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Mandi Puasa Ramadhan: Bagaimana Hukum, Bacaan Niat dan Tata Caranya?

Fasting during Ramadan: What is the Law, Recitation of Intention, and How to Do it?

Fasting Bath in Ramadan: What is the Law, Intention Reading and Procedure?

Dream - Fasting during Ramadan is a popular practice among Muslims. However, what is the ruling on performing the ablution for fasting during Ramadan, and what is the proper way to recite the intention and perform it?

Fasting during the month of Ramadan, which is often practiced by the Muslim community, is a recommended sunnah bath that is usually performed every night of Ramadan. Actually, there is no obligatory bath practice specifically done during the month of Ramadan or leading up to Ramadan.

Fasting Bath in Ramadan: What is the Law, Intention Reading and Procedure?

Because, obligatory bathing only applies to Muslims who are in a state of major impurity and intend to perform worship. Such as being in a state of junub, after menstruation, wet dreams, which require bathing as a condition of purification before performing prayers, fasting, and other worship. This also includes when a person is in a state of junub at night, then has not had the opportunity to perform obligatory bathing until the time of imsak (pre-dawn meal before fasting), then their fasting during the day remains valid as long as they hasten to perform obligatory bathing.

In the book al-Mausu'atul Fiqhiyyah, it is explained: "A person who has a state of major impurity (junub), is allowed to observe fasting even if they have not had a chance to perform a ritual bath until the morning of fasting. Siti 'Aisyah and Ummu Salamah once said, 'We saw Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him) in the morning still in a state of major impurity that was not caused by a wet dream, then he performed a ritual bath and continued to observe fasting.'"

Quoting from the NU Online website, bathing during Ramadan is recommended as explained in the book Hasyiyah al-Bajuri by Sheikh Ibrahim al-Bajuri. "And the remaining recommended baths have been mentioned in lengthy books discussing the matter. Among them is cleaning the body because one intends to enter the city of Madinah,... and every night in the month of Ramadan. Imam al-Adzra'i only limits it to those who intend to attend congregational prayers, while according to the strong opinion, there is no restriction in that matter."

Based on the information in the book above, Syekh Ibrahim Al-Baijuri explains a lot about the recommended bathing rituals. Such as the recommended bath every night during Ramadan, the recommended bath before Friday prayer, the recommended bath before 'Eid prayer, the recommended bath for those who wash the deceased, the recommended bath for eclipse prayer, and other recommended baths.

Fasting Bath in Ramadan: What is the Law, Intention Reading and Procedure?

Meanwhile, regarding the sunnah bath every night of Ramadan, there are differences of opinion. Based on the explanation of Imam Al-Adzra'i, the night bath in Ramadan is only applicable to those who intend to perform Friday prayer during the day. However, the stronger opinion applies to every night, not limited to Friday night only.

Fasting Bath in Ramadan: What is the Law, Intention Reading and Procedure?

"Intention to Perform Nighttime Ramadan Ritual Bath"

Nawaitu adâ'al ghuslil masnûni lî fî hadzihil lailatil min romadh lillâhi ta'âlâ. Translation: I intend to perform the recommended bath for me on this night in the month of Ramadan for the sake of Allah Ta'ala.

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