious. "(The condition) is not intact, but not burned," he said. This one-star General of the Indonesian National Police conveyed that they have not performed an autopsy yet as they are still waiting for approval from the families. "The identification process has already begun, so only external examination is being conducted. While waiting for the family's approval for either an autopsy or internal examination, it is coordination between the investigators and the family that we are waiting for," said Hariyanto.

Suspected Attempting to Make an Emergency Landing

Meanwhile, the National Transportation Safety Committee (KNKT) suspects that the plane, which crashed, was attempting to make an emergency landing on the field. However, the plane hit trees in the vicinity, resulting in an accident.


"Kita mempelajari kenapa pilot mengarahkan pesawat ke lapangan ini. Di sini kita lihat pilot mungkin hendak mendarat darurat, karena memang di situ lapangan, cuma masalahnya dia terkena pohon duluan," ungkap Kepala KNKT, Soerjanto Tjahjono dikutip dari, Senin, 20 Mei 2024."

Facts of the Plane Crash in BSD, Allegedly Attempting an Emergency Landing

He said, if the plane had not hit the tree first and made an emergency landing in the field, it is highly likely that all three crew members would have survived. Before the accident occurred, there was a possibility that the plane was flying low until it finally hit the trees. "If it had been flying high, it wouldn't have hit the tree. But, I don't know why it was flying low," he said.

"The cause is still under investigation"

Meanwhile, the KNKT is still investigating further into the cause of the training aircraft accident. This includes the scattered wreckage from the plane crash, causing the pilot to be thrown out of the aircraft.

Facts of the Plane Crash in BSD, Allegedly Attempting an Emergency Landing

"We note that there is a machine that fell over there, there are propellers that fell over here. We record all the positions. Later from the position of the fall, we will try to understand the aircraft's attitude just before it crashed into the tree," he said."

"Including conversations between the pilot and the control tower, as well as news of a danger notification from the pilot to the control tower before the plane crashed. 'Including conversations with the control tower, we will listen to what they are talking about,' he said."

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