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Viral Konsep Kosan Nyeleneh di Jaksel Bikin Pusing, Ada Lima Tangga Padahal Cuma Tiga Lantai

Viral Unique Boarding House Concept in South Jakarta Confusing, There Are Five Stairs Even Though There Are Only Three Floors

Dream - Everyone must have their own dream home design. Some choose a simple house concept, but there are also many who choose a unique house concept. Unique house designs usually confuse someone who sees it for the first time. Like the design of a boarding house building in South Jakarta which recently went viral on social media.

Viral Konsep Kosan Nyeleneh di Jaksel Bikin Pusing, Ada Lima Tangga Padahal Cuma Tiga Lantai

A netizen shared the atmosphere of a unique concept boarding house through a video on the TikTok account @hanifahftrn. The woman named Hanifah showed the boarding house where her friend lives.

According to Hanifah, the design of this boarding house building is unique and confusing at the same time. How come? The boarding house has three floors but there are five staircases inside. "Does this kind of boarding house make you confused or unique?" Hanifah wrote in her video. In the post, Hanifah said that she was visiting her friend's boarding house on the third floor. Hanifah also shared the way to get to her friend's room.

"Hi guys, so today I'm going to hang out at my friend's boarding house. And my friend's boarding house is on the third floor. Now, this is how to enter the boarding house,"
"ungkapnya" translates to "he/she expressed" in English.


The translation of the text

The translation of the text "Tangga Pertama" from Bahasa to English while preserving any HTML tags is: "First Stairs".

Initially, he showed the first stairs that looked normal. Then Hanifah started climbing the stairs towards her friend's room.

The translation of the text

The translation of the text "Tangga Kedua" from Bahasa to English while preserving any HTML tags is: "Second Staircase".

However, when you have reached the second floor, there is a mini staircase with two steps on its right side made of iron.

Viral Konsep Kosan Nyeleneh di Jaksel Bikin Pusing, Ada Lima Tangga Padahal Cuma Tiga Lantai

"Then suddenly I was surprised to see a mini staircase, even though it's only two steps. Okay, let's just go up, guys," said Hanifah. Without thinking too much, Hanifah climbed the mini staircase and walked straight ahead until she reached the end."

Tangga Ketiga

"Third Floor"

After reaching a dead end, Hanifah turned left and found another set of stairs with three steps that led to another room.

Tangga Keempat

"The Fourth Staircase"

Hanifah walked into a larger room with a staircase right in front of her again. This time, the staircase is longer and has many steps.

"Fifth Floor"

Hanifah, who thought that the fourth step was the last step, turned out to be wrong. When she climbed the stairs, there was another step on her right leading upwards. "I thought it was finished, but there is still another step, even though it's small (the fifth step)," she concluded. "Alhamdulillah, I finally reached the third floor, grateful that I didn't get lost. This boarding house is in South Jakarta, close to the MRT. Does anyone know the name of the boarding house?" she said again.

Viral Konsep Kosan Nyeleneh di Jaksel Bikin Pusing, Ada Lima Tangga Padahal Cuma Tiga Lantai

Video with a short duration has become viral and has received 2.9 million views. Many netizens guessed that the boarding house was built gradually according to the owner's budget. "Is this building its rooms one by one or what," wrote the account @Dindaaa🌒. "It seems like the building is growing like that 😂 so it's built gradually 😅 but in an irregular manner 😂," wrote the account @Jang bujang... "I'm also confused, who designed this 😭. It must be very confusing," wrote the account @Abid. Report: Halwa Nadiyah Rosadi

@hanifahftrn jadi iseng mikir waktu itu temen gue pindahannya gimana yah? Kosannya daerah Jaksel deket MRT ada yang tau nama kosannya? #fyp #kosan #kosancheck ♬ suara asli - HANIFAH FITRIANI RENGGEYAN
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