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The story of the Son of the School Gravekeeper at SMK Gratis Ganjar Pranowo, Now Accepted to Study at UI.

The story of the Son of the School Gravekeeper at SMK Gratis Ganjar Pranowo, Now Accepted to Study at UI.

Dream - Ganjar Pranowo will realize the Free Vocational High School program in every regency/city for the poor if elected in the 2024 Presidential Election. The presidential candidate (number 3) emphasizes his commitment to help the poor community to obtain quality education through the Free Vocational High School program, which provides direct employment opportunities for poor families in the homeland.

Kisah Putra Penjaga Makam Sekolah di SMK Gratis Ganjar Pranowo, Kini Diterima Kuliah di UI

Ganjar delivered that promise when launching the free vocational school program with immediate job placement in Lapangan Pule, Wonogiri, Central Java, on Friday, December 29, 2023.

According to Ganjar, vocational school programs can realize a nation's children who can help improve the living standards of their families. Moreover, this has been proven when he was still the Governor of Central Java. "So if the government conducts a survey in their families, their families will no longer be categorized as poor, because of education. Therefore, by saying Bismillahirrahmanirrahim like the previous speaker, we hope to organize free vocational schools throughout Indonesia for poor families," said Ganjar.

Former Central Java governor hopes that the program becomes an effort for Indonesia to advance further and reduce poverty rates. "Hopefully, this becomes a joint effort so that your children in Indonesia can advance further and poor families can live better lives, leaving poverty behind because there are free vocational schools and immediate job opportunities," expressed Ganjar.

Turiman, a cemetery keeper in Wonogiri, admitted to being very happy when his son, Sevolana Bondan Sirait, was able to graduate as the top graduate of the free vocational high school program in Central Java.

Kisah Putra Penjaga Makam Sekolah di SMK Gratis Ganjar Pranowo, Kini Diterima Kuliah di UI

For Turiman, the free vocational high school program for the poor community is very helpful for his family. His child no longer needs to pay for education fees, uniforms, meals, and even dormitory, because everything is provided for free. "The school is free, everything is free. Uniforms, shoes, stationery, meals, and even the dormitory are all free. If it weren't for SMKN Jawa Tengah, maybe my child would only be a junior high school graduate," said Turiman after attending his child's graduation.

Kisah Putra Penjaga Makam Sekolah di SMK Gratis Ganjar Pranowo, Kini Diterima Kuliah di UI

The happiness increased when her son became the best graduate and received an educational scholarship at the Faculty of Social and Political Sciences, University of Indonesia (UI).

"I can't say anything. I am happy and proud," he said. Alumni of SMK N Jateng, Dhimas Taufiq, is also happy with the free SMK program. During his studies, he didn't have to pay any school fees and now he has become a member of Brimob Polri. "What major did you take in SMK?" asked Ganjar. "Industrial Automation Engineering," Dhimas answered. "Why did you choose to become a Brimob?" Ganjar asked again.

"In the past, since kindergarten, I wanted to become a soldier, but because there was a police registration first, I chose to register as a police officer first," said Dhimas. "Turns out I got accepted into the police," added Ganjar. A feeling of gratitude, emotion, and pride was also shown by Mbah Sadiyem, a resident of Boyolali, when Ganjar held the Free Vocational School program."

Kisah Putra Penjaga Makam Sekolah di SMK Gratis Ganjar Pranowo, Kini Diterima Kuliah di UI

"Not without reason, Sadiyem has to support her grandchildren on a daily basis. One of them is Obid (14), the third grandchild who always asks for school."

However, the desire was hindered by the cost because Sadiyem's income as a farmer was not sufficient. Meanwhile, the child's grandparents are no longer alive and have long been orphaned. "I am very happy, alhamdulillah, that my grandchild can go to school. He has been asking to go to school for a long time, but I have already had difficulty in funding junior high school," said Mbah Sadiyem.

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