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Iring-iringan Jenazah Lukas Enembe Ricuh, Wajah Pj Gubernur Papua Berdarah Kena Lemparan Batu

The translation of the given text is: "Lukas Enembe's Funeral Procession Turns Chaotic, Acting Governor of Papua's Face Bleeds from Stone Throwing."

Dream - Acting Governor of Papua, Muhammad Ridwan Rumasukun, is reportedly injured, allegedly due to being hit by a stone during the funeral procession of former Governor of Papua, Lukas Enembe, in Sentani, Jayapura, Papua, on Thursday, December 28, 2023. The funeral procession itself was reported to be chaotic due to the large number of supporters of the former governor who convoyed on the city streets of Papua.

Funeral Procession of Lukas Enembe Turns Violent, Acting Governor of Papua Injured by Stone Throw

In the circulating photo, Ridwan's face is seen bleeding due to an injury on the left side of his face. A white bandage covers the upper left eyebrow of the governor.

Until now there has been no official statement from the Government of Papua Province, nor from the security forces, regarding the incident. Previously, thousands of students and the public carried the coffin of Lukas Enembe after leaving the VIP room of Sentani Airport, on Thursday, December 28, 2023 morning.

Funeral Procession of Lukas Enembe Turns Violent, Acting Governor of Papua Injured by Stone Throw

The translation of the given text from 'Bahasa' to 'English' while preserving any HTML tags is: "The body of Lukas Enembe was briefly prayed for in the VIP room after the coffin arrived at Sentani Airport and was taken down from the plane."

After the prayer ceremony, the coffin was then lifted into the funeral car to be taken to STAKIN Sentani, the first burial place. However, not long after, the funeral car carrying the coffin of Lukas Enembe was stopped by thousands of students and people who had been waiting outside the VIP gate of Sentani Airport.

"Peti Dikeluarkan dari Mobil Jenazah" translates to "Casket Removed from the Hearse" in English.

The following is the translation of the provided 'Bahasa' text to 'English' while preserving any HTML tags: "Coffin of Lukas Enembe was immediately taken out from the hearse and paraded along the highway from Sentani Airport to STAKIN Sentani, Jayapura Regency, Papua."


Arrived in Papua

As information, the body of Lukas Enembe arrived at Sentani Airport around 09.00 in the morning using Garuda Indonesia Boeing 737-8U3 aircraft.

The body of the former two-term Governor of Papua was picked up and buried in Koya Tengah, as stated in the invitation letter issued by the Provincial Government of Papua through the Regional Secretariat on Thursday, December 28, 2023. Several local officials (Forkopimda of Papua Province) as well as church leaders directly received the arrival of the body in the VIP room of Sentani Airport.

Funeral Procession of Lukas Enembe Turns Violent, Acting Governor of Papua Injured by Stone Throw

"Next, the body of Lukas Enembe was laid on a table wrapped in a white cloth, also a small table for placing the late's photo frame."

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