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The translation of the given 'Bahasa' text to 'English' while preserving any HTML tags is as follows: "Detention Facts of National Team Spokesperson AMIN Indra Charismiadji"

Fakta-Fakta Penahanan Jubir Timnas AMIN Indra Charismiadji

Dream - Spokesperson for the Winning National Team AMIN, Indra Charismiadji, detained, Wednesday, December 27, 2023. Indra Charismiadji is accused of tax evasion in a company.

The Head of the Legal Team of the AMIN Winning National Team, Ari Yusuf Amir, has confirmed the detention. "Detained in the East Jakarta Prosecutor's Office," said Ari Yusuf Amir.

The national team AMIN is preparing legal representation for Indra in facing this case. He hopes that this case will be handled fairly. "We hope that this legal process can proceed fairly and transparently," said Ari.

Fakta-Fakta Penahanan Jubir Timnas AMIN Indra Charismiadji

"However, Ari admitted to being puzzled as to why the case being handled by the Directorate of Taxation of the Ministry of Finance was suddenly transferred to the Prosecutor's Office. He hopes that there are no political elements involved in handling this case."

"Because if it's a legal matter, please go ahead, let the public judge. Let the law determine the court, but our hope is that there is no politicization in this case," said Ari. AMIN Legal Team, Aziz Yanuar, said that Indra was detained while the case was still being discussed with the Directorate General of Taxes. However, the case was suddenly transferred to the prosecutor's office."

"Beliau tidak ditangkap. Tapi ditahan ketika serah terima berkas dari tim penyidik Direktorat Penegakan Hukum Kantor Pusat Direktorat Jenderal Pajak (DJP) ke kejaksaan ketika tahap 2," kata Aziz. Menurut Aziz, caleg DPR dari Partai NasDem itu saat ini ditahan di Rutan Cipinang, Jakarta Timur." Translation: "He was not arrested. But detained during the handover of documents from the investigation team of the Law Enforcement Directorate of the Central Office of the Directorate General of Taxation (DJP) to the prosecutor during phase 2," said Aziz. According to Aziz, the DPR candidate from the NasDem Party is currently being held at the Cipinang Detention Center, East Jakarta."

Meanwhile, the East Jakarta State Prosecutor's Office confirms that Indra has not been arrested. The Prosecutor's Office is detaining Indra on the grounds that the second stage of transfer has already been conducted, so Indra's case will soon be brought to trial. "We have received the second stage transfer, we have received the handover from the High Prosecutor's Office for the second stage. We are currently preparing the press release," said the Head of the East Jakarta State Prosecutor's Office, Imran.

Fakta-Fakta Penahanan Jubir Timnas AMIN Indra Charismiadji

Although, Indra has not commented further on the legal case that has entangled him. What is clear is that Imran has emphasized that there have been no arrests made against Indra.

Fakta-Fakta Penahanan Jubir Timnas AMIN Indra Charismiadji

"Enggak ada penangkapan. Nanti kita lagi buat press rilis," tambah Imran. Translation: "There is no arrest. Later we will make a press release," added Imran.

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